柯文哲原音:被殖民越久 果然越高級 2015-02-03 14:50:31 聯合晚報 華盛頓記者賴昭穎/2日電 柯文哲受訪影音 1分17秒錄音 證實殖民說 台北市長柯文哲日前接受美國「外交政策」專訪談及殖民化引發的爭議,該刊資深編輯沃泰姆(David Wertime)2日撰文表明報導無誤,並公布殖民化爭議訪談內容錄音檔;結果柯文哲說的並不是「被殖民越久就越進步」,而是「被殖民愈久果然愈高級」。 「外交政策」雜誌2日在網站公布的柯文哲訪問部分錄音檔共1分17秒,內容還原引起爭議的柯文哲「殖民」確實說法;渥泰姆接受本報訪問時說:「我們堅信對柯文哲發言的翻譯是正確的。」 受訪真正內容 原音重現 不過,日前專訪刊出柯文哲受訪的英文內容是「被殖民越久就越進步」,但柯文哲以中文受訪的真正內容是:「亞洲的歷史四個發展地區,台灣、新加坡、香港跟中國,我發現被殖民愈久果然愈高級,滿丟臉的。」 這句話說完,隨後傳來記者笑聲,柯文哲接著說;「怎樣,你說不能講實話是不是?」現場眾人又笑了出來。 「被殖民久不是什麼壞事,新加坡殖民最久,新加坡比香港好、香港比台灣好、台灣比大陸好。」柯文哲說:「我說文化,culture。」記者追問他被殖民是好事嗎?柯文哲回道,「不是啦,這個是culture(文化)」。 對於報導引發的討論,渥泰姆2日接受本報記者採訪時說,這段專訪全程錄音,傳出爭議後,他們反覆聽專訪錄音,證實柯文哲說的是「殖民」,並非「文明」。 他說,「我們對他發言的理解,都在文章中呈現」,也堅信對柯文哲發言的翻譯是正確的。 渥泰姆在該刊網路撰寫的文章指出,「外交政策」1月29日登出記者Grace Tsoi於20日專訪柯文哲的內容,這次專訪歷時45分鐘,而如同報導刊登時所提,採訪以中英文夾雜方式進行,為了表達清楚而濃縮內容。 ****************************************** A Recording of FP’s Interview With Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je A statement on a controversial quote. • BY DAVID WERTIME • FEBRUARY 2, 2015 • DAVID.WERTIME • @DWERTIME • • On Jan. 29, Foreign Policy published on its Tea Leaf Nation channel the highlights of a Jan. 20 interview between FP contributor Grace Tsoi and Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je. That interview lasted over 45 minutes and was, as the original article attested, “conducted in a combination of Chinese and English” and “condensed for clarity.” The interview quickly set off a flurry of coverage andcontroversy in Taiwan, as well in mainland China. In particular, reports have focused on this passage: “For the [world’s] four Chinese-speaking regions — Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and mainland China — the longer the colonization, the more advanced a place is. It’s rather embarrassing. Singapore is better than Hong Kong; Hong Kong is better than Taiwan; Taiwan is better than the mainland. I’m speaking in terms of culture. I’ve been to Vietnam and mainland China. Even though the Vietnamese are seemingly poor, they always stop in front of red traffic lights and walk in front of green ones. Even though mainland China’s GDP is higher than that of Vietnam, if you ask me about culture, the Vietnamese culture is superior.” On Feb. 1, Ko told domestic media he had not used the term “colonization” in his interview with FP. On Feb. 2, Ko appeared to back off from his earlier statement when he said he would be “more precise” in future interviews, and Taiwan-based Apple Daily quoted a member of Ko’s team saying, “It was our mistake.” To the extent that any questions remain about the accuracy of FP’s translation, we make available below the relevant portion of the recorded interview with Ko. FP continues to stand by its translation. Listen to the relevant portion of Ko’s interview, which is mostly in Chinese: