引用文章Don't be a silly frog Ha! ha ha, I love it. Look at the recommendation you got so far. You are better off than me. Smile! Don't be unhappy, okay?
The only thing I believe you have to more specify is "Scratch American Big Brother's back." Whose back you mean? Geroge W Bush or any ruling gangster in USA? Or American poor folks?
Well, allow me to use Chinese Communist Party's phrase that is very popular in the Culture Revolution, "it is the people supporting us, not the governement."
Here you know what the solutions to the dilemma ROC has been facing are? Ha, Replace "Special Military Pocurement" with what? Any counter offer to Geroge and shut his mouth up?
Kowtow by Dr. Ma or A Bien? Strong objection from Dr. James Soong or Li Ou?
You will definitely say: your "Grass Diplomacy" if you know something about it. I will wait a visit from Dr. James Soong and want him to speak out util the end of October this year. If he doesn't show up, then I give him up.