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有興趣者, 請幫忙翻譯!

If you don't care that 辭職員工 is leaving 公司, please delete this email immediately.

Well maybe not everything, but it is true that I'm leaving 公司.

It is also true that is has been a lot of fun and my priviledge to work with the great folks here, especially in 老闆's organization.
Without question 老闆 is the best manager I've ever had (sorry 小老闆), and I am grateful for the several opportunities I've had to be in his group.
I'll miss you, and wish you the best of success in the exciting time ahead.

Many people who know me are curious as to what I plan to do after leaving 公司. Instead of answering that question I'll tell the following story.

After moving to 這裡 from 北方 in 1991 (because my wife's company xxx relocated their headquarters to 這裡), I eventually found a job with yyy: a provider of traffic monitoring and control systems. One night while leaving their building I struck up a conversation in the elevator with 勞工掮客 who addressed me because I was carrying a book on computer software design. It turned out that he had a consulting company that did work for 公司 and he needed more people to work on an interesting project in Java. I had wanted to work in Java, but the prospect of doing so in the forseeable future at yyy was poor. I began to work for 勞工掮客 on the scheduler project for 公司. This project had him in the offices of zzz, the vendor of 另外一種軟體, one floor up from yyy's space. Within two weeks, the project shifted to C++ because the performance of the early versions of Java was unacceptably slow. Later, in perhaps mid 1997, a
weird opportunity opened where the zzz guys would let 勞工掮客 and one of his staff attend a 另外一種軟體 class that was being offered to 公司 folk. 勞工掮客's manager from 公司 approved this diversion, because the project was in a lull, and 勞工掮客's team was ahead on their deliverables. 勞工掮客 and 阿龍 (the most senior developer in 勞工掮客's org) were going to talk the one week introduction to 另外一種軟體 development course.

阿龍 got stuck doing support and I took the course in his place. The group from 公司 taking the class was 老闆 and his team who would develop the initial release of the 系統. Because I was sitting next to 老闆 in the class he saw that I got the training and did well on the exercises. When the development part of the 系統 began toward the very end of 1997 老闆 convinced 勞工掮客 to transfer me to his group downtown. The success of my efforts allowed 老闆 to become a vice president.

Now that I've done enough to further 老闆's career, I'll be riding in the elevator with my collection of computer texts as I leave 公司. I'm confident that will lead to other opportunities.

Best Wishes,

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彼得兔: 「飛鳥已盡」那「弓」呢?



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