They’ve had enough with people like LP Tseng(曾太監)(Great! 太監這詞﹐原來阿九流的英文是翻成LP﹖這真是繼『馬死矣』活路外交後﹐另一偉大發明﹗Anyway, I have the symbol "LP" as my title as a "VP" for a senior banker. I have LP, not like you without LP. Who cares whether it is right or not?)
He deserves to be criticized.
Back to you in your own words: I get his attacks way too often. My articles are obviously captivating and interesting as hell, otherwise, why on earth would he bother? 【Sorry, I am not going to correct them for you.】
I have been working my entire career trying to bridge the gap between US and Taiwan relations. (in a mysterious way) 【Sorry, I am not going to correct it for you.】
Back to you in your own words: "我和錢復沒淵源,1984 年""我們幾個打國際法""的,銜命赴美處理"軍購合約的兩地適法性",錢代表負責簡報,並將部裡的英譯資料逐一解說,他提到..."
***** ***** *****
Gee! where are those cases: 4, 5, ....? It is supposed to have 5 cases at least. Sorry, I am too busy to write them for being bothered by jerks like you. I did a lousy job to get on your nerves where I should concentrate. Neverthless, where we can find your answers on the above 3, at least? (Don't tell me I should use "the 3 cases mentioned above". If you do have the drive, go write on UDN's literature forum.)
Where ARE those your articles I have been kept to make my comments on, as you claimed "I get his attacks way too often"? How come I don't remember anything about you or your articles, except this "bird" article in Mei-feng's city? Please be a man and tell everyone where they are.
Now I know my decision is ABSOLUTELY right. Guess what I am going to do, the nagging bird?
BTW, I admitted that my English is NOT good enough to teach a naive jerk, even it is better than the one your master Dr. Mark Ma has. It is your master's resoponsibility to teach you, not mine. And also thank you for making self-corrections on your English mistakes made by your masters, such as Fredrick Chien's "Third Secretary in the U. S." into "Secretary of MOFA," after I gave you my advice.
The last, thank you for the article to remind me of what I should do next: to keep going on the origional track. Your most stupid article really confirmed my thoughts on the future or my "fate": destination. Tell you what my self-correction is: from now on, I have at least one year to concentrate on writing something I do know to unveil the "mysterious" stupidity of your diplomacy and share my vision with my fellow citizen folks.
Sorry, you are not invited and absolutely not included here as "my folks." You are just a distraction or sideline I must ignore to reach my success. Please get lost! Otherwiese, don't blame me for I'll treat you like the plague.
However, your recent article is so so so so Great that I have a lot of fun! At least, now you let everyone know that you have admitted E. T. has kept his LP that you don't have. Thank you, dummy bird.