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討論區Role Models 好榜樣 沒有加入本城市,不能發表文章喔!
好榜樣 學習 Why? We're searching - we want to find better ways to live our own lives. And we can find some answers in other people's lives.
Psychologists say that while we need to model our behavior after someone we admire, we don't want to compare ourselves to them or belittle ourselves for not being exactly like them. So the more we know our role model as a complete human - rather than as a posed and coiffed celebrity - the more we can be inspired by her/him, rather than intimidated.
標示 心情 討論主題 發起人 更新時間 回應 瀏覽 推薦
臺灣首位女中醫 防癌之母 莊淑旂
市民AL 0 1,218 4
施寄青 (晚晴:鼓勵女性爭取女權 女性一定要獨立自主)
回應文章Hooponopono & 甩手功 (AL)
市民AL 1 2,430 1
Mother Teresa
回應文章Yes (AL)
市民AL 3 1,605 1
回應文章thanks for sharing (AL)
市民ellen chou 雨僧 雲自在 1 964 1
市民AL 0 478 1
空行者Empty Traveler(陳曉峰電機博士)
市民AL 0 675 1
地底 625公尺 下的生存領導學True Leader ~Luis Urzua
回應文章關鍵特質: 慈愛 公平 (AL)
市民AL 1 1,880 0
Inspirational success stories from graduating High School Seniors
市民AL 0 580 0
Dr. Leo Buscaglia ~Love: The Ultimate Affirmation
回應文章生活、愛、學習 (AL)
市民AL 1 1,474 0
Audrey Hepburn
市民AL 0 589 0
Helen Keller ~ 贏得生命的甜美和意義
市民AL 0 774 0
Richard Carlson ~ 別再為小事抓狂
市民AL 0 926 0
聖嚴法師 法師開示
市民AL 0 672 0
Randy Pausch「最後的演講」
市民AL 0 862 0