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A human body has the capacity to heal itself, you only need to be consciously aware about the process and choose the right medium to heal. One of the healing medium used for centuries is meditation, a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself.

Meditation affects your psychological well-being by reducing stress, depression, anxiety, blood pressure, addiction, boosts immune system and improves memory. But did you know that meditation can change our brain structure in powerful and positive ways! We have always believed that brain essentially stopped changing after adulthood.

You have the capacity to heal the emotional dysfunctionality of your own brain. When you increase your awareness with mindfulness, you can transform your brain, create new circuits or change the way neurons talk to each other.

Whenever you engage in a behavior over and over again, this can lead to changes in your brain.

Take a look at the video below at TEDxCambridge where neuroscientist, Sara Lazar talks about how meditation can reshape our brains –

Meditation for a short time goes a long way in improving overall health

§  A study conducted by Sara Lazar showed that an 8 week mindfulness meditation program can lead to structural brain changes including increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and introspection. The participants also showed decreased grey-matter density in the amygdala, which is known to play an important role in anxiety and stress.

§  A 2005 study on American men and women who meditated a mere 40 minutes a day showed that they had thicker cortical walls than non-meditators. What this meant is that their brains were aging at a slower rate. Cortical thickness is also associated with decision making, attention and memory.

§  Scientists studying the Chinese mindfulness meditation known as integrative body-mind training (IBMT) confirmed improved mood changes along with increased brain-signaling connections after practicing 11 hours of IBMT. They also found an expansion of myelin, the protective fatty tissue that surrounds the nerves, in the brain’s anterior cingulate region. Deficits in activation for this area of the brain have been associated with attention deficit disorder, dementia, depression, schizophrenia and many other disorders.





It’s fascinating to see the positive effects of meditation, just being ‘aware’ can lead to such changes in the brain structure also known as ‘plasticity’ of the brain. The kind of life we lead is solely in our hands and we have the power and capacity to control our destiny. Simply meditating for 30 minutes every day can change your life!

菩提本無樹, 明鏡亦非台. 本來無一物, 何處惹塵埃.

~ 菩堤心
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前幾天 靜坐時心中也升起一些感言 跟您所言有類似 從無中讓靈魂升起 讓靈魂來主導 自己的身與心 


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Actually: one of the benifit of meditation, is to reduce the activity of our brain!

Once the brain calms down, the body gets more energy to do its work, hence increase the effectiveness of the healing process.

The less activity from the brain, the more energy the healing process posseses.

Reduction of emotion has similar effect, too.

Meditation, if done right, will calm the brain down and let the heart and soul wake up. Those two are smarter and would allow the healing process go to the next level.

Don't try to repeat anything. Just let everything go, such that the heart and the soul can wake up. They are the much better handler of our body and everything.

Relax the brain in meditation. Let the soul wake up to take control and bring oursleves to higher level!

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