1. Introduction: why
2. Body: what
3. Conclusion: future
Thank you for your e-mail of September 17th. Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I needed time to carefully review your request in light of the budget constraints imposed on us by President Turton.
According to your mail, your section needs four additional part-time workers and two full-time staff members in order to keep up with the increase volume of shipments during the holiday season. After consulting with Mr.Turton himself, I was able to persuade him to approve the interim hiring of six persons to work until the end of January. This should ensure that we can ship.
Let me assure you that the president and I do understand your desire to bring on board a couple of permanent employees; however we cannot make such a commitment at this time.
We will assess the situation again in January to determine if projected sales justify making any of the above positions long-term. You may begin the official search immediately.
Please keep me posted.
in light of : 有鑑於
In light of their excellent technical capabilities, the contract was awarded to Brighton Manufacturing.
n. 名詞
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