「This is the story of five unlikely leaders-a handful of women and men who inherited giant crises and had the courage to make difficult and unpopular decisions.
另外一種作法也不恰當,那就是讀心術式的解讀方法,彷彿說話者可以透視原作者的內在動機與心靈結構,但問題是,我們又不是靈媒,這裏也沒有任何一個人親身認識原作者,而且從頭到尾只有這一篇文章,沒有原作者其他文章可資參照,讀心術式的作法是很不妥當的。例如,將everything (anything) is possible 解釋成是原作者模糊的手法,以示客套。但我們怎麼知道他是如此?甚至乾脆順勢將之翻譯成「凡事都不無可能」,規避了「凡事都有可能」的簡潔優點。Anything is possible這幾個字在英文上沒有模糊之處,何以要刻意弄成不無可能的模糊用意?難道這就是原作者的「本意」?如何得知?
其後,又為了勉強解釋anything is possible是模糊用法,繼而將but的用法輕描淡寫,解釋為趣味性或只是轉折性用法,忽略but做為連接詞使前後意義不同或至少不相容的用法,但我們又怎麼知道原作者喜歡以but 這個字表示趣味或只是轉折的用法?我們是靈媒?套句英文,這一類靈媒讀心術式的「解釋」可以說是It leads no where。
Our new cover story on leaders is filled with the bold ideas and strange measuresthat politicians have taken to try and better their countries. But part of what makes the piece so fascinating is that all of these men and women have had unbelievable lives. Their tories sound so unlikely–from a hippie, folk-singing doctor who escaped torture to become president,to an East German scientist and daughter of a pastor who walked over the Berlin wall and was so moved that she felt compelled to go into politics. The stories are incredible, but my favorite is that of Lula da Silva. This is just an excerpt from one of the profiles in that story.
開頭「This is the story of five unlikely leaders-a handful of women and men who inherited giant crises and had the courage to make difficult and unpopular decisions.」
They aren't all saints,but their actions have changeed their nation.Moreover,these changes will affect your life.After all, if the current global economic meltdown has taught us anything.It's that we're all in together.If that we're going to climb out,we have to learn from those around us and build on their accomplishments.
A Taiwanese friend of mine once said that Taiwanese can be provincial (his exact words were 沒有國際觀) and many universities are spending money trying to give students a more global perspective. This is reflected here perfectly.
This essay was written by American(s) with an American perspective for Americans, not a Taiwanese perspective.