連忙說:「I am sorry.」 老外應道:「I am sorry too.」 某人聽後又道:「I am sorry three.」 老外不解,問:「What are you sorry for?」 某人無奈,道:「I am sorry five.」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 某男,亦初通英文,至使館,
有表要填,有一欄是 sex。 該男思之久已,
毅然下筆:once a week。 簽證官觀后暴笑,曰:
「This item should be filled in with male or female.」 該男頓時赧顏,思之,
填下﹕female。 官楞之,
曰:「Shouldn't it be male?」 男急釋曰:
「I am a normal man, so I have sex with female.」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 有位女士,個性喜愛佔便宜。 某日紐約曼哈頓名牌衣飾大減價;
'What? Oh!Hey man,Here is America,nothing is free!' 老兄:' Oh! How come! I read it from yellow page.
See, here is the phone number, ' 'sex - sex - sex - two - sex - one - free. ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你會翻譯【How are you】嗎 ?