Dr. Tarek Loubani (左2,醫師被狙擊手射穿雙腿) and Civil Defence Medic Musa Abuhassanin, (右2,醫護員被狙擊手射殺).
2018年5月15日:巴勒斯坦:加薩衝突以軍殺52巴人 傷逾2400人
其中狙擊手刻意射傷一名加拿大籍人道救援組織(Civil Defence)的醫師,Dr. Tarek Loubani,並射殺他的助手醫護員,Musa Abuhassanin,另有18位醫護員被射傷。
因為他們實地緊急醫療救援的經驗豐富,Dr. Tarek Loubani當時穿著鮮明的醫師綠袍和穿橘色背心的醫護員們,站在離人群的25公尺之外的緊急醫療站!
Dr. Tarek Loubani是「西安大略省立大學」醫學院副教授,參加過的國外緊急醫療救援包括:Tanzania(坦尚尼亞)及 Iraq(伊拉克)and southern Lebanon(黎巴嫩南部)的衝突區(conflict zones)。
此消息在加拿大最大報,地球郵報(The Globe and Mail)披露後,引起加拿大人的憤怒。台灣政府想當川普的走狗,當然不可能報導,本人是經由僑居台灣的加拿大友人的臉書通報得知大家的憤怒。由於此「謀殺」是在川普操弄下造成的,故以「川普殺加拿大義工醫生」為本文標題!
The Globe and Mail
Canadian doctor shot by Israeli sniper near Gaza border
Robert Fife
Ottawa, Ottawa Bureau Chief
Published May 15, 2018
Updated 11 hours ago
A Canadian-Palestinian doctor was shot in the legs(擊穿雙腿)by an Israeli sniper(以色列狙擊手)and one of his paramedics was killed(射殺)on the Gaza border Monday as clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli Defence Forces left dozens dead and more than 1,000 wounded.
Dr. Tarek Loubani, an emergency physician from London, Ont., who is also an associate professor at the University of Western Ontario’s medical school, joined medical teams on the Gaza border Monday to care for Palestinians who might be injured in demonstrations against the inauguration of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.
Dr. Loubani, who has served as an emergency field doctor in Tanzania and conflict zones such as Iraq and southern Lebanon, said he was wearing a green surgeon’s outfit and standing with several orange-vested paramedics about 25 metres from the protests at the border when he was hit.
Eighteen paramedics were wounded(18位醫護員被射傷) that day but Mr. Abuhassanin was the only one killed by Israeli forces.
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