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欽差與防疫 (之四)絲襪玉腿

文章推薦人 (7)


鏈結文章欽差與防疫 (之一):反面教材

    欽差與防疫 (之二):麻雀雖小

    欽差與防疫 (之三):真刀真槍

    欽差與防疫 (之四):絲襪玉腿

    欽差與防疫 (之五):舞臺動作

    欽差與防疫 (之六):毒氣東來

    欽差與防疫 (之七 / 總結):反智探源




如果疫苗指的是H1N1超流,第一,此時不會爆發夏季流感已如前述,第二,八月風災時,全世界都還沒有 H1N1 疫苗,照流行病學規劃時程,臺灣原訂十月推出。請問欽差,疫苗在哪里? (《H1N1 流感疫苗》另文討論)



蓋傳統疫苗的作用機轉,是注射殺死的 (killed) 或減毒的(attenuated)病菌抗原 (antigen),激活免疫系統,制造保護抗體,所以免疫。要產生足夠強度的抗體,需等待一段時間,時間視抗原性質而定,case by case, 至少兩周多則兩月(像B型肝炎疫苗,不但須打好幾次,而且還要等半年以上才見效),要打完疫苗再救災,是等兩周呢?還是兩個月呢?還是欽差另有仙丹可以立即見效,吃罷千杯不醉?


把疫苗當萬金油,在無知而焦急的災民中很常見,而這種大難將至饑不擇食的心態,可以不由分說,變成暴動,美國2005八月的Katrina風災后,災變中心就深受其害,請看《Katrina 風災后傳染病防範要點》, (附錄一)(官方文獻,全文照列):

首先,官方公告文中的黑體字是原版,并非 yichun 修改,你們說,官方為什么特別把這幾行加註黑體?因為謠言造成的盲動,比傳染病更可怕。這個公告很「實際」,目的在解決問題,解決什么問題?止謠解惑,化解恐慌,預防暴動。

1) 官方宣導文不是勸導接受疫苗注射,而是說明沒有注射的必要。

2) 謠言集中兩項:

3) 關于屍體:飲水污染,有可能造成腹瀉和呼吸道感染,但絕非致命性傳染病。

4) 關于霍亂傷寒:傳染病再可怕,沒有菌源無法成疫。謠言雖甚囂塵,但霍亂傷寒在路易斯安那早已消滅禁絕幾十年,不會因水災無端冒出!

比較《卡翠娜》和《莫拉可》可以發現,災民之病,中外皆然,都信名嘴甚于專家。都因恐懼爭求疫苗,都把疫苗當萬金油,都以為疫苗是即溶咖啡,甚至連謠言里的傳染病主角,都選擇霍亂傷寒!這背后都未覺察的原因是疾病的《印象》。卡繆(Albert Camus)的黑死病(The Plague)是鼠疫印象。毛姆 (Somerset Maugham) 的華麗的面紗(the painted veil)是霍亂印象。亂世佳人的亞特蘭大火車站,是菌血症和截肢印象(sepsis & amputation),魯迅的祥林嫂,是傷寒印象(Typhoid fever)。印象其實是「硬像」,stereotype! 不受客觀事實限制,根深蒂固。

1962 臺視開播,早期黑白電視里的醫生都戴耳鼻喉科頭鏡,后來有個導播變成我病人,我問他你怎么那么喜歡耳鼻喉科?他老實承認,演員穿了白袍還是只像理髮師傅,《望之不似人君》,沒辦法,只有“掛滿勛章演將軍,增加說服力”,而頭鏡至少是他心目中的“內行擺飾”,我說印象呀印象,象腿穿了玻璃絲襪,就是玉腿了?遂大笑解嘲……對于觀眾,疾病是一個印象,印象不在 Cecil, Harrison 的內科學裡,印象在揮之不去的噩夢裡,從梁山伯到茶花女,死前都是吐血,蓋 TB/結核病深入人心,不吐血如何打動觀眾?不吐點兒血如何堆砌重病印象?



再來請看第二份參考文件,這是聯邦政府疾管局(Fed Gov CDC)《風災后災民預防注射推薦表》。(附錄二)

1) 水災固然慘烈,但路易斯安那區事前卻非蠻荒,而為全民免疫組建完備的高度開發區,本區防疫重點在修補全民免疫網漏洞,而非追加額外注射。

2) 區分成人與兒童兩組,因成人已完成所有注射,兒童則正在按部就班接種之中。目的都在回歸水災前正常狀態。

3) 兒童依照病歷之接種記錄 (immunization records) 各就各位。若紀錄完整,應直接歸隊(恢復常態接種),若紀錄不詳者,取最大可能插隊(切入常態接種流程)。


1) 水災后產生防疫工作的最大漏洞來自醫院病歷與各小學健保紀錄同時泡湯(全區域醫院學校同時淹沒)使得修補預防注射網喪失科學依據(尤其兒童)。

2) 唯一災變后視需要酌情加打的預防針是破傷風(DPT),(因風災后清理污泥搬運垃圾修繕房舍,各種意外增加,破傷風疫苗可適度防範傷口感染)。



Katrina 是毫無預警的晴天霹靂,對于醫療隊伍:他們到底有多大本事?《養兵千日,用兵一時》,現在是尖銳的抽考。對于多年來組建的全民防疫網,“免疫的長城”,到底有多少實效?《一翻兩瞪眼》,現在是驗收時刻。






下接 《欽差與防疫 (之五):舞臺動作 》

(附錄一)卡翠娜風災后官方公布對民眾的宣導: 傳染病說帖

After a Hurricane: Key Facts About Infectious Disease

Although infectious diseases are a frightening prospect, widespread outbreaks of infectious disease after hurricanes are not common in the United States. Rare and deadly exotic diseases, such as cholera or typhoid fever, do not suddenly break out after hurricanes and floods in areas where such diseases do not naturally occur.

Communicable disease outbreaks of diarrhea and respiratory illness can occur when water and sewage systems are not working and personal hygiene is hard to maintain as a result of a disaster. However, no disease outbreaks have been reported as of September 3, 2005 in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina.

· Decaying bodies create very little risk for major disease outbreaks.

· Outbreaks of infectious diseases following hurricanes are rare in developed countries (such as the United States) and only slightly more common in the developing world.

· Numbers of short-term, self-limiting gastrointestinal illnesses and respiratory infections sometimes increase in developed countries. However, numbers of communicable diseases (including gastrointestinal and respiratory illnesses as well as cholera and typhoid) more typically do not increase in either developed or developing countries.

· Unless a disease is brought into a disaster area from elsewhere, any outbreaks that occur are almost always from diseases that were already in the disaster-affected area before the disaster struck.

· Because cholera and typhoid are not commonly found in the U.S. Gulf States area, it is very unlikely that they would occur after Hurricane Katrina.

· Communicable disease outbreaks can occur when sanitation and hygiene are compromised as a result of a disaster.

· As has been the case in past hurricanes, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services quickly sets up tracking systems that monitor illnesses in hurricane-affected areas. In the unlikely event that a disease outbreak occurs, these systems provide an early warning that enables prompt public health response.

(附錄二)聯邦政府疾管局(Fed Gov CDC) 對風災后預防接種的說帖。


Interim Immunization Recommendations for Individuals Displaced by a Disaster

The purpose of these recommendations is two-fold:

  1. To ensure that children, adolescents, and adults are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases in accordance with current recommendations. Immunization records are unlikely to be available for a large number of adult and child evacuees. It is important that immunizations are kept current if possible.
  2. To reduce the likelihood of outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases in large crowded group settings.

I. Recommended Immunizations

If immunization records are available:

Children and adults should be vaccinated according to the recommended child, adolescent, and adult immunization schedules.

See the following:

If immunization records are not available:

Children aged 10 years and younger should be treated as if they were up-to-date with recommended immunizations and given any doses that are recommended for their current age. This includes the following vaccines:

  • Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP)
  • Inactivated Poliovirus vaccine (IPV)
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib)
  • Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB)
  • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
  • Measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR)
  • Varicella vaccine unless reliable history of chickenpox
  • Influenza vaccine for all children 6-59 months of age, and all children 6 months through 10 years of age with an underlying medical condition that increases the risk for complication of influenza (MMWR 2006 Jul 28;55[RR10]:1-42).
  • As of May 2006, Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended for children 1 year of age and older in the United States (MMWR 2006 May 19;55[RR07]:1-23).
  • Rotavirus vaccine

Children and adolescents (aged 11-18 years) should receive the following recommended immunizations:

  • Adult formulation tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap)
  • Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) (ages 11-12 and 15 years only)
  • Influenza vaccine for all children 6-59 months of age, and all children 6 months through 10 years of age with an underlying medical condition that increases the risk for complication of influenza (MMWR 2006 Jul 28;55[RR10]:1-42)

Adults (over 18 years of age) should receive the following recommended immunizations:

  • Adult formulation tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (Td) if 10 years or more since receipt of any tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine.
  • Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) for adults 65 years of age or older or with a high risk condition (MMWR 1997 Apr 4;46[RR-08]:12-13)
  • Influenza vaccine (MMWR 2006 Jul 28;55[RR10]:1-42)

School requirements

It is not necessary to repeat vaccinations for children displaced by the disaster, unless the provider has reason to believe the child was not in compliance with applicable state requirements.

下接 《欽差與防疫 (之五):舞臺動作 》

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