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  从目前看,普京在俄总统选举中取胜似无悬念。就连欧洲不少政要也都认为,现任总理普京回归总统宝座能使俄罗斯变得更加强大。普京当选后所面临的核心任务是实现创新型经济发展战略,进行经济结构调整,实现国家现代化,以符合俄罗斯的大国地位。(驻莫斯科记者 杨 政 莫斯科2月27日电)

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防解放軍攻擊 4700駐日美軍遷關島

【2012/02/09 聯合報】













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How China is advancing its military reach
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How China is advancing its military reach

File image of Chinese sailors on board a frigate on 22 September 2011 In recent months China's airforce and navy have rolled out new hardware
As the US shifts its focus to Asia, Alexander Neill, head of the Asia Security Programme at the Royal United Services Institute, sets out the Chinese military advances challenging the regional balance.

At the Pentagon recently, US President Barack Obama announced deep cuts to the US military and set out a shift in attention towards the Asia-Pacific region, in a thinly-veiled message to China.

Despite a narrative of peaceful intent, China's leaders have struggled to reassure the US over the direction of the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Both countries admit that their military dialogue falls well behind other aspects of the relationship.

So the shift has brought renewed scrutiny of the PLA's latest capabilities against US dominance in the Pacific.

In recent years the PLA has demonstrated impressive new capabilities at sea and in space, aimed at showcasing the success of its modernisation effort.

The obvious message is to deliver a powerful warning if Taiwan were to declare formal independence.

But Pentagon planners are now concerned that the Taiwan contingency has been eclipsed by China's broader maritime territorial claims and demands for more international space to protect the arteries feeding China's growth.

'Unrestricted warfare'

China is developing a range of capabilities linked to the space and cyber domain in order to sidestep the overwhelming might of the US military in the Pacific region. The PLA calls this fighting "local wars under informationised conditions".

 China recognised almost two decades ago that in the mid-term the PLA could be no match for US conventional forces. So it began working on what was dubbed "unrestricted warfare" - combining multiple methods to defeat a superior opponent.

At the same time party leaders launched adventurous civilian acquisition projects in the high-tech domain to increase Chinese competitiveness and to boost indigenous production capabilities.

The PLA has been running military projects mirroring these civilian acquisition ventures. Sometimes involving dual-use technologies, the military and civilian strands have often been indistinguishable.

China's space programme is a case in point. The recent successful docking manoeuvre between a Shenzhou module and the Tiangong Space station is as much a triumph for the PLA as it is for China's civilian space agency.

Space theatre

Should the US ever intervene in a cross-strait clash or challenge China's maritime claims, Beijing would employ a pre-emptive "sea denial" strategy alongside its conventional operations - preventing US battle carrier groups operating in or near its claimed territorial waters.

Its submarine-launched ballistic and cruise missiles are now a lethal force. China's long-range nuclear weapons systems have also undergone significant upgrades and its strategic rocket force, the Second Artillery Corps, is very much the pride of the PLA.

One of the most pressing concerns for the US navy is the threat posed by a "carrier killer" anti-ship missile with enhanced targeting capabilities facilitated from space. China very recently launched its own Beidou Positioning System, challenging the monopoly of the US Global Positioning System (GPS).


One of the PLA's most sensitive advances has been the secret deployment and testing of advanced anti-satellite (ASAT) and Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) weapons systems.

Two years ago, China successfully intercepted one of its own ballistic missiles as it streaked through space. This test coincided with the Pentagon's sale of Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Patriot systems to Taiwan.

Some experts believe a Chinese ASAT campaign against a careful selected group of US satellites could have catastrophic effect on the US military.

This capability, combined with the potential for China to develop its own Ballistic Missile Defence umbrella, suggests that the space domain will be a new theatre for US-China rivalry.

Chinese ASAT capabilities are not exclusively reserved for "kill vehicles", like the one which obliterated an ageing Chinese weather satellite in 2007.

It is now believed that the successful 2007 "kill" was in fact the third test in a series. Previous tests had demonstrated an ability to manoeuvre in proximity to targeted satellites.

This would suggest that China has experimented with techniques which could be used for "space mining", where mines or mini-satellites armed with jamming technologies could be placed within the orbits of an opponent's spacecraft.

Carrier group

In addition to its "sea denial" and space warfare strategies, China is also expanding its conventional capabilities.

The PLA Air Force in recent years has extended its ability for offshore operations, enhancing an offensive capability. It is planning an overhaul of its ageing fleet with the deployment of over 3,000 new aircraft.

 For the most part China has relied on copying Russian fighter technology. However, the roll-out of the Chengdu J-20 Stealth fighter prototype raised eyebrows last year, carefully timed to coincide with a visit by the US defence secretary.

There have been some very significant developments in the deployment of Chinese submarines in recent years. Beijing possesses 10 Russian-built ultra-quiet Kilo class submarines possibly armed with 200km-range anti-ship cruise missiles.

Since 2006, when a Chinese submarine surfaced undetected within torpedo range of the US aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk, China's submarine force has regularly marauded the US Navy and its allies in the Pacific.

It is thought that China plans to build three aircraft carrier battle groups, each armed with 40 fighters, up to eight warships, three nuclear-powered attack submarines and a number of support vessels. The PLA Navy's retrofitted Varyag carrier, currently under sea-trials, will serve as a training platform.

Even if the aircraft carrier would likely be a prestige piece and more directed at Chinese domestic pride, the prospect of a Chinese aircraft carrier will certainly cause ripples for the broader East Asian naval balance.

Uncertain factors

While much attention has been paid to the breakneck speed of Chinese military modernisation over the last decade, the events of 9/11 and the subsequent campaigns in the Middle East and Afghanistan provided a window of opportunity for China to accelerate development.

In some cases there may have been, quite literally, windfalls for the PLA. There is speculation that China acquired undamaged Tomohawk cruise missile components in the early stages of the Afghanistan campaign a decade ago.

When US Special Forces failed to completely destroy one of their stealth helicopters during Operation Geronimo, Pakistan's military may have allowed PLA counterparts to inspect the tail rotor.

The PLA must be congratulating itself on the impressive array of weaponry which has tilted the balance in the Taiwan Strait in its favour.

China's new-found capabilities combined with the opaque nature of its military modernisation create a formula for mistrust with the US.

There are perhaps three factors for uncertainty. Firstly, the Chinese military's confidence in its new equipment could lead to an overestimation of its capability as an emerging great power.

Secondly, the Chinese leadership could underestimate its ability to control an unexpected escalation of hostilities in the Pacific.

Finally, the domestic political factor - the PLA's external behaviour could become a reaction to internal nationalistic sentiment, instability or faction fighting as Beijing prepares for the fifth generation leadership handover this year.

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俄國際文傳電訊社援引軍方消息稱,俄羅斯正將“堡壘”反艦導彈系統部署到敘利亞海岸,,其中包括72枚射程300公里的“寶石” 超音速巡航導彈。若該系統被設置在塔爾圖斯,防禦範圍可覆蓋敘利亞海岸全線。此前俄《國防》雜誌宣稱,“堡壘”將被納入塔爾圖斯基地的防禦系統,但外界對此猜疑重重。17日,值守塔爾圖斯基地的敘利亞軍官婉拒了記者入內採訪的要求。

塔爾圖斯港設在市區東北,北側大門專供貨運車輛使用,靠蓋章的憑條才能進入,巨型貨車往來頻繁。記者轉自南側大門才被獲准入內。港區規模頗大,每個泊位都在忙碌著裝卸貸物,相比之下,偏居港口東北一隅的海軍基地頗顯低調。大門兩側分掛俄敘國旗,記者停留期間未見人員出入,值守的敘利亞軍官對中國表示友好,卻堅持以“軍事禁區” 為由拒絕入內。“俄羅斯目前在基地內沒有駐軍。”他謹慎表示,俄羅斯航母正在途中,“我們在等待”。

敘利亞海軍在拉塔基亞、塔爾圖斯和米奈特貝達共設3處基地,主要裝備為蘇制導彈艦、巡邏艦、登陸艦。從高處遠眺塔爾圖斯軍港,記者並未發現大型艦艇,甚至難以找到軍艦。據說這是因為蘇聯當初賣給敘利亞的兩艘主力戰艦已報廢,而近岸巡邏艇實在太小,被淹沒在塔爾圖斯港眾多萬噸巨輪中間。俄《消息報》稱,現有600名俄工程師在塔爾圖斯港工作,重修碼頭並升級配套設施, “以備俄羅斯海軍停駐”。

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The BBC's Steve Rosenberg said Mr Putin used very strong anti-Western language
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of being behind protests over the results of Russia's parliamentary elections.

Mr Putin said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "set the tone for some opposition activists".

She "gave them a signal, they heard this signal and started active work", he said.

Mrs Clinton maintained that her concerns were "well-founded". Election monitors have also been critical.

About 1,000 people have been arrested in Moscow during three days of protests alleging election fraud.

Organisers have called another protest for Saturday.

Earlier this week Vladimir Putin's spokesman predicted the world would soon see a new Putin - a Putin 2.0. But these comments blaming the West for the street protests are very much old "software".

In recent years, revolutions on Russia's doorstep - in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan - have convinced Mr Putin that the West is funding and fanning regime change in former Soviet republics. He now appears to believe that the United States wants to push him from power.

The anti-Western rhetoric is designed mainly for local consumption. Mr Putin wants Russians to blame America, not him, for the country's problems.

Under their presidencies, Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev have "reset" relations between the US and Russia. But the reset has faltered. There have been fierce arguments over US plans for a missile defence system in Europe, which Russia sees as a threat to its security. Mr Putin's comments accusing Hillary Clinton of stirring up trouble in Russia are sure to make relations even cooler.

Mr Putin accused the protesters of acting "in accordance with a well-known scenario and in their own mercenary political interests".

He warned that those working for foreign governments to influence Russian politics would be held to account.

"It is unacceptable when foreign money is pumped into election processes," Mr Putin said in comments shown on state-run TV.

"We should think of forms of defence of our sovereignty, defence from interference from abroad," he added.

Mrs Clinton said the US supported the "rights and aspirations of the Russian people".

"We expressed concerns that we thought were well-founded about the conduct of the elections," Mrs Clinton told a news conference in Brussels after talks between Nato allies and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Most Russians did not want the kind of political upheavals that had been seen in recent years in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, he said.

Mr Putin's remarks came a day after he officially registered his candidacy for the presidential elections next March.

He stood down from the office in 2008 after serving his constitutional maximum of two consecutive terms, and has since held the post of prime minister.

'Serious concerns'

While maintaining that protesters had the right to express their opinion, Mr Putin warned that "if somebody breaks the law, then the authorities... should demand that the law is adhered to".

Monitors from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said on Monday that there had been "severe problems with the counting process" after the vote, citing apparent irregularities such as the stuffing of ballot boxes.

Earlier this week the US expressed "serious concerns" over the conduct of the vote.

Russia's only independent election monitoring group, Golos - which is funded by the US and the EU - logged 5,300 allegations of electoral violations.

Its website was hacked and the head of the organisation detained for several hours on Sunday. Prosecutors fined Golos 30,000 rubles (£600; $958) for violations of the electoral law.

 On Tuesday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded angrily to comments Mrs Clinton made about the conduct of the elections during an OSCE meeting in Lithuania.

"This is not Hyde Park, this is not Triumfalnaya [Triumphal] Square in Moscow, where speakers arrive to pour out their soul and then turn around and leave, not listening to others," he said, according to Reuters.

Results published by Russia's Electoral Commission showed support for Mr Putin's United Russia party had dropped but that it would still retain a slim majority in the Duma.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev insisted that the vote had been free and fair.

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俄白哈簽署宣言文件 一體化進入新階段


俄白哈簽署宣言文件 一體化進入新階段

http://www.chinareviewnews.com   2011-11-18 23:39:58  






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Australia has agreed to host a full US Marine task force in the coming years, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced at a news conference with US President Barack Obama in Canberra.

She said about 250 US Marines would arrive next year, eventually being built up to 2,500 personnel.

The deployment is being seen as a move to counter China's growing influence.

But Mr Obama said the US was "stepping up its commitment to the entire Asia-Pacific", not excluding China.

"The main message that I've said, not only publicly but also privately to China, is that with their rise comes increased responsibility," he said.

"It is important for them to play by the rules of the road."

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin questioned whether the move was in keeping with the region's peaceful development.

Long a close ally of Washington, Australia is set to take on a growing strategic importance for the US as Mr Obama seeks to pivot America's foreign policy away from the wider Middle East towards the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

Australia approaches China with a degree of ambivalence. Beijing is Australia's biggest trading partner. But China's growing military reach is seen as at least a potential threat for the future.

In his speech to parliament Mr Obama will set out his vision of a new Pacific century. A subsequent trip to Darwin on Australia's north coast will symbolise the enhanced military relationship between the two countries.

It is an attempt to offset Chinese influence and to ensure that Beijing's "soft power" remains just that and does not spill over into military assertiveness.

"It may not be quite appropriate to intensify and expand military alliances and may not be in the interest of countries within this region," he was quoted as saying by AFP news agency.

The Global Times, a newspaper produced by the Communist Party-controlled People's Daily group, has been much more bellicose, says the BBC's Damian Grammaticas in Beijing.

An editorial warned it was "certain" that if "Australia uses its military bases to help the US harm Chinese interests, then Australia itself will be caught in the crossfire".

Luo Yuan, a senior officer at the People's Liberation Army's Academy of Military Sciences told the paper that while neither the US or China wanted to start a war, "if China's core interests such as its sovereignty, national security and unity are intruded on, a military conflict will be unavoidable".

Alliance honoured

The US president flew into Canberra from this weekend's Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) forum in Honolulu.

The visit comes as the two countries mark a 60-year security alliance.

Ms Gillard said about 250 Marines would be deployed on a rotational basis in northern Australia from next year.

"Australia will welcome deployments of a company-size rotation of 200 to 250 Marines in the Northern Territory for around six months at a time," she said.

"Over a number of years we intend to build on this relationship in a staged way to a full force of around 2,500 personnel, that is a full Marine air-ground task force."

Analysts said the deployment was the biggest in Australia since World War II.

Mr Obama said the deployment would allow the US to "meet the demands of a lot of partners in the region" in terms of training, exercises and "security architecture".

Later in his visit the US leader is due to visit a memorial in Darwin to honour US and Australian soldiers killed during World War II.

Mr Obama has twice cancelled visits to Australia in the past - in March 2010 as he worked to pass healthcare reform legislation and then in June the same year amid the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

After his stop in Darwin, Mr Obama flies to Indonesia for a summit of Asian leaders.

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壓制共軍 美推「空海一體戰」
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中國時報  2011.11.14

壓制共軍 美推「空海一體戰」










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