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以下轉貼Hugh WhiteRory Medcalf兩位教授就中、美關係未來發展及美國策略的論辯。過去本市已發表/轉貼過多篇關於此議題的論述;請見以下所附索引。















淺評中、美關係 -- 詮釋專家的意見






中美關係持續穩定 - 白樂琦



暗潮洶湧的中、美關係 -- M. Calabresi



中、美關係的實際與外交詞令 -- B. Feller



解讀中美關係現狀未來 - 羅蘭提供



朱成虎:中美共治是忽悠中國 -- 中時記者 亓樂義



中國自認老二:美國還是老大 ---- 中央社



帝國主義亡我之心從未死過 - niya511



還有這篇:中國應幫助美國稱霸 - lukacs



全球經濟的中美共治時代 已經來臨? -- 徐麗玲






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合則兩利的美國對華政策 ---- D. Gross


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How U.S. Can Profit from China's Transition


Donald Gross, 11/20/12


China's current political transition offers Washington a window of opportunity to improve relations with Beijing. Rather than risk a continuing downward spiral in the critical U.S.-China relationship, President Barack Obama must move quickly in his second term in order to take advantage of this opportunity.


At last week's 18th Party Congress, Beijing began a once-in-a-decade leadership transition. The country's new leaders -- including President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang -- know first hand some of the worst excesses of China's Communist Party. They were victims of Mao's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, when an entire generation of young people - many from prominent families - were "sent down" to rural areas for years to perform backbreaking manual labor.


Having experienced and survived widespread human rights abuses that occurred between 1966 and 1976, the year of Mao's death, China's new leaders will be more receptive to calls for political reform from the country's middle class and liberal intellectuals, who are highly critical of increasing corruption and cronyism within the Communist Party.


Pressure from the middle class is driving a push for political reform, while, at the same time, China's leaders are dealing with daunting challenges arising from rapid economic development - among them, glaring social inequality, inflation, frequent "mass incidents," social unrest and environmental degradation.


China's new leaders will welcome overtures from the United States, along with any U.S. policies that aim to assist the country in meeting the challenges it faces. But harsh American trade measures or increased U.S. military pressure will likely be met with a tough response, as the new leaders seek to prove their mettle and their ability to defend China's national interests.


Beijing's political transition comes at a time when the United States stands at a crossroads in U.S-China relations. We urgently need a national debate to rethink U.S. China policy and prevent doing permanent damage to American interests in Asia.


Increased tensions with China could hold a number of dire consequences. They could lead to a serious military conflict over Taiwan's political status, over whether Japan or China holds sovereignty to a group of uninhabitable islands in the East China Sea or over the ownership of small islands and energy resources in the South China Sea. In a worst case scenario, those conflicts could escalate, by accident or design, to a nuclear exchange.


It is essential to remember that China's rise strengthens America's economy and future prosperity. Trade with China -- America's third-largest export market -- as aided America's recovery during the global financial crisis.


Between 2000 and 2011, U.S. exports to China increased by about 640 percent, going from $16 billion to $104 billion. China is the largest growth market in the world for U.S. exports, and it supports thousands of high-quality American jobs.


The best way to overcome the "China threat" and advance U.S. interests in the region is by achieving a stable peace with China through the resolution of outstanding security and economic conflicts between the two countries. This would enable the U.S. to deal decisively with the very legitimate concerns many Americans have over China's commercial practices, including infringement of intellectual property rights, undervalued currency and protectionist measures that favor domestic industries.


Through a new policy approach, we can ensure China is a future partner and not a threat to American interests. This new policy would:


• Significantly reduce China's current and potential military threat to Taiwan, thus securing Taiwan's democracy;
• Achieve a pull-back of Chinese forces from a defined coastal security zone surrounding Japan;
• Have China submit its maritime disputes in the South and East China seas to an independent international judicial body;
• Increase security cooperation with China on both regional and global issues;
• Substantially increase China's military transparency, especially in the development of new weapons systems;
• Facilitate new bilateral and regional free trade agreements that will unleash unprecedented levels of international trade and investment, generating hundreds of thousands of new American jobs;
• Greatly strengthen the advocates of human rights and democracy in China by depriving security forces of their "most dependable weapon," in the view of former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky: an external security threat from the United States which is now used to legitimize internal political repression.


In his second term, President Obama should seize the opportunity created by the emergence of China's new leadership to stabilize U.S.-China relations -- by pursuing a diplomatic strategy that minimizes conflict, emphasizes peaceful coexistence and significantly expands trade and investment between the two countries.


Donald Gross is a former White House and State Department official, whose new book, The China Fallacy: How the U.S. Can Benefit from China's Rise and Avoid Another Cold War, was published by Bloomsbury on October 25. Visit www.donaldgross.net.



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J. A. Bosco先生的觀點十足表現出「美國中心論」者的思考模式,或者說:「只許美國放火;不許他國點燈」的虛妄意識。

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中、美關係的五個癥結議題 -- J. A. Bosco



Five tough truths about US-China relations


The more American and Chinese officials proclaim their innocent intentions toward each other, the deeper the level of mistrust they generate. China watchers worry about strategic miscalculation by one side or the other.


Understatement, subtlety, and nuance are the hallmarks of diplomacy and are Washington’s preferred tools for avoiding confrontation with China. But when professions of benign intent don't reflect actions and policies, the parties can actually increase mutual suspicion.


Official candor on five key truths about US-China relations will likely contribute to a more mature bilateral relationship and could help halt a potential slide to conflict.


Joseph A. Bosco, July 12, 2012


1.     China is trying to supplant the US as the leading military and political power in Asia.


Beijing’s first regional interest is Taiwan, which it claims as part of China. Control of the island would extend Beijing’s reach an additional hundred miles into the Pacific and the South China Sea. In 1942, Japan used Taiwan to launch its invasion of the Philippines – where China is now aggressively pursuing territorial claims.


For 60 years, America has blocked China from seizing Taiwan, first when it was a dictatorship and now as a flourishing democracy. But when asked directly by Chinese officials in 1995, Washington said it no longer knows whether it will defend Taiwan. It has repeated that “strategic ambiguity” mantra ever since.


OPINION: 3 reasons why China isn't overtaking the US


Beijing’s response has been less nuanced: It has acquired the naval, air, and cyber arsenal needed to attack Taiwan. To deter American involvement, it has developed area denial and anti-access weapons like attack submarines and the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missiles. Chinese generals have added nuclear threats against US cities in a Taiwan conflict.


Similarly, Beijing has claimed the South China Sea – which, since World War II, the US Navy has kept open to global commerce, including China’s – as a “core interest” like Taiwan and Tibet. When Beijing employs bullying tactics against countries with competing claims, it warns Washington not to interfere in China’s affairs. The United States takes no position on the merits of the claims as long as they are settled peacefully, and it has pledged to ensure freedom of navigation in the area.


China also vehemently protests America’s Asian bases and military exercises as further evidence of Washington’s strategic “encirclement” of China, rather than a natural reaction to its own increasingly assertive actions. Clearly, China wants the US out of the way as it seeks to work its will in Asia.


2.     The United States is trying to contain China’s military rise.


Since Nixon went to China, America and the West have been working to expand China’s economic rise and to integrate it diplomatically and politically into the international system. That part of the engagement policy has worked, to China’s great advantage and the benefit of millions of Chinese.


Even in the security realm, Washington had been willing to give China the benefit of the doubt during its dramatic military buildup. Putting the best face on it, US policymakers acknowledge that economic power usually leads to military power, if for no other reasons than the accrual of international prestige and the defense of expanding economic interests.


THE MONITOR'S VIEW: Can Obama cut the military in the face of a rising China?


But that tolerant view ignores three facts:


1) China faces no external threat requiring its huge military investment,

2) the US Navy has protected China’s commercial interests along with everyone else’s by keeping the world’s sea lanes open, and

3) China hardly needs weapons systems like long-range ballistic missiles just to ward off Somali pirates.


When China decided to accompany its military build-up with threatening rhetoric and actions against the interests of the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asian countries, alarm bells finally went off in Washington and the region. Chinese actions are starting to evoke unpleasant memories of Japan’s rise in the 1930s.


The bottom line is that Washington is committed to deterring an aggressive, expansionist China and is expanding its regional security ties for that purpose. When Beijing warns its neighbors to remember, “you are small and we are big,” it practically invites big friends of those small countries to undertake some serious containment.


3. China and the US don’t share the same concerns about North Korea’s nuclear program.


Ever since it was clear that Pyongyang was pursuing a nuclear weapons program, US officials and Asia experts have assured the world that Beijing was every bit as worried as the rest of us – indeed, that proximity to its volatile ally gave it even more cause for concern.


Those assurances glossed over the fact that Chinese nuclear technology was the starting point for the North Korean program, both directly and through the proliferation network of Pakistan’s A.Q. Khan, who originally got it from China. They also ignored Beijing’s overwhelming leverage over Pyongyang given the latter’s dependence on Chinese food and fuel.


Western equanimity regarding Chinese intentions prevailed despite almost two decades of Beijing’s UN Security Council obstructionism, which shielded North Korea from serious international sanctions.


OPINION: Do we really want China to be a responsible stakeholder in global affairs?


Moreover, Chinese officials never expressed any of the concerns attributed to them by Western officials and scholars. Instead, they talked blandly of “peaceful resolution” and “the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,” meaning elimination of a US nuclear deterrent against renewed North Korean aggression.


Still, Western governments accepted Beijing’s assurance of cooperation and made it the key player in the six-party talks devoted to reining in the North Korean nuclear program. China’s elevated status as a putative responsible stakeholder brought not only world prestige but also great leverage over Washington in negotiations on a range of other internal and international issues. American officials were reluctant to press China on human rights, Taiwan, or trade because “we need them on North Korea.”


Meanwhile, the Pyongyang problem has been a major distraction for US diplomacy and strategic planning, a result not unwelcome in Beijing. As befits longtime allies, China and North Korea, despite occasional frictions, work together to serve their own and each other’s interests, not those of the international community.


4. Economic reform will not lead inexorably to political reform.


For 30 years, China’s communist leadership has succeeded in largely disproving the liberal Western faith that decentralizing control over the economy would necessarily foster political reform. Taiwan, South Korea, and others have shown that when prosperity builds a middle class and technology provides access to global information, the people will inevitably demand their civil and human rights.


But Beijing offers a different, non-democratic, development model for Asia, Africa, and even South America: Discarding most Marxist theory and practice, it retains its Leninist system of governance. Beijing is betting that relative prosperity will keep its populace satisfied and stable and will substitute for the political legitimacy lacking in one-party rule. It also hedges its bet by periodically stirring up Chinese nationalism against perceived threats from outside powers led by the US.


5. Washington wants to change China's government.


Taiwan and South Korea made the transition from authoritarianism to democracy because their American protector maintained the pressure for political reform. China has been able to defy modern history because the West, without the same leverage over Beijing, has refrained from holding it accountable for its lack of political progress.


The shock of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre has long faded, and the broken promises of democratic progress that were prerequisites to awarding Beijing the 2008 Olympics are forgotten. While Western countries sporadically decry China’s terrible human rights record, they never allow the criticism to interfere with business as usual.


OPINION: Six reasons to keep America as No. 1 superpower


But Western reticence does not mean the ultimate, unstated, goal of a democratic China has disappeared. Washington’s appeals for Beijing to move toward the rule of law, religious liberty, and freedom of expression are inherently subversive for one-party dictatorship. A Chinese government that makes those changes could no longer be called communist. America has more in common with the aspirations of the Chinese people than it does with the interests of China’s present rulers. Beijing understands, and resents, that fact.


Joseph A. Bosco served in the office of the secretary of Defense as China country desk officer and previously taught graduate seminars on China-US relations at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. He now writes on national security issues.


·          8 reasons America is not in decline

·          3 reasons why China isn't overtaking the US



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二戰以來中美關係紀要 - Allen


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美國在後冷戰時代本可以減少對外干涉,促進多元的國際合作關係;但相反的,美國卻一味以「獨斷主義」(unilateralism),全力鞏固美國的霸權(hegemony)。美國更新的戰略是以「片面保證毀滅」(unilaternally assured destruction)來代替「互相保證毀滅」(mutually assured destruction)。換言之,今後我們生存的國際社會,只有美國可以核子武器攻擊或毀滅其他國家,其他國家均不能對抗或威脅美國。不過,九一一事件證明美國這種想法是不切實際的。美國如不能以平等對待其他國家,如不能公正的處理國際爭端,消除種族仇恨,美國的安全是無法確保的。


美國重返東亞的全球策略,在東北亞以聯盟日本鞏固第一島鏈為主,在南亞則以加強越南和菲律賓軍事合作來攪混南海海域。有鑑於此,回顧二次世界大戰以來的中美關係之波折起伏,或許可以讓我們窺見其中之奧秘,並設法致力於中美關係的改善,對世界和平做出一點努力(以下紀要除一些網站搜索整理得來之外,還包括俞力工、關中等先生所提供的資料)- Allen








在中共政權成立之後(1949/10/1)到韓戰爆之前(1950/6/25),美國的政策是放棄台灣,準備承認中共的。1949/10/26 - 27日國務卿艾其遜主持的內部會議決定放棄國民政府,並取消軍援。1223日國務院對駐外單位指示,強調台灣從歷史上,地理上都是中國的一部份,並舉開羅宣言和波茨坦公告,說明台灣歸還中國的經過,還特別指出台灣被中共佔領也不會構成對美國的傷害。195015日,杜魯門公開聲明不干涉中國的內戰。112日艾其遜在演講中,把台灣排除在美國西太平洋防線之外。




對日戰爭勝利後,韓戰爆發,美國開始炮製台灣由美國或聯合國託管之計畫,由於當時美國正占領日本,日本形同附庸,於是有了1951年美國主導,日本附和,特定49國背書,但中國卻未參加的所謂「美日舊金山和約」。《舊金山和約》,只規定日本放棄台灣及澎湖列島,但卻刻意廻避對台、澎的歸屬作出任何處置,意圖將台灣永遠從中國分裂出去。「美日舊金山和約」在國際行為上是炮製出來的「假條約」,它完全不具正當性,甚至炮製的主要策畫人,當時美國助理國務卿魯斯克(Dean Rusk)後來在回憶錄裡都自承:「這些程序規則是蠻橫的,想起我自己在這些會議策略中所扮演的角色,使我臉紅!」。它是強權自認的超法律行為,這種炮製行為在美國外交史屢見不鮮,「台灣地位未定論」不過是一例而已。




















1960年代,美國已接受中共「存在」的事實,並企圖以「兩個中國」或「一中一台」來試圖與中共建立關係。由於嗣後美國大力介入越戰,中共與蘇聯的爭執愈演愈烈,以及中共內部之「文化大革命」,一時阻止了美國和中共關係的改善。19697月尼克森在關島提出「尼克森主義」,美國急欲脫身越戰,但美國認為如不能與中共「和解」,此一目標將無法達成,所以美國決心進行與中國關係正常化;一方面,訓令美國駐波蘭大使史托賽爾(Walter Stoessel),以減少在台灣軍力為餌,與中共重啟大使級談判。另一方面,片面宣布一系列對中共示好的措施,如放寬對中共貿易、旅遊的限制,結束第七艦隊在台灣海峽長達19年的巡邏任務。此外,並透過法國、巴基斯坦、和羅馬尼亞等國,向中共轉達改善關係的意圖。


























1.     繼續對台出售武器;

2.     維持對台灣的半官方關係;

3.     中共保證台灣問題和平解決。


















1997 - 1998江澤民與柯林頓互訪,雙方重新建立「戰略地位關係」之際,美國國內卻引發了激烈的政策辯論,反對美國與中共交往的聲勢,為1950年代「麥加錫主義」以來所僅見。反對美國與中共交往的理由,認為中共既不穩定,也不重要,並視中共為美國之威脅,雙方衝突不可避免。所以,美國應採取「制先圍堵」(preemptive containment),及早「壓制」(constrain)中共。




2000年的美國總統大選,共和黨的小布希(George W. Bush)僥倖當選,在就任之後,對中共不但冷淡,甚至敵視。尤其他堅決主張要建立「全國飛彈防禦體系」(NMD),並計劃在亞洲建立「地區飛彈防禦體系」(TMD),對中共來說已極具挑釁性。2001年上半年的美、中軍機撞擊事件,小布希對台灣的「戰略清晰化」講話,以及決定大量對台灣軍售,使得美、中關係又瀕臨「攤牌」的困境。未料「九一一事件」發生後,為了全力反恐,美國不得不爭取中共的合作和支持,雙方關係一夕改變,由小布希口中的「戰略競爭」變成了「戰略合作」關係。

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天下無不散的席 - M. Leonard


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The great Sino-American divorce


Mark Leonard, 08/23/12


All breakups are tough. But the divorces we have learned to fear the most are protracted, conflict-prone and ultimately unresolved. All the signs are that China and America are in the middle of one of these messy divorces between abusive couples who hate and need one another at the same time. As Washington and Beijing prepare for new political leaderships, they cannot avoid a major renegotiation of the terms of their relationship.


Since the global financial crisis in 2008, we have been living through the slow and painful end of Chimerica -- the period when the American and Chinese economies acted as one. It drove one of the longest periods of global growth and prosperity in history. This perfect symbiotic relationship -- popularized by the historian Niall Ferguson -- was based on China saving half of its GDP while America borrowed the money to finance a spending binge it could not afford. The romance ended in September 2008 with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Now the terms of the separation between the two nations risk awkward discomfort for the rest of the world.


On a recent visit to Beijing, I was struck by the near-universal assumption that American demand will not return to pre-2008 levels. This has led to a lively debate about how to reorient China's economy. On the one hand, China is hedging against the dollar by investing in companies and assets outside the U.S. On the other hand, Beijing is bracing itself for slower growth, while looking for substitutes for exports and fixed investment.


There is an ongoing discussion in China about how to encourage the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, how to stimulate domestic consumption and how to invest in social welfare rather than infrastructure. The American economic debate is less strategic, but there is a realization that the level of debt incurred in the boom years is unsustainable and some of the stimulus measures like quantitative easing will make it increasingly unattractive for the Chinese government to stockpile Treasury Bills.


As if in anticipation of the "Great Decoupling," the political atmosphere between Washington and Beijing has soured. A film released in the U.S. this week called "Death by China" -- narrated by the nation's favorite fictional president, Martin Sheen -- says that "China is the only major power that is systematically preparing to kill Americans." A publicity poster features a blood-soaked map of the United States stabbed by a huge knife that is engraved with the words "made in China." But the fear-mongering in the film is moderate when compared with the daily attacks on "perfidious" American leaders on Sina Weibo (the Chinese answer to Twitter) or in best-selling books such as "China is Unhappy" (an ultranationalist tract that sold over 1 million non-pirated copies in 2009).


Tensions have increased because the post-American world has become a reality -- driving both a weakened Washington and a strengthened Beijing to be more assertive. The hawkish Chinese academic Yan Xuetong claims the world order is changing from "a unipolar system with the United States as its center to a bipolar system with China occupying the other pole." But military conflict is not the only danger. Either protracted competition or a peaceful condominium between the two powers could be almost as damaging for the world.


The competition is already on. China's nervous neighbors have welcomed Washington's renewed focus on the region. Collectively the democratic Asian powers -- in alliance with the United States -- have more economic and military might than China (although their economies are utterly dependent on Beijing).


Professor Yan Xuetong thinks China should respond to Obama's "pivot" to Asia by revisiting its strategy of "non-alignment." It could forge a formal alliance with Russia, as well as offer security guarantees to other Asian states. Andrew Small, an insightful China watcher, warns that: "We could see a return of a lot of the negative dimensions of the Cold War where attempts to solve global problems, solve regional conflicts or build international institutions are instrumentalized in a contest to change the balance of power between the two poles."


Fred Bergsten has long argued that -- instead of competing -- the two largest trading nations, on opposite ends of the world's largest financial imbalance, should form a legal condominium to run the global economy. Zbigniew Brzezinski extended this to the political realm by suggesting an "informal G2" that could find solutions to the global financial crisis <here>, climate change <here>, nuclear proliferation and regional conflicts.


This has been shot down by observers like Shi Yinhong, a Chinese academic, who argues that China and the U.S. bring out the worst in each other. "We lend too much money and the American government and people use this money to have an unhealthy mode of life," Professor Shi said."


Shi could go further and point to the way that China often makes American capitalists more rapacious, labor unions more protectionist, the military more hawkish and politicians more populist. The specter of American power and the attraction of American markets has a mirror effect in Beijing -- fueling the most regressive aspects of the Chinese economic model and foreign policy. Thus, it is not hard to imagine the two worst polluters in the world -- China and America -- colluding to stop a solution to global warming or undermining multilateral institutions. The competition risks turning two great powers with a history of revolutionary universalism into nations obsessed with their own exceptionalism.


More important, the very idea of an international condominium dictating the global order runs against the spirit of a time when citizens and nations want to determine their own futures.


As Chimerica dissolves, each variant of the new Sino-U.S. relationship is unattractive. War would be catastrophic, strategic competition could paralyze global governance and a G2 format could bring out the worst attitudes of the two global powers. The only way of avoiding these dystopian futures is to encourage a multilateral order made up of more united regions -- allowing China and America to have a normal relationship.


Other powers such as the EU or Japan will not be taken seriously by either China or the U.S. unless they solve their domestic woes and crank up their foreign policy capacity -- moves they show no sign of making at present. Unless they do, they could find themselves trapped in a horrible custody battle between the two divorcing parties.


(Mark Leonard, a Reuters Columnist is Co-Founder and Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations and author of "What Does China Think?")



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中、美之間在今後20 - 30年內發生軍事衝突的機率大概比我上街被汽車撞死的機率小得多。




a.     恃吾有以待之;

b.     製造就業機會;

c.     製造牟取暴利及順勢拿回扣(= 貪污?)的機會。


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老丐在市長討論中日海戰欄, 以四兩撥千金為題, 回答拙見.

那是引伸解放軍考慮應付美國戰略思想, 所發展出來的戰略.

總的來說, 就是發揮太極拳的精神: 以小勝大, 用飛彈, 來對抗實力比較強大的敵人. 有古代 用弓箭射敵的思想!

其實: 最近美國攻擊伊拉克, 就是使用飛彈打頭陣. 以其治人之道, 還治其人. 美國的NMD, 雖然侉侉其辭, 美國自己最清楚: 這正是他們自己的罩門!


  • 2012-08-23 01:18
  • 旺報
  • 【記者楊俊斌/綜合報導】








     機動平台 位置難偵測




     最大射程 1.4萬公里




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兩虎相爭之前車之鑑 - G. Allison


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Thucydides’s trap has been sprung in the Pacific


Graham Allison, 08/21/12


China’s increasingly aggressive posture towards the South China Sea and the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea is less important in itself than as a sign of things to come. For six decades after the second world war, an American “Pax Pacifica” has provided the security and economic framework within which Asian countries have produced the most rapid economic growth in history. However, having emerged as a great power that will overtake the US in the next decade to become the largest economy in the world, it is not surprising that China will demand revisions to the rules established by others.


The defining question about global order in the decades ahead will be: can China and the US escape Thucydides’s trap? The historian’s metaphor reminds us of the dangers two parties face when a rising power rivals a ruling power – as Athens did in 5th century BC and Germany did at the end of the 19th century. Most such challenges have ended in war. Peaceful cases required huge adjustments in the attitudes and actions of the governments and the societies of both countries involved.


Classical Athens was the centre of civilisation. Philosophy, history, drama, architecture, democracy – all beyond anything previously imagined. This dramatic rise shocked Sparta, the established land power on the Peloponnese. Fear compelled its leaders to respond. Threat and counter-threat produced competition, then confrontation and finally conflict. At the end of 30 years of war, both states had been destroyed.


Thucydides wrote of these events: “It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this inspired in Sparta that made war inevitable.” Note the two crucial variables: rise and fear.


The rapid emergence of any new power disturbs the status quo. In the 21st century, as Harvard University’s Commission on American National Interests has observed about China, “a diva of such proportions cannot enter the stage without effect”.


Never has a nation moved so far, so fast, up the international rankings on all dimensions of power. In a generation, a state whose gross domestic product was smaller than Spain’s has become the second-largest economy in the world.

If we were betting on the basis of history, the answer to the question about Thucydides’s trap appears obvious. In 11 of 15 cases since 1500 where a rising power emerged to challenge a ruling power, war occurred. Think about Germany after unification as it overtook Britain as Europe’s largest economy. In 1914 and in 1939, its aggression and the UK’s response produced world wars.


Uncomfortable as China’s rise is for the US, there is nothing unnatural about an increasingly powerful China demanding more say and greater sway in relations among nations. Americans, particularly those who lecture Chinese about being “more like us”, should reflect on our own history.


As the US emerged as the dominant power in the western hemisphere in about 1890, how did it behave? Future president Theodore Roosevelt personified a nation supremely confident that the next 100 years would be an American century. In the years before the first world war the US liberated Cuba, threatened Britain and Germany with war to force them to accept US positions on disputes in Venezuela and Canada, backed an insurrection that split Columbia to create a new state of Panama – which immediately gave the US concessions to build the Panama Canal – and attempted to overthrow the government of Mexico, which was supported by the UK and financed by London bankers. In the half century that followed, US military forces intervened in “our hemisphere” on more than 30 separate occasions to settle economic or territorial disputes on terms favourable to Americans, or oust leaders we judged unacceptable.


To recognise powerful structural factors is not to argue that leaders are prisoners of the iron laws of history. It is rather to help us appreciate the magnitude of the challenge. If leaders in China and the US perform no better than their predecessors in classical Greece, or Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, historians of the 21st century will cite Thucydides in explaining the catastrophe that follows. The fact that war would be devastating for both nations is relevant but not decisive. Recall the first world war, in which all the combatants lost what they treasured most.


In light of the risks of such an outcome, leaders in both China and the US must begin talking to each other much more candidly about likely confrontations and flash points. Even more difficult and painful, both must begin making substantial adjustments to accommodate the irreducible requirements of the other.


The writer is Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University



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我認為「政治是爭奪資源分配權的活動」。推而廣之,「國際政治是國家與國家間爭奪資源分配權的活動」。所以,我認為你「只吃竹子」的比喻,並不適合當前中國的國情和隨之而來的政策。請參考:D. McGroarty, The Resource Wars Are Only Beginning (資源戰才剛開打), https://city.udn.com/2976/4841168,以及中國在非洲的佈局 -- Brendan O'Reilly, China's Winning Strategy in Africa, http://www.realclearworld.com/2012/08/15/chinas_winning_strategy_in_africa_139120.html





美國是世界唯一的『超強』,大概在5 – 10年內,都會保持這一優勢。而中國在第二梯次各大國中,名列第一。並積極的向美國『迎頭趕上』中。







-- 胡卜凱,《淺談中、美關係https://city.udn.com/2976/1196451


我們人類的確有資源不足資源遞減兩大危機。但思考和解決這兩大危機的方式,未必一定是你死我(才能) (通譯-)的觀點,和根據這個觀點所規劃的策略。







-- 胡卜凱,《美國衰落大概不是好事https://city.udn.com/2976/1551447#rep1551447


But allowing this much strategic space to China would nonetheless be very difficult politically for American leaders. Indeed it would be unprecedented. America has never dealt with another country in this way before. On the other hand, America has never had to deal with a country as strong as China before, so it is perhaps inevitable that dealing with China will take America into new, uncharted and perhaps uncomfortable territory.

-- H. White, The China Choice: A Bold Vision for U.S.-China Relations (見本欄:中美關係之平起平坐論)


White 教授全文主旨就在闡述「雙贏」的概念以及我常引用的「形勢比人強


China was a partner in global action problems -- perhaps even a G2 was in the offing! Together we would work on climate change, nonproliferation, who knows what else? Now the United States needs to pivot to Asia to keep China in check.


Here is another part of the uncertainty doctrine that must leave Europeans and Middle Easterners scratching their heads: The United States is pivoting to Asia (under fiscal constraint) but not abandoning its allies in Europe or the Middle East. The pivot, we tell the Chinese, is not about them. But then Manila and Tokyo ask: "What do you mean the pivot isn't about China. The Chinese are unwelcome visitors into our waters at least once a week!"

-- D. Blumenthal, The uncertainty doctrine (「說不準主義」:歐巴馬外交政策),



Blumenthal教授這段話 -- 尤其who knows what else? -- 說明美、中兩國在全球的「戰略伙伴」關係,對第三世界的老百姓來說,或許「狼狽為奸」更為如實。他的The uncertainty doctrine則印證我上面所說政策多元性」和「模稜兩可性。由於Blumenthal教授提到他用此詞來自量子物理,我把它翻譯成「說不準主義」,與前者的「測不準原理」相呼應。


我們看問題要根據目前的現實,以及採用「Wallerstein教授所提出的『全球體系』觀。我們不要再固執於以『國家』為思考分析的單元。而要從『全球體系』觀點來看世界局勢。」 -- 胡卜凱,《美國衰落大概不是好事https://city.udn.com/2976/1551447#rep1551447

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老丐對於中美關係, 寄語在拙文: 熊貓和老鷹 

美國是老鷹, 掠食為生.

中國是熊貓, 吃竹子, 性和平.

老鷹想惹熊貓? 討不了好!

也許, 更像: 藺相如與廉頗!

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