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討論區瑜珈療法, Yog Therapy 字體:
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唱頌 Mantra(梵音) 的醫效 ~ Swami Satyananda

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When we treat a mental patient, suffering from psychosis, neurosis or a nervous breakdown, we take him as a human being, an individual who can think and feel. We take him deeper into his own mind through the practice of concentration and meditation and to the root of his illness.




 If a person is suffering from high anxiety, we don’t prescribe practices to induce an immediate state of tranquility. Rather, we try to explode his personality, to express what remains dormant in the back of his mind. This is possible with the practice of mantra, which is part of yoga. As a scientific principle, manta is a very powerful instrument.




Through the practice of mantra, we try to explode the deeper phases of the consciousness. When the inner states of mind are exploded then one comes face to face with the thoughts, distractions, passions and repressions deep within.




The physical body is influenced by the human mind. It is the sentiments, emotions, feelings and objectives, passions, anxieties and worries in the mind which create physiological changes in the body.




The adrenal, thyroid and pituitary and does influence the working of our physical body. Fear, psychosis or anxiety influence the endocrine glands and change the mode of brain waves. Through the practice of yoga nidra or psychic sleep, certain pranayamas, and chanting of mantra, we have been able to alter and harmonize the pattern of brain waves.




In the University of Barcelona people have been exposed to medical tests and investigations while the mantra OM was being chanted. The sound was recorded by sophisticated instruments and it was found that when “O”was being intoned alpha brain waves were predominant, and when “M” was intoned the pattern changed into theta waves.




But how do these waves relate to different physiological conditions? If someone is suffering from hypertension and blood pressure, sit him down quietly in an easy chair. Let him close his eyes and chant O for a short time. After fifteen to twenty minutes when you take the blood pressure, you will be surprised to see that certainly OM has one the job. 



菩提本無樹, 明鏡亦非台. 本來無一物, 何處惹塵埃.

~ 菩堤心

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