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comic (551)
18歲友人Jacques Emile Blanche (1861-1942)所繪 (513)
pictures the writer in a warm haze of slashing brushstrokes which indeed produce the shimmering light to which the Impressionists aspired.
Lionel Abrams (1931-97)的PROUST IN HIS BATH (587)
the work is painted in varying styles, and if the work and themes seem somewhat dated to the contemporary eye, it is a good, solid body of work and part of our artistic history.
Lionel Abrams --Proust (545)
1982: Proust, Ballet National de Marseille Roland Petit. 
Patrick Dupont & Jean-Charles Gil
芭蕾舞"Proust" (490)
one of the most dazzling and satisfying experiences any reader can have.
Remembrance of Things Past ( In Search of Lost Time)-給普魯斯特一個機會(文章名) (426)
21,000法郎Without doubt one of Montblanc's finest limited editions, the Marcel Proust (from 1999) has a striking hexagonal silver barrel, sterling trim, and black resin section and cap with white star.
Montblanc Marcel Proust 李傑部長贈李敖的那牌 (843)
Letto matrimoniale in ferro battuto.
義大利名床也出以PROUST為名的床 (426)
After both of his parents died(father in 1903 andmother two years later)--Proust was financially independent and free to start on his great novel, A la Recherche du Temps Perdu
32-33歲 (504)
30多歲-1 (582)
30多歲-3 (518)
現代版畫 (403)
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