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如果沒獲得reentry permit,1年即喪失永久居留權 如果獲得reentry permit,而沒有returning resident visa,2年亦會失效 即使沒標上有效期限,也得要定期使用綠卡回美國,那張才有效
reentry permit者,回美證(白皮書) http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/visa/iv/IV_info.asp 如果你持有綠卡,但是必須離開美國一年以上, 在你啟程前必須到移民局申請一份回美證。美國在台協會不受理回美證的申請。 Now That You Are A Permanent Resident http://tinyurl.com/yg62uh _________________________________________________________ Maintaining Permanent Residence Maintaining Permanent Residence You may lose your permanent residence status if you commit an act that makes you removable from the United States under the law in section 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If you commit such an act, you may be brought before the immigration courts to determine your right to remain a Permanent Resident. You may be found to have abandoned your permanent resident status if you: Move to another country intending to live there permanently. Remain outside of the US for more than one year without obtaining a reentry permit or returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year. Remain outside of the US for more than two years after issuance of a reentry permit without obtaining a returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year. Fail to file income tax returns while living outside of the US for any period. Declare yourself a “nonimmigrant” on your tax returns. _________________________________________________________ google搜法 http://tinyurl.com/35yxp9
生命財產第一, 別逼我們上戰場
民生經濟第二, 別讓我們餓死
民主自由第三, 我們來公投
民族主義第四, 願中國統一
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假定有一天馬真的拿著那張失效綠卡入境美國 在海關被發現至少一年以上未入境美國,失效綠卡當場被沒收 而必須以非移民身份入境(和一般觀光簽證同樣身分) 馬對於這個行政處分不滿 而向美國移民法庭尋求行政救濟 希望能拿回永久居留權
上了法庭 法官: 為何一年內未回美國? 馬: 我因為有家庭或身體因素一年內無法返美 官員: 他後來還使用非移民簽證入境美國, 什麼樣的家庭或身體因素讓他不能用綠卡,卻可用非移民簽入境?
如果你是美國移民法庭法官 你會相信馬的說法而讓馬拿回永久居留權嗎? 如果你是馬的移民律師 你能幫馬想想還有何辦法幫馬拿回永久居留權嗎?
答案應該很清楚,除非移民法庭法官是白癡 因為用非移民簽赴美即排除無法赴美之不可抗力因素
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有人或者會抓著"永久"一辭不放 但那就像某甲對某乙說"永遠愛你"一樣 當某乙先另結新歡或劈腿時,某甲是否還有必要再愛某乙? 其實不妨看看我國如何看待移民我國的外國人 我國對永久居留也有類似規定 好像也沒看到有"準國籍"說法喔 看完還會有人把永久居留證當做身分證嗎? 入出國及移民法 http://law.moj.gov.tw/Scripts/NewsDetail.asp?no=1D0080132 第 3 條 本法用詞定義如下: 一、國民:指具有中華民國(以下簡稱我國)國籍之居住臺灣地區設有戶 籍國民或臺灣地區無戶籍國民。 四、居住臺灣地區設有戶籍國民:指在臺灣地區設有戶籍,現在或原在臺 灣地區居住之國民,且未依臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例喪失臺 灣地區人民身分。 五、臺灣地區無戶籍國民:指未曾在臺灣地區設有戶籍之僑居國外國民及 取得、回復我國國籍尚未在臺灣地區設有戶籍國民。 九、永久居留:指外國人在臺灣地區無限期居住。 第 28 條 十四歲以上之外國人,入國停留、居留或永久居留,應隨身攜帶護照、外 僑居留證或外僑永久居留證。 入出國及移民署或其他依法令賦予權責之公務員,得於執行公務時,要求 出示前項證件。其相關要件與程序,準用警察職權行使法第二章之規定。 第 33 條 入出國及移民署對有下列情形之一者,撤銷或廢止其永久居留許可,並註 銷其外僑永久居留證: 一、申請資料虛偽或不實。 二、持用不法取得、偽造或變造之證件。 三、經判處一年有期徒刑以上之刑確定。但因過失犯罪者,不在此限。 四、永久居留期間,每年居住未達一百八十三日。但因出國就學、就醫或 其他特殊原因經入出國及移民署同意者,不在此限。 五、回復我國國籍。 六、取得我國國籍。 七、兼具我國國籍。 八、受驅逐出國。
或者有人會說台灣沒有移民政策 但移民政策主要是在取得永久居留權之前把關,取得永久居留後的狀況就類似了 簡言之,台灣的綠卡不隨便發的,但發出去後也會因不行使而消滅 另外連判刑一年都會被取消"永久"居留 按某些人的說法,我國是一國多制... 一個簡單類比例子 話說99%辦學生證(居留權)是為了畢業,在畢業前每學期都要註冊繳費, 畢業時拿到畢業證書(公民權)後,就不用再繳錢 但有的中輟生辦了離校手續(填表放棄) 也有的中輟生沒辦休學又沒註冊繳學費 20年後還有人會認為那張舊學生證仍有學籍效力嗎???
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當年的過錯 1.在那個時代,多少台灣人到了美國留學,申請綠卡的比比皆是 但馬錯了,馬竟然沒意識自己將來有機會參選總統 還和別人一樣為了生活辦了綠卡 2.留學期間要生小孩,沒有籌措來回機票錢 跑回台灣生產,讓小孩在美國產下而取得雙重固有國籍 (只要有出生證明,即使沒申請護照一樣是公民) 3.拿到綠卡不久後,1978年底中美斷交了 大家都拼了命要移民美國 馬英九又錯了,錯在學成後竟然逆向選擇回國服務 現在的過錯 1.拿到綠卡的人都知道 美國法律規定一年未入境,永久居留權即喪失,當大家都兢兢業業的在坐移民監之時 馬幾年沒入境美國,想當然相信自己的綠卡已經失效 但他又錯了,錯在不知道還有法律漏洞可鑽 聽說那張綠卡會變成一次非移民簽證,還可以入境一次, 但身分不再是移民,和前往觀光的其他非移民一樣 嚴格講這也不是法律漏洞,只是執法上漏洞 2.錯在沒有遵循我島優良傳統,沒將子女視為自己財產 錯在沒有直接命令成年女兒放棄美國國籍 竟還尊重其意願 (18歲前不能放棄美國籍 INA: ACT 349 http://tinyurl.com/2vr3qz )
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"You may be found to (have abandoned your permanent resident status" 你可能被發現 已放棄了永久居留狀態 被誰發現? 應該是移民相關官員 發現誰放棄? 當然是綠卡擁有者 特別用得是過去完成式 have abandoned 表示並非被稽核時當下放棄,而是視為之前就已放棄,不過當場被查獲而已 官方程序沒跑完而有法定效力者 如我國即將走入歷史的儀式婚, 只要符合法定要件,即使未前往登記仍有效力
對於may的例外可以參考下面一篇更完整的官方網頁內容 大意是說若沒有在限期內(沒白皮書者1年,有白皮書者2年)回到美國境內 則必須要申請 Returning Resident (SB-1) visas 而且必須在領事館申請(並非回到美國本土再申請), 亦即該綠卡根本就不能用來入境,否則就入境後再申請就好了 而申請SB-1簽證,必須提出不可歸責於綠卡擁有者而致其逾期無法入境的理由 若理由不被採納接受,就回到原點須從頭來過,與沒有拿過綠卡者相同 亦即該張綠卡在逾期未入境情況下即不再有入境效力 要入境必須靠新申請SB-1簽證,而非原來那張綠卡而已 以馬的狀況,根本就沒有不可抗力理由使他不能長期居留於美國境內 所以馬應該連SB-1簽證都申請不到,原先那張綠卡可以說完全失效了
Returning Resident Alien http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_1333.html
A permanent resident alien returning to the United States from a visit abroad of less than a year may apply for readmission by presenting an Alien Registration Receipt Card ("green card") to the immigration authorities at a port of entry. The one-year time limitation does not apply to the spouse or child of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, or of a civilian employee of the U.S. Government stationed abroad pursuant to official orders. In this case, the spouse or child must present the card mentioned above, not have relinquished residence, and be preceding or accompanying the member or employee, or be following to join the member or employee in the United States within four months of the return of the member or employee.
A permanent resident alien who intends to remain abroad for more than a year should, at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of departure, apply while in the United States to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the Department of Homeland Security for Reentry Permit. The permit is valid for two years and may not be extended. If such a permit is obtained the alien may use this card to reenter the United States within the period of validity. Every alien applying for readmission must satisfy the immigration authorities that he or she is eligible in all respects for admission.
A Reentry Permit does not preserve residence for naturalization purposes. An application for preservation of residence must be filed with USCIS prior to departure from the United States. Further information may be obtained from the USCIS office having jurisdiction over the alien''s place of residence in the United States.
Travel documents required for entry into foreign countries come within the jurisdiction of the government concerned; information on such matters should be requested from the representatives of those countries in the United States. A Reentry Permit contains space for visas issued by consular representatives of other countries.
Permanent resident aliens who are unable to return to the United States within the travel validity period of the Alien Registration Receipt Card, or the Reentry Permit, may apply to the nearest U.S. consular office for a special immigrant Returning Resident (SB-1) visa. To qualify for such status aliens must show:--
That they were lawful permanent residents when they departed the United States. -- That when they departed they intended to return to the United States and have maintained this intent: -- That they are returning from a temporary visit abroad and, if the stay was protracted, that it was caused by reasons beyond their control and for which they were not responsible; and -- That they are eligible for the immigrant visa in all other respects.
Applicants who wish to apply for Returning Resident (SB-1) visas should contact the nearest consular office well in advance of their intended travel (at least three months in advance, if possible) to permit sufficient time for visa processing.
If the returning Resident (SB-1) visa is refused on the grounds that the alien has given up his residence in the United States, it may or may not be possible to obtain a nonimmigrant visa, depending on whether the applicant has established a residence abroad to which he will return. If the applicant wishing to return to the United States cannot submit convincing evidence of compelling ties abroad he may have to apply for an immigrant visa on the same basis by which he immigrated originally, if that is possible.
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