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標示 心情 討論主題 發起人 更新時間 回應 瀏覽 推薦
4 Tips to Be More Optimistic
市民tu 0 1,277 0
How to Be Happy: 23 Ways to Be Happier
市民tu 0 1,736 1
How to Be Happy
市民tu 0 383 0
When there is no way out, there is still always a way through.
市民tu 0 578 0
The power of your presence
市民tu 0 406 0
Observe the resistance within yourself.
市民tu 0 379 0
Focus attention on the feeling inside you.
市民tu 0 475 0
Transmuting suffering into conscious
市民tu 0 447 0
The pain-body does not want you to observe it directly
市民tu 0 389 0
Let the breath take you into the body
市民tu 0 465 0
Please examine where your attention is
市民tu 0 344 0
If you keep your attention in the body as much as possible,
市民tu 0 321 0
As you go about your life,
市民tu 0 345 0
Having access to that formless realm is truly liberating
市民tu 0 383 0
Then become aware of the entire inner energy field of the body
市民tu 0 335 0
Realizing pure consciousness
市民tu 0 321 0
Ch.five ~Beauty Arises in the Stillness of Your Presence
市民tu 0 312 0
The past cannot survive in your presence
市民tu 0 431 0
communication skills - writing a email
回應文章reply: (tu)
市民tu 1 974 0
Business communication skill --reply email
回應文章practice (tu)
市民tu 1 908 0
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