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有明星助陣, 剛才打敗女強人, 美國黑人要出頭天啦?

這個民調, 其實很好笑. 媒體拿來炒作, 完全是為自己炒收視率.

有空, 老丐再開欄, 比較美國臺灣的做票與騙票技倆.

Obama narrowly leads McCain in AP poll

AP - 1 hour, 19 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Democrat Barack Obama has a narrow lead over John McCain in a potential presidential matchup, while Hillary Rodham Clinton is about even with the Republican front-runner, an Associated Press-Ipsos poll indicated Monday.

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2008/11/07 20:28 【政治反斗城】 美國勇哥: Obama要養狗啦!
2008/06/24 20:03 【心天心地】 歐巴馬和美國教會
2008/03/06 05:49 【他山之石】 笨蛋: 問題不是經驗! 美國民主黨候選人的空頭支票.
2008/03/06 05:48 【他山之石】 為德州和俄亥俄州民主黨選民喝采!
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一加侖要平均跑六十英里 凱地拉客只跑十英里


新科總統還沒有上臺, 去華府視察.
說的比唱的好聽: 他當總統, 要美國汽車一加侖要平均跑六十英里.
他老兄坐的車子, 是凱地拉客加長轎車, 也就是2630買回來驕其妻妾的大坦克: 一加侖只跑十英里.
美國最省油的油電車, 一加侖跑四十八英里.
麥芽糖學的數學, 怎麼樣都算不出來: 黑人總統的空頭支票, 如何兌現!?

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還沒有當總統 就開始撈過界



遭彈劾伊州長強任命 歐巴馬火大

有啥好火大滴? 撈過界!

當初不管, 今天跳腳?

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外電報導 - 掛歐巴馬電話:你少騙了!



美國總統當選人歐巴馬為了促進兩黨合作,3日親自打電話給佛羅里達州的共和黨籍聯邦眾議員艾蓮娜.羅斯雷丁南(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen),竟被她當成詐騙電話,當場掛他電話。後來歐巴馬的幕僚長再打一次,又被她掛斷。



過了一會兒,獲歐巴馬提名為白宮幕僚長的艾曼紐再打電話給她,表明身分後說「不敢相信妳竟掛總統當選人的電話」,她認為艾曼紐也是電台整人節目主持人,又掛了他的電話。後來還勞駕共和黨籍的眾院外交委員主席波曼(Howard Berman)打電話給她,她才知道是歐巴馬本尊打的電話。



【2008/12/05 聯合報】@

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美國三姑六婆巴八啦挖特獅, 邀請美國阿扁, 我們看了場針鋒相對的好戲!

麥芽糖卻看到了: 未來四年的耍嘴皮與浪費時間!

美國八婆巴八啦挖特獅要美國阿扁"送個感恩節禮物"確定聘請希拉芮, 美國阿扁拒絕透露!

精彩的是: 美國八婆拷問美國阿扁有關用兵.

美國阿扁說: 要儘快從伊拉克撤軍. 美國八婆問: 你覺得, 我們在伊拉克算是成功了嗎?

這是麥芽糖來美二十幾年, 見過最不誠懇, 最浪費時間的總統訪問. 比問小柯, 性關係的定義, 還要無聊百倍的談話.

今後四年, 美國就這樣子, 口水多過茶!

那五十二趴白癡, 選的好總統!

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還沒上臺, 五百萬工作機會, 就打對折啦!



還沒上臺, 五百萬工作機會, 就打對折啦!

馬英九說他會救企業, 也判斷歐巴馬會救美國三大車廠.
在美國, 看到新總統, 比馬總統面對民進黨街頭運動, 還要軟趴趴!

Obama economic plan aims for 2.5M new jobs by 2011

By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer Will Lester, Associated Press Writer – 33 mins ago

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美國阿扁, 募款大將, 犯罪行為被抓包! Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud




跟阿扁學習一下, 好歹等吃完再被逮吧!

In this Wednesday, June 4, 2008 file photo, Antoin 'Tony' Rezko returns to the Federal Courthouse where a jury found him guilty on 16 counts of a 24-count indictment in his corruption trail  in Chicago. Federal prosecutors moved Monday, Oct. 6, 2008 to delay indefinitely the sentencing of convicted fundraiser Antoin 'Tony' Rezko, sending their strongest hint yet that he is ready to spill his political secrets. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


AP - 2 hours, 20 minutes ago

By MIKE ROBINSON, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 16 minutes ago

CHICAGO - Jailed political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the Chicago real estate developer who helped launch Barack Obama on his political career, is whispering secrets to federal prosecutors about corruption in Illinois and the political fallout could be explosive.

Rezko also was friendly with Obama — offering him a job when he finished law school, funding his earliest political campaigns and purchasing a lot next to his house. But based on the known facts, charges so far and testimony at Rezko's trial, there's no indication there'll be an October surprise that could hurt the Democratic presidential nominee — even though Rezko says prosecutors are pressing him for dirt about Obama.

"I think this strikes fear into the Blagojevich administration and the Statehouse Democrats but not into the Obama campaign," says state Sen. Kirk Dillard, R-Westmont, a John McCain delegate to the GOP convention but an old friend of Obama.

Rezko, 53, a real estate developer, was convicted in June of scheming to use his clout with the Blagojevich administration to squeeze $7 million in kickbacks out of a contractor and seven money management firms seeking to do business with the state.

Within two months, Rezko was seen in U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald's office, along with his attorneys.

There has been no official confirmation that Rezko is talking but his sentencing has been postponed indefinitely and both sides say they are going to "engage in discussions that could affect their sentencing postures."

"They never would have delayed the sentencing if he weren't talking — it's proof positive," said Jay Stewart, executive director of the Better Government Association of Chicago.

In addition, attorneys say federal investigators have been questioning Blagojevich contributions around the state using information that only Rezko could have supplied. Finally, courthouse personnel requesting anonymity because grand jury probes are secret said Rezko has been repeatedly brought from his cell to the U.S. attorney's office to talk to prosecutors.

Rezko could have a lot to tell. He has raised millions of dollars in campaign money for many Illinois politicians and according to federal prosecutors used his clout to control appointments to state boards.

Obama has sent to charity $159,000 that Rezko raised for his campaigns for the state legislature, the House and the Senate. Rezko raised nothing for Obama's White House run.

Obama's name came up in testimony at the trial four times, twice in connection with an obscure legislative memo, as a guest at a Rezko party and when defense attorney Joseph Duffy told jurors his client was a friend of the senator.

None of the witnesses accused the Democratic nominee for president of doing anything improper.

But questions concerning Obama's relationship with Rezko linger, particularly over Rezko's role in the purchase of the Obamas' home.

The two have known each other for years, starting when Rezko offered Obama a job after he graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991. Obama didn't take it, but a friendship developed.

The men talked politics frequently and occasionally dined together with their wives.

In 2005, the Obamas paid $1.65 million for their home near the University of Chicago. The sellers wanted a parcel they owned next door to sell on the same day, and Rezko's wife, Rita, was the buyer. At the request of the Obamas, Mrs. Rezko later sold them a 10-foot strip of land to enlarge their lot. They paid $104,500.

The deal took place while Rezko was under investigation and when details of the cozy relationship surfaced, Obama said it was a "bonehead" error to have asked for the additional land because it looked like he was getting a favor.

"I regret it," Obama said at the time. "I'm going to make sure that from this point on I don't even come close to the line."

McCain and vice running mate Sarah Palin have mentioned Rezko little if at all. But Republicans have aired a television ad focusing on Rezko. And McCain aides have repeatedly tweaked their opponent over the real estate deal in e-mails to reporters.

"We're delighted to have a debate on judgment with Barack Obama, who bought his million-dollar mansion in a shady deal with a convicted felon," McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said in August.

Blagojevich, meanwhile, got a black eye from the trial.

One witness testified that Blagojevich talked about hiring him for a major state job while his $25,000 donation to the governor's campaign fund was lying on the table.

Two attorneys testified that Blagojevich hinted that they could get lucrative state contracts if they raised money — possibly for a future White House campaign.

Obama's name has not surfaced in accounts of the investigation since the trial. But Rezko himself raised it in a letter to the judge months ago.

"Your Honor, the prosecutors have been overzealous in pursuing a crime that never happened," he wrote. "They are pressuring me to tell them the wrong things that I supposedly know about Gov. Blagojevich and Sen. Barack Obama."

CHICAGO - Jailed political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the Chicago real estate developer who helped launch Barack Obama on his political career, is whispering secrets to federal prosecutors about corruption in Illinois and the political fallout could be explosive.

">Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans

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美國媒體評論: 民主黨高調不實際, 無法兌現!



丹佛城, 美國爽黨, 造勢歡聲雷動!

黑人當選, 就像阿扁一樣!

他的口號, 能夠解決美國的問題嗎?


AP Democrat's vision will collide with reality

By JIM DRINKARD, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 47 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama is accepting the Democratic nomination Thursday night with a lofty vision for the nation's future that is far easier to articulate than to accomplish.

The next occupant of the White House will inherit a half-trillion-dollar budget deficit that will severely crimp any plans for spending on new programs, as well as the messy endgame of the war in Iraq and growing energy and health-care challenges. A look at Obama's promises and the realities he would confront:


The promise: Obama has pledged to attack the weak economy with another stimulus plan to follow the $168 billion package of tax rebates for individuals and tax breaks for businesses that Congress passed last February. Obama's stimulus would include tax rebates, aid to state and local governments and increased spending for infrastructure projects. He would also increase spending in other areas such as alternative energy programs.

The problem: Obama's spending plans and middle-class tax relief will collide with the hard reality of exploding budget deficits. The Congressional Budget Office projects this year's deficit will hit $400 billion, driven higher by the weak economy and the stimulus program Congress has already passed. And the Bush administration is forecasting that next year's imbalance will hit an all-time high of $482 billion. Deficits will remain high because of the costs of extending the Bush tax cuts and growing demands on big government benefit programs such as Social Security and Medicare as the baby boom generation retires.


The promise: Retain President Bush's tax cuts for families making less than $250,000 a year and provide more relief to the squeezed middle class by creating new tax breaks for lower-income families; extend the current "patch" that keeps the Alternative Minimum Tax, designed to make sure the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, from hitting more middle-class families; exempt seniors making less than $50,000 per year from paying income taxes, expand the tax credit for college and provide incentives to encourage savings, and help pay for child care and pay mortgage expenses.

The problem: Obama's tax proposals come with a hefty price tag. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, a joint effort of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, estimates that Obama's tax proposals would reduce projected tax revenue by $2.95 trillion over the next decade, compared to an estimate of what would happen if Bush's tax cuts were to expire as scheduled at the end of 2010. By comparison, the center estimates that the tax proposals of Obama's rival, Republican Sen. John McCain, would cost an even larger $4.17 trillion in lost revenue because, unlike Obama, McCain would extend all of Bush's tax cuts, including those benefiting higher-income taxpayers.


The promise: A short-term rebate of $1,000 per couple to help with rising energy costs; release of up to 70 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and investment of $15 billion a year over the next decade to encourage renewable energy, clean-coal technology and electric cars.

The problem: The next president will take the oath of office in January and confront an immediate crisis: The cost of heating homes is likely to be at record levels. Obama's promised rebate relies on enactment of a windfall profits tax on big oil companies, which could take months and is by no means sure to get through Congress. The last time the nation had such a tax, from 1980 to 1988, U.S. reliance on foreign oil went up. His longer-term solution, encouraging alternative energy by creating a $150 billion clean energy fund, relies for financing on a program of selling pollution allowances to combat global warming that is even more uncertain. Under political pressure because of high gasoline prices, Obama has reversed course and said he would support limited lifting of a ban on offshore oil drilling — but that wouldn't produce any oil for seven to 10 years.


The promise: Obama would increase the number of people with health insurance by having the government subsidize the cost of coverage for low- and middle-income families. To help pay for that expense, Obama would increase taxes for those families earning more than $250,000. He also would require employers not offering health coverage to pay a percentage of their payroll toward a national health plan. And he would mandate that children have health insurance, and expand who can participate in Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

The problem: While the plan would help millions of people obtain health insurance, some health analysts say it falls short of universal coverage. The Tax Policy Center says the Obama plan would reduce the number of uninsured by 18 million in 2009, from the current figure of 45 million. That still would leave millions uninsured.

Obama's plan would let people choose a public, Medicare-like plan or browse a shopping center of sorts for private insurance plans. The National Health Insurance Exchange would create rules and standards for participating private plans, and insurers would have to issue every applicant a policy regardless of pre-existing health conditions. Similar guarantees of coverage have been tried by a handful of states that let residents buy coverage directly from insurers, but it hasn't always worked. Kentucky and South Dakota dropped their guaranteed-coverage mandates after insurers fled the market and premiums soared for younger, healthier individuals. It has worked better in Massachusetts, whose plan Obama's resembles in many ways.


The promise: Obama says he would engage both allies and adversaries to repair the U.S. image abroad and regain leverage and leadership that he says Bush squandered. He says he will marshal international pressure against Iran, boost U.S. efforts against extremists along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and get a faster and firmer start on Middle East peacemaking.

The problem: The United States has already reversed many policies other nations saw as isolationist or bullying — for example, by joining international diplomatic efforts with "axis of evil" nations Iran and North Korea. Obama would continue those efforts and others without any greater guarantee of success. Any U.S. administration wanting to step up activity in Pakistan will face strong resistance from Pakistani authorities and probably pay the price for violating its sovereignty by seeing cooperation cut back.


The promise: Pull all U.S. combat forces out of Iraq within 16 months, send more combat troops to Afghanistan and provide better care for wounded troops and veterans.

The problem: A troop pullout is feasible and conforms roughly to a withdrawal timetable advocated by the Iraqi government. But a 16-month timetable risks shifting responsibility to Iraq's security forces before they are ready, and it gives the insurgents an explicit target date for waiting out the Americans.

Until forces are pulled from Iraq, there are none to bolster the force in Afghanistan. Balancing needs in those two countries will be an immediate challenge for the next president. There is a broad consensus on the need for more troops to combat an emboldened insurgency in Afghanistan and to train government troops there, but the trick is to accomplish that without giving up gains against the insurgency in Iraq and without robbing combat-weary soldiers and Marines of the rest periods they need.

Caring for veterans and the wounded entails enormous costs, and the scope of the health care requirements for returning troops is not yet fully known. The Pentagon got caught by suprise at the wave of health care demands — physical and mental — triggered by the Iraq war, mainly because it had not anticipated such a long and bloody conflict.


The promise: An $18 billion plan that would encourage, but not mandate, universal pre-kindergarten; teacher pay raises tied to, although not based solely on, test scores; an overhaul of President Bush's No Child Left Behind law to better measure student progress, make room for non-core subjects like music and art and be less punitive toward failing schools, and a tax credit to pay up to $4,000 of college costs for students who perform 100 hours of community service a year. Obama would pay for his plan by ending corporate tax deductions for CEO pay and delaying NASA's moon and Mars missions.

The problem: With the budget stretched thin, a huge infusion of cash for early childhood education or college costs seems unlikely. Federal spending on education has already been rising for more than a decade. Congress and the White House will be in no hurry to tackle No Child Left Behind, which was due for a rewrite in 2007; the economy, the war and health care are stickier and more pressing concerns. Moreover, when it is revisited, NCLB will have strong support from both parties on Capitol Hill; likewise, it has been embraced by civil rights groups and big-city leaders because of its goal to eliminate the disparity between the performance of white and minority students. Obama may have more success with his ideas for teacher pay and other issues of teacher quality; those issues have been attracting attention in Congress.

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郭崇倫專欄─歐巴馬 巧詐政客的另一面


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歐巴馬 巧詐政客的另一面

  • 2008-08-12
  • 【郭崇倫】












真正的捐款總數絕對不只區區三億元,專家估計至少十億,沒有流進候選人金庫的錢,則是進了周邊政治團體,依據稅法五二七條,捐款給這種不特定支持某候選人的政治團體,是可以免稅的,他們的用途在猛批對手,而不牽扯上候選人,譬如像「前進」(MoveOn.org)大肆攻擊駐伊拉克美軍指揮官裴卓斯將軍(David Petraeus),作證時扭曲事實,是「背叛我們」將軍(General Betray-Us)。

「前進」在外界批評下,被迫關門,但是歐巴馬陣營還是有許多「五二七團體」,他們就像護主惡犬,不待主人招呼,就上前一陣惡咬,主人忙著道歉,強調與自己無關,但傷害已經造成,麥肯同樣也有「自由退伍軍人」(Vetsfor Freedom),充作惡狗。



歐普拉加持 歐巴馬多百萬票






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