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討論區瑜珈療法, Yog Therapy 字體:
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Why is the Thyroid so important?


We are driven by the fear of fatal ailments from cancer to diabetes and our energies and our health consciousness are focused on keeping ourselves safe from these disorders. But what if there are one organ that controls almost every aspect of how the body responds to internal and external stimuli by releasing or suppressing hormones? This one organ, the thyroid, not only determines the reaction in our body but the impact of the chemicals on every other organ and process.

現代人的我們特別怕一些不治之症 從癌症到糖尿病 之於它們我們束手無策 


但是~ 假如說有這麼一個器官專門在掌管大部份身體裏外所受刺激反應下所發送與分泌荷爾蒙的工作 ? 



A balanced, optimally functioning thyroid augers well for a healthy basal metabolic rate, cardiovascular system, hormone production, glucose, protein, bone and cholesterol metabolism, red blood cell production, and gastrointestinal, liver function, gall bladder and brain function.

如果甲狀腺功能健康正常 那麼身體的消化系統 心血管 呼吸系統 荷爾蒙分泌 血糖 蛋白質 骨質 膽固醇 血紅素 細胞再生 漲氣 肝臟 膽汁 膀胱 腦 都會正常的運作  

Balancing Thyroid function the Yoga Way:


If you are looking to naturally cure any imbalances in your thyroid functioning you can take the Yoga route to trigger the body’s self-healing process. Here are two asanas that you can practice daily to bring equilibrium and heal multiple ailments:

假如你想要用自然方法來讓你不平衡狀態的"甲狀腺"恢復正常運作 你可以用瑜伽的方法來促進身體自療功能的運作 下面是瑜伽中的兩種姿勢 你可以每天練習以達到平衡與促進"甲狀腺"的運作並治療許多疾病 

第一個是 : 

Sarvanga Asana

肩立勢: (詳細請參考簡易瑜珈中的"肩立勢")


People who practice Yoga vouch by importance of the Sarvanga- asana. It positively impacts not just the nervous system but is a perfect asana for thyroid gland imbalances. This asana activates the blood circulation process (reverse flow) stimulating the thyroid gland and the entire varicose –vein system . While performing this asana, the thyroid stays below the heart forcing purified blood to nourish the thyroid gland.

Sarvanga Asana


- Lay on your back or in a dorsal position.

- Keep both legs together and inhaling deeply raise both legs slowly.

- Using your palms to support your lower back raise your hips along with your legs.

- Keeping your elbows as support for your back raise your legs high till your hips, back and legs are vertically in one straight parallel line.

- The elbows will ensure support for the the shoulders and neck.

- In this position the Thyroid gland gets pressed by your chin.

- Ensure that your body alignment is vertical without tilting either left or right.

- Breathe normally while in this position and try to relax your body.

- Your entire body weight should be supported by your shoulders.

Best time: Early morning or evening.

Duration: Start with 2 mins and extend up to 10 mins.


- Thyroid gland and its hormones which regulate growth and development of all body systems and processes.

- Blood circulation, nerve stimulation and digestive system.


Matsya asana:

魚勢 (詳細請參考簡易瑜珈中的"魚勢")

Matsya-asana literally means swimming like a fish in flooding water. Don’t get put off by the name as this asana is actually quite easy.

Matsya asana


This asana can be performed in three various steps:

1st step:

- Lay on your back or in dorsal position.

- Get into lotus pose or Padma Asana (Place right leg on left thigh and left leg on right thigh).

- Fold your hands from the elbow behind your head and rest your head on folded arm like you keep your head on pillow.

2nd step:

- Lay on your back or in dorsal position.

- Get into lotus pose or Padma Asana (Place right leg on left thigh and left leg on right thigh).

- Hold left toe with right hand and right toe with left hand.

3rd step:

- Lay on your back or in dorsal position.

- Get into lotus pose or Padma Asana (Place right leg on left thigh and left leg on right thigh).

- Bend your head backwards from the neck such that you create an arc.

- Try to remain in this posture for at least minimum 15 secs initially. Increase duration as per capacity.


- Practice this asana soon after Sarvanga- asana to ease the pressure on the neck and tongue.

- Improves back muscles and strengthen back bone.

- Improves nervous system.


菩提本無樹, 明鏡亦非台. 本來無一物, 何處惹塵埃.

~ 菩堤心

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