They were empty-nesters who needed to get back into shape. Who knew dancing was the answer?
By Edwidge Crevecoeur-Bryant, St. Augustine, Florida
“What is Zumba?”“It’s a high-energy dance-and-fitness class,” she said. “It’s a lot of fun. Check it out!”
Our empty-nest blues, our health, our parents—all my worries fell away in a rush of Zumba energy. It was like a door into a whole new part of my life.
Zumba gave me something to focus on after the boys left for college. In a month, I dropped 10 pounds. We’re so into Zumba now that we teach classes together. I’ve lost 40 pounds and Thomas has lost 55. I don’t need my cholesterol medicine anymore. We take better care of our parents now that we’re taking care of ourselves.
God didn’t just get us moving again, he got us moving even closer together. Why else would every night feel like date night?