瑜珈大師 Sri Sri Ravi Shanka,r 在三月十三來我們的城市 Nashik 了. 在 Trimbakeshwar, 開了為期三天的靜坐與Pranayama課. 有大約一百五十萬人來參加.
就如往常一樣, 第一天大師慢慢踩著紅毯走入了廣場. 開始了第一天的開幕式. 上萬人掌聲不斷歡迎大師的到來. 大師也招著手回應在場的每個人. 接著節目在舞蹈與聖歌中揭開序幕. 當大師開始演講時, 廣場頓時鴉雀無聲, 大家都安靜下來. 大師說:
"Those who practise Pranayam and Yoga will never face any problem in life.
"When the body, breath and mind come the same rhythm, positive changes take place."
"If you are aware of what you eat, you would always remain healthy."
"If you are happy, you will never find anything negative."
菩提本無樹, 明鏡亦非台. 本來無一物, 何處惹塵埃.
~ 菩堤心