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Lie, Lie, Lie Until Die

The higher ranking a public official is, the more distance he has from the root(people).  At least he knows how to be smart enough to hide his intention or "justify" his conscience, if not to mask himself and "well-(ad)dressed" for Halloween "haunted scary" fun party.

(NOTE: Compare what was one and only urgent action GWB want us "to listen" in his speech 5 years ago and what he asks also in his speech last Saturday and today.  Bush promised us to "smoke" something out. Sorry, GWB did "smoke" Saddam Hussein out of the hole.  But, what or whom he referred to?  Nothing being smoke out yet as we expected.    

Ouch, lie, lies and more lies,  are we going to see all lies made by our public servants will not be ended until the day we die?  The fact that Paulson wrote to our Congress only 3 pages plan for the top urgency keeps me thinking who really needs to be rescue? A Government Workforce in Need of Its Own Rescue

By Joe Davidson
Thursday, October 2, 2008; D04) 


 Home > News & Policies > October 2002

Denial and Deception

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 7, 2002

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat
Remarks by the President on Iraq
Cincinnati Museum Center - Cincinnati Union Terminal
Cincinnati, Ohio

Print Story Bush Lawmakers 'must listen' vote yes on Yahoo!

(NOTE:  My computer said the stored shortcut is missing.   The title of this article on internet has clearly been changed into "NewsFurious lobbying for much-maligned bailout bill."  We may not make decent comparison "word by word" since the new version may change its main tone and content.

It happens all the time.  In the past few days, it is often we run into article saying "today the stock is SET for down" in the early morning.  Particularly right before the Congress is about to vote on the Paulson's bailout plan.   Then it disappeared without trace.  Who have the power to "set" the Wall Street to lower gear from higher as a car driver?  

The media dares to report the market is down for worry of the dim chance to pass the bill.  It always said the optimism was high everytime the stocks was up.  The explanations the media has is based on one factor:  the bill decide every move, including the live or death of the stock market.   Sounds that is one and only factor in the Wall Street.  

Is it true?  Look at today (09-02-08) market, Dow is down 315 points.   What's on the earth, isn't it the first best news for the market and the best answer for GWB's urgent demand to to have the best tool that our Senate passed the bill last night since our House defeated it?   Where the expectation, sentiment, excitement or optismism the media claimed about is gone? )  

Compare what the Senators intend to give the riche and the poor.  One is given a prime rib steak.  The other will pick up the check, don't even mention about the French fries (once upon a time, it was changed into Free fries).  What tax break or FDIC insurance is for?  Not for the average Joe who worry $5 per gallon I don't think Mr. Joe will if he has $100,000 in his bank.  How many of us need that, except those richer who has more than $100,000 in his piggy bank? 

However, that will make some House representative in a very difficult situation.  If they don't change their position, they may be blamed by some people, say, for not getting tax relief for those hit by natural disasters in the Midwest, Texas and Louisiana.  At least, they lay the foundation to give a good justification for some Congressman change their minds.  All they need is just to turn 12 votes around.  Isn't it much easier?

Sorry, our constitution doesn't give our President an "item veto" power to get rid of some tricky junk in a bill.  The presidents have no choice, but to judge the upside and downside and then comprise or reject the whole package.  Neither it gives us or our representatives the right to exercise the "item veto" power.

The world is full of complexity.  Life is a choice of value and judgment, in which there is no poetic justice.   We still have to face the reality and accept it so flexibly in order to be a team member (or a leader), even we know something should not be done.  How could we expect our congressman have the guts to be upright to hold his rightness as a Don Quixote?  

Yes, we do need our Senators equipped with smart skills of sophistication.  We are lucky to have them serving us when I saw 3 quarters of the four presidential candidates have the skills.  But, just one thing bothers me: do you think we enjoy and deserve the smartness they used to vote against the interest of the American people?   You are the judge. 

(NOTE: To me, I will stick to my position to vote out those Wall Street buddies who casted their "yes", but I will listen to my heart and try to understand my congressman who change his position for the bill in the second round.  Believe me, my understanding of their "justification" is nothing like "read my lips" as Bush said "to ask you make sacrifices is not fair.  I understand your feeling", on his last Saturday speech.)


****  ****

Senate passes $700B rescue; House votes lured

WASHINGTON - After one spectacular failure, the $700 billion financial industry bailout found a second life Wednesday, winning lopsided passage in the Senate and gaining ground in the House, where Republicans opposition softened.

Senators loaded the economic rescue bill with tax breaks and other sweeteners before passing it by a wide margin, 74-25, a month before the presidential and congressional elections.

Even as the Senate voted, House leaders were hunting for the 12 votes they would need to turn around Monday's 228-205 defeat. They were especially targeting the 133 Republicans who voted "no."

The measure didn't cause the same uproar in the Senate, where both parties' presidential candidates, Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama, made rare appearances to cast "aye" votes, as did Obama's running mate, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware.

In addition to extending several tax breaks popular with businesses, the bill would keep the alternative minimum tax from hitting 20 million middle-income Americans and provide $8 billion in tax relief for those hit by natural disasters in the Midwest, Texas and Louisiana.

Their opposition appeared to be easing after the Senate added $110 billion in tax breaks for businesses and the middle class, plus a provision to raise, from $100,000 to $250,000, the cap on federal deposit insurance.

Tax cuts new and old are favorites for most House Republicans. Help for rural schools was aimed mainly at lawmakers in the West, while disaster aid was a top priority for lawmakers from across the Midwest and South.

Another addition, to extend the deductibility of state and local taxes for people in states without income taxes, helps Florida and Texas, among others.



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鄭嵐奇(MYKEY) : 七千億大賭注, 【MY COMIC】國慶!甚幸!
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2008/10/13 04:52 【曾太公落美洲】 雙十雙死雙死結﹖我惡妻﹖我訛取﹖
2008/10/13 04:51 【不平則鳴】 雙十雙死雙死結﹖我惡妻﹖我訛取﹖


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Paul B. Farrell

'Paulson's new 'Global Banking Corp.' IPO 2009

Forget Washington, forget Goldman: Our hero has global ambitions

By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
Last update: 7:05 p.m. EDT Oct. 6, 2008
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- 
Today's news is too hot, too juicy. (NOTE: Remember I used the term "spicy" this morning. Isn't it hot and juicy combined?)  "Wall Street, the Sequel," needs a new predator! A poster-boy for the arrogance, greed and incompetence of Wall Street and Washington. And "Hank the Hammer" Paulson wins hands down as the archetype of a modern global megapredator.
You're looking back. Your job, sketch the key plot points of Stone's next thriller, based on all we know of the buildup and what we can rationally predict will happen between 2009 and 2011. Start:
1. Opening scene: Paulson and Goldman Sachs, 1974-2006
Harvard M.B.A., 1970. Then a staffer at the Pentagon and with Nixon. Joins Goldman in 1974. CEO in 1999. Paid $38 million in 2005. Federal ethics laws let him sell $484 million in Goldman stock tax-free when he left. Net worth, about $700 million.
2. U.S. Treasury Secretary, 2006-2008
Goldman was a big derivatives player under Paulson. His decisions at Treasury reflect 24 years as a Wall Street insider. He was protecting his old Wall Street buddies when he and the Fed chairman insisted in mid-2007 the subprime-credit meltdown was "contained."
3. Paulson suddenly flip-flops and hits panic button, Sept.(NOTE: to be exactly, 18th, i.e. the famous "918 incident" in China-Japan relations) '08
After years of denial, two weeks ago Paulson flip-flops. Using a classic Reaganomics "disaster capitalism" gimmick, he pushed the panic button, asked Congress for a $700 billion blank-check bailout bonanza for Wall Street. Nothing for Main Street. A one-sided Ponzi scheme, imperial powers, complete with Iraq War-type threats of "economic mushroom clouds." Conservatives were screaming "nationalization! socialism!"
4. Paulson's panic triggers 'feeding frenzy' for lobbyists, 2008
While baffled Republicans wondered why Hank pushed the panic button, his panic set off a scene rivaling "Jaws." Washington is run by 42,000 lobbyists. They smelled blood in this $700,000,000,000 ocean. Add my bank! Foreign banks! Hedge funds! Money markets! S&Ls! Auto loans! Bankruptcy relief! Sharks on a feeding frenzy.
5. Flashback: Paulson warned the president, but failed us, 2008
Yes, he saw this crisis coming years ago. Bloomberg Markets reports that back in August 2006 Paulson spoke to the White House staff at Camp David: "Paulson held up over-the-counter derivatives as an example of financial innovation that could, under certain circumstances, blow up in Wall Street's face and affect the whole economy." Yet he withheld this information from America, didn't tell us till his recent panicky flip-flop.
6. Paulson's conflicts of interest favor his old buddies, 2008
Paulson owes a lot to Goldman; 24 years almost made him a billionaire. An analyst told Bloomberg News that Goldman and Morgan Stanley may be the two "biggest beneficiaries" of the Bailout Bonanza: They've already "written down the value of their holdings." So they have much junk to dump on taxpayers, thanks to Paulson their, "inside man." And he wanted no oversight. With several former Goldman staffers working with him at Treasury now, you wonder: Did they give their old buddies early hints of the bailout?
7. Uncle Warren also gets priority before taxpayers, 2008
Main Street may be overlooked, but not old friends like Warren Buffett. Earlier as Goldman's CEO derivatives made Paulson one of the chief architects of today's "Economic Pearl Harbor,"【註﹕這下子﹐聯網人可知道太公主欄文中﹐為何提到日本山本大將的珍珠港軍事行動了吧﹖】 as Warren Buffett calls it (a strange comment since back in 2002 Buffett warned derivatives were "weapons of mass destruction"). Flash forward: ... Imagine, $500 million after taxes annually. Plus "Saint Warren also receives warrants with the right to buy $5 billion of Goldman's common shares at $115 per share over the next five years. That is 8% below Tuesday's closing price. ... This has nothing to do with saving the financial system."
8. Paulson's triumphant return to a 'New Wall Street,' 2008 
In short, his 30 months in government will undoubtedly make him a billionaire while costing taxpayers a trillion in new debt as a result of his inaction and incompetence.
9. New president, same old lobbyists, same old greed, 2009
Some things never, never change, no matter who's president. America is run by 42,000 lobbyists, not our 537 elected officials. And Wall Street's the biggest political campaign donor. For example, USA Today reports that since 1989 Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking, received $43 million. Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, got $7.8 million. No wonder they voted for Paulson's Bonanza.
10. Paulson resigns, creates own bank-holding company, 2009
Not only is he bailing out his old buddies. Not only is he preparing for his return to private wealth. But he's also finagling more taxpayer money for his pet cause....
11. Warning: Same old cycle: Bailout-Bubble-Bust, 2009-2011
... Our bad boys got away with a scam... Banks must start blowing a newer, bigger, more lethal bubble.
12. Hot new aggressive competition among banks, 2009-2010
The Fed, Treasury and SEC will look the other way, creating de facto deregulations to get the markets back on track. Who loses? Homeowners and taxpayers. But also small depositors in the bank-holding companies: Expect more excessive fees and commissions as all banks siphon off more to raise new cash for their same old high-risk gambling bets.
13. Armageddon: Bubble pops, global economic meltdown, 2011
Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and others are already praying for America's demise. Now staunch allies like Germany join the chorus: The German finance minister blames the current crisis on Wall Street's "insane drive for higher and higher profits ... The global financial system will become more multipolar." ...
But the moral hazard created by Paulson's 2008 bailout will eventually backfire. We relieved Wall Street of the consequences of its costly, stupid blunders. But we also released them to chase a new raging bull in 2009 ... and blow a bigger more lethal credit bubble that'll bring down the global economy before the end of the next presidential term.
Comments? My advice to Stone: Forget recasting Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko. Start planning, plotting and writing a new script now for a 2011 released date. Get Clint Eastwood as Hank the Hammer. Then we get an IPO, you guys get a couple Oscars! End of Story

WASHINGTON - The now-bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers arranged millions in bonuses for fired executives as it pleaded for a federal lifeline, lawmakers learned Monday, as Congress began investigating what went so wrong on Wall Street to prompt a $700 billion government bailout.

Paulson's Cold Blood (尚未發行)

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October 6, 2008 2:47 P.M.ET
Worldwide wreckage 
U.S. indexes keep falling as European shares end with worst one-day drop ever; Dow sinks below 10,000 level; S&P, Nasdaq slide 7%-8%

Market Meltdown: Dow Plunges 800 Points to Below 10,000 Amid Global Sell-off- AP

呵呵呵﹗The first busines day after George signed the bill into law?


好事喔﹗看看Adam Smith 偉大﹐還是美國扁或聯網雞鴨比較行。

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跟臺灣民進黨被扁拖垮, 有沒有像?

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I wish Ms. Sarah Palin could do much better.


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My dear Dr. HB,

I wish Ms. Sarah Palin could come up there in VP debate last Thursday, saying loudly to and for us: "Enough is enough. I will vote 'nay' against the bill if I was a Congresswoman."

From the beginning, Bush boys are just trying to stop housing falling.  They deny the facts, make lies and pray a wish that the bailout will work.  Simply put, they are so simple minded to see it is the nature for it as snow is definitely falling on American land in winter.  They believe they are an air conditioning engineer. 

The problem is they are not God.  With human power, the most they can do is to make the falling stalled for "a while" quoted from George's speech last Saturday.   The damage is going to be even bigger and bigger until the pressure crash on them and us.  Well, as George said, who cares about a judgement made by History since a dead man can't hear.  Neither do I have to care about what they did to the world that is too big for me to handle.

You are so brave to say that "they don't care about the people."  I appreciate what you said in your Point #4 which is said rightfully.  That's the root of our contemporary sickness.  What can we deal with it?

(Point #4: For whatever reason there seems to be a cohort of people that think intellectualism is a waste of time. Ironically, many of the people pushing this agenda are educated at some of the most prestigious universities in our country. Its as if they want to see some renewed form of the Dark Ages when it comes to education. They mock scientific research on energy independence, they cling to outdated models of trickle down economics, and are proud that we are squandering money in Quixotic missions.

As we struggle with our own economic budget we are blowing through inordinate amounts of money around the world. This bailout plan over the weekend had a vast majority of people who were against it. After Monday's fall and the subsequent punditry the numbers shifted to a slight majority opposing it. Why? Because people respond to fear mongering and when some do not understand complex situations they tend to gravitate to dogmatic views.)

As an invisible man as Mr. Joe is in our society, it is useless to complain.   Let's go back to analyze those 451 pages of the Senate bill (now it is the law) and see how we can get something out of it (NOTE: I know, it is almost impossible to squeeze blood out of a turnip.)  

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Excuse Me, What Is Our Hard-Earned $700

Donna Brazile

Here's my point: Secretary Henry Paulson said approximately 5 million Americans are now in some stage of defaulting on their home mortgage. That's 5 million families, living down the block from you and I, about to get the carpet ripped out from under them. What are we doing to ensure that they are stabilized enough so that the taxpayers can reap some benefit from this massive bailout? Unless we help our neighbors and co-workers, this crisis will not end anytime soon.

What should really concern us with all this frenzied talk about the financial crisis is that no clear picture is given of what these "illiquid assets" that we, the taxpayers, are being asked to buy consist of. I mean, I know it's some form of mortgage assets and related unregulated mortgage-backed securities. But, specifically, what exactly are we buying? What are we holding on to and when, if anyone truly knows, will the government get its money back?

Will the government resell the homes that are in foreclosure or do we even know who will have title to them once they're taken off the bank's books and added to our collective debt?

Bush, Paulson and others with a stake in getting bailed out all tell us we have no time to figure out what we are being asked to buy because if we don't buy it fast, all will be lost. Isn't that how we got in trouble in the first place?


Excuse me, what we can do to have the cake of $700 billion when the fat cats is eating it?

The House passed the bill at 1:28 pm last Friday; and George was so anxious to sign it into law within 1 hour and 20 minutes.  There are a lot of possibilities for the poor to get even with those fat cats by taking advantage of the bill.  

It goes and it will come back.  There are some better ideas or alternatives for American people to win.  Paulson choose the easy and lazy way, not an "One Stone Kills Two Birds" strategy.  Now we have to cope with the realtiy after the financial Hurricane Ike, with smartness that Paulson never had. 

時事評論政治 2008/10/02 18:21 |瀏覽 66|回應 0|推薦 1|引用 0
One Stone Kills Two Birds (尚未發行)
時事評論政治 2008/10/01 23:37 |瀏覽 1|回應 0|推薦 0|引用 0

Folks, read the 100 pages bill and you will find a way to feel much better after the defeat.  Yes, so many things are not clear at this moment.  Who knows how those Wall Street Friends in DC are going to process the assets.  With the lightening speed as George had to sign the bill into law?  Or like FDIC's "due process" to take forever?   Nothing can be worse than the current situation, right?

This morning, George said he would not buy those bad assets at face value and would like to hold on the assets for "a while" to recoup a better value if not making profit to the people.   Well, I knew from my past what "2 minutes" means to a Congressman, does that "a while" mean anything?  I have no clue from George the boy.  But who cares?  Since he will at most stay in that little white house for about 3 months, what he said or interpreted now is not so important to us or Obama.

Maybe we are going to have an improved RTC later.  Who knows?  The possibility is there for the next President.  Hopefully it is Sara Palin who is the only one of those 4 hopefuls dares to verbally take a position against the bailout bill, but she didn't go further to tell us what she has to offer in detail.

So relax, read the bill (not much, just about 100 pages for the House version; but it is up to 451 pages for the passed bill.  The bigger the better?) with soft musics at nights and see the opportunity when it comes next.   Cheer up! nothing is so serious, life goes on.   (NOTE: at least read the article Bailout 101: What new law says)

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Congress OKs historic bailout bill
Friday October 3, 1:37 pm ET
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis and David Espo, Associated Press Writers

Congress enacts historic legislation providing bailout for troubled financial industry.

The final vote, 263-171 in the House, capped two weeks of tumult in Congress and on Wall Street, punctuated by daily warnings that the country confronted the gravest economic crisis since the Great Depression if lawmakers failed to act.





1:49 p.m.
****  *****  ****


Comment by E T

October 2nd, 2008 at 3:56 pm

Dear Dr. HB,

One hundred percent with your idea “to split the big bill into 3-4 separate bills.” But, it seems just like my remote wishes, not even a dream that can come true.

Time is very critical as GWB said, the game is almost over this coming Friday.
I cross my finger to pray that everyone tries his or her best to call, email and support our Congressmen who said “nay” to Paulson Monday. I understand that it would be very difficult for us the American People to win, but we have to try our best.

God bless America.

Enclosed here is my new article to explain the difficulties our Congressmen may face. Let give them our support to stand firm.
Lie, Lie, Lie Until Die


Minds were changing in both parties in favor of the much-maligned measure, which would let the government spend billions of dollars to buy bad mortgage-related securities and other devalued assets from troubled financial institutions.


Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, said she was switching her "no" vote to a "yes"

Rep. Zach Wamp of Tennessee, another of the 133 House Republicans who joined 95 Democrats Monday to reject the measure, also announced he was now onboard, even though "I hate it." He told the AP, "Inaction to me is a greater danger to our country than this bill."

Republican Rep. Jim Ramstad of Minnesota also switched to "yes,"

Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri was switching, too

The changes helped satisfy some Republican critics, but angered conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats

The developments Wednesday prompted one Republican, Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona, to say he would support the new bill.

The leaders hope the measure will bring support from black lawmakers, many of whom voted "no" earlier this week, among others.


There is just one little thing bother me: Why just go identify those possible switch for the bill?  Why don't you tell us who is (are) doing the opposite, to switch "yes" to "no"?   


10/02/2008 06:11 PM by E T Edit Delete

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2008/10/04 07:26 【不平則鳴】 美國湯圓 世界共業
美國湯圓 世界共業
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我們看聯網的官方抱腿文章, 為美國民意代表, 為人民頭家把關, 違逆衙內昏庸命令, 所發出的哀鳴:

美紓困案敗給選票 全球陪葬

現在, 真正要坑殺全球, 為華爾街賠葬, 他們反而高興了!

美紓困案 含淚支持者的理由…

麥坎白癡, 真是美國阿斗.

美國阿扁, 扶搖直上.

通過大賭注, 美國向世界長平之戰邁進!

這些國會議員, 到底拿了啥好處? 老美是不會說滴!


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