看到咱們翻譯小組, 又粗心大意, 張冠李戴. 好笑之餘, 將自己的舊作"買餅", 拿來引證: 師父的教導, 的確有道理.
歡迎同修, 旁徵博引, 領會師父教導, 不被小組諸公誤導!
有人, 到市場, 肚子餓了.
見到餅攤子, 取錢買餅.
連吃三個, 還是沒飽.
第四個餅, 吃了一半, 飽了.
跺腳後悔: "早該先買這個餅, 就省了那三個了!"
入了門, 發現進步快速, 好像上了大學, 覺得比中小學, 穫得更多收穫. 一是師父大方, 也是自己進步. 何必認為自己從前浪費? 有人上大學, 在那裡哭: 自己"浪費"時間在中小學的嗎?
且看小組諸公, 怎麼樣張冠李戴:
信念 - 沉思片刻 cn.info@sahajmarg.info
Lost Years
Some of our abhyasis have spent very many years practising yoga under other systems of training. When they finally came to my Master, they were inclined to weep over their "lost years," lamenting the fact that they did not come to Master's feet earlier. Master's invariable advice is, "Do not regret the time spent on the other method. It was necessary for your development. It has prepared you for this path. Be joyful that you have now found the path that can lead you onward."
Taken from My Master, p. 28, chapter "Tolerance" -Rev. Chariji
過了兩天, 偷偷摸摸, 更正錯誤:
丢失的年华 - 沉思片刻 cn.info@sahajmarg.info
Lost Years
Some of our abhyasis have spent very many years practising yoga under other systems of training. When they finally came to my Master, they were inclined to weep over their "lost years," lamenting the fact that they did not come to Master's feet earlier. Master's invariable advice is, "Do not regret the time spent on the other method. It was necessary for your development. It has prepared you for this path. Be joyful that you have now found the path that can lead you onward."
Taken from My Master, p. 28, chapter "Tolerance" -Rev. Chariji
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