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Fw: JUST IGNORE THIS IF YOU and your friends or your rivals do not invest any.

This is a project of mine to revive the global economy and to fight back the so-called Economic Neoliberalism along with the Hot Money.

This is to inform those people
who do their investment in stock markets or so.
If you do not invest any, just ignore it.

Mon ami(e),

Comment allez-vous aujourdhui?

If you do your investment in your domestic stock market,
then you must notice the difference between this year and the years passed by.
The stock markets around the world seem to be bizarre
according to the technical analysis you used to know, right?
It is all because that
I have been sending out e-mails to over three million receivers
about the new paradigm in investing stock market.
Due of the following information I gonna tell you,
there are more than 20 CEOs of multinational corporation were fired this year,
including the ones of Morgan Stanley, a US-based financial giant,
and the DAX stock market of Germany.
Because the public who invest those corporations render those CEOs
lost their capabilty to do the right investment
taking into acount of the information I sent.
So you better get yourself acknowledged about it.

I found out a too-simple-to-believe way of evaluation of stocks,
that is, the Relative EPS Equation.

E'y= Ey*(Px/Py)

E'y: relative EPS of any stock
Ey: real EPS of any stock in 4 consecutive quarters
Px: current price of the highest-priced stock
Py: current price of any stock

Assume that there are 4 different stocks, x, y, z, and w.

stcck stock price EPS
X 200 11.0
Y 10 0.7
Z 20 0.9
W 5 -0.2

Which one do you prefer to buy?

With the same amount of money you invest,
you can buy 20 issued stakes of y, 10 of z or 40 of w.
That means you would have alternatively
y's total EPS, (E'y), as high as $14 [=$0.7*(200/10)],
z's, (E'z), as much as $9 [=$0.9*(200/20)], or
w's, (E'w), as bad as $-8 [=$-0.2*(200/5)].

So it is worthier to invest y than x for E'y > Ex, or 14 > 11.
However it is not so wise to buy z for E'z = 9 <11.
And by the way, the cheaper is not all the good.
It is stupid enough to buy w for E'w = -8 <<<11!

stcck stock price EPS Relative EPS
X 200 11.0 11 11
Y 10 0.7 14 >11
Z 20 0.9 9 <11
W 5 -0.2 -8 <<11

This equation can be quoted as a blank-filling in such a sentence-making:
With the same amount of money you invest, you can buy
[stock Y] with an EPS earned as much as [...]
instead of buying [the highest priced stock [X]
which gained nothing more than [...].

It will certainly astonish you
if you do the calculations of all the stocks in your domestic market.
Then you will know the true value of ETFs.

Do remember one thing.
Add the EPSs of 4 consecutive quarterly reports in total
instead of that of an annual report.

However, the real dividend matters after all.
But you can go through the equation with dividend instead of EPS anyway.
Try to think
HOW MUCH CAN YOU GET from the bank(s) or the bond(s)
with this same amount of money.
Or you may think it this way:
How much did your rival(s) get from this message already?

Good luck,
Senatus Populusque Romanus

cathy20048 à Taïwan

post scriptum:

The publication of the content of this mail is at

The majority of the web-addresses sent previously were listed at
Fw: JUST IGNORE THIS IF YOU and your friends or your rivals do not invest any.

I have been published more than 6,000,000 receivers's MSN addresses since January 2005.


(Streaming chart et al. in Mandarin)

Let's buy the stock
with the ratio of (dividend / current stock price)
for an honest revenue.

Pour les gens qui avaient étudié l'économique politique,
il faut rendre cet article la révolution contre le capitalisme monétaire monopoliste.


You might not have read the rest 14 letters if you receive this letter from one of your dear friends. So, check out the following web page where this text and the other letters are published. Cf.

Friends of the world, RE-send this mail to all the people you know. We can crash the Capitalism System with the knowledge attached here.

By the way, the banks in the Third World Nations now offer 15% - 25% annual deposit interest. Take the banks in Vietnam for example, they are will to pay you a 24% annual deposit interest in their currency. It is a better bargain than investing in the stock or futures markets if there is a comparison.


If you and your friends own a mid-sized company
with stable annual revenues for years
and you want it to be a public company for easy funding,
well, you can go to the Over-the-Counter Stock Market in Taiwan,
they deal this kind of things.



More Stock Markets and Share Price Information
in case that you want know it all.

Key starting points

World Federation of Exchanges
The WFE is the trade organisation for regulated securities and derivatives markets world-wide. As well as information on its activities and purpose, there is information on its members including links to their Web sites.

Federation of European Securities Exchanges www.fese.be

Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges www.feas.org

South Asian Federation of Exchanges www.safe-asia.com

Federacion Iberoamericana de Bolsas de Valores www.fiabnet.org

List of stock exchanges en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_stock_exchanges
List of the stock exchanges around the world with links to more detailed information by continent.

List of stock market indices en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_stock_market_indices
Stock market indices world-wide listed by region, country and industry.

Google Finance www.google.co.uk/finance, www.google.com/finance
Google Finance is much improved since its launch and is becoming a serious competitor to Yahoo Finance. The share price graphs are annotated with events and official announcements that relate to the company and the historical share price data goes back further than Yahoo's.

Yahoo Finance uk.finance.yahoo.com
This is the URL for the UK and Ireland version of Yahoo Finance. Links to other Yahoos across the world are listed towards the bottom of the page. Many, though, are in the local language with no English alternative. Historical prices going back five years, if available, are provided in tabular format in addition to charts. Data can be downloaded in spreadsheet format.

International resources

Bloomberg www.bloomberg.com
Well known amongst larger corporations for its subscription services, Bloomberg also offers a free current share price service for some markets. The main Bloomberg home page has links to pages covering Asia, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latin America, Spain and the UK.

Financial Times www.ft.com
The Markets section provides equity data from the World's major stock exchanges. Search by company name or symbol.

Gold Stock Center www.goldstockcenter.com
This is a comprehensive portal concentrating on gold stocks and gold investment in the major markets. There are links to up to date news, companies, share price information (current and historical), gold prices (historical, current and forecasts) and a good selection of links to key resources such as the The World Gold Council.

Gold-stocks.com www.gold-stocks.com
Charts, quotes, news, articles, newsletters and information on gold mining companies.

Reuters www.reuters.com
Provides subscription based services but this site also gives free current share prices for stocks in most of the major markets across the world.

Thomson Corporation www.thomson.com
The Thomson range of priced services include DataStream which offers current and historical information on equities, market indices, interest rates, exchange rates.

Wikinvest www.wikinvest.com
Founded by Michael Sha and Parker Conrad, Wikinvest started with a heavy US bias but its worldwide coverage is growing. On the Companies page you can browse by industry sector or search by company name. As you type in the name a drop down list appears with the all the options. Once you have found your company, you should see four tabs: Neutral, Bulls, Bears and WikiChart. Neutral' is where you will find the main article about the company, which covers topics such as history, products, market trends, competition. The WikiCharts use quotes provided by Thomson Financial and are delayed at 15-20 minutes. They go back to 1981 and you can use the slider on the top time line to focus in on a a particular time period. The main chart can be annotated so that key events are superimposed on the graph, making it easy to see how an event or announcement may have affected the share price. As it is a wiki content depends on the interests of the volunteer contributors.

By country



London Stock Exchange www.londonstockexchange.com
Provides access to the Regulatory News Service (RNS) and share price information. There are links to AIM (Alternative Investment Market) and EDX London (Equity Derivatives Exchange).

London Metal Exchange www.lme.co.uk

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.

DASH - Directors and Shareholders online www.bvdep.com
DASH is a comprehensive database of UK companies, directors and shareholders and the links between them. Reports are included for 3.2 million companies (1.3 million of which are primary records), 5.3 million directors (3 million of which are primary records) and 2.6 million shareholders. There is also information on 490,000 unincorporated businesses, 1 million contacts such as sales manager or purchasing supervisor plus 300,000 branch addresses for companies. Priced service - free trial available.

Finance Yahoo uk.finance.yahoo.com
Provides access to UK listed company share prices, stock market indices and latest financial and business news from Reuters and the Press Association. Also covers the major European exchanges. Historical prices going back five years, if available, are provided in tabular format in addition to charts. Data can be downloaded in spreadsheet format.

Financial Times www.ft.com
The Markets section provides access to 20 minute delayed UK share prices.

Hemmington-Scott www.hemscott.net
Excellent free source of information on UK listed companies as well as news from AFX and the RNs, details of Directors' share dealings, in depth financial information on over 2300 quoted companies, and company REFS (Really Essential Financial Statistics). Some detailed information is priced.

Sharepages www.sharepages.com
Provides free UK stock market and share price information. Also available are AFX and RNS news, discussion groups and a range of analytical tools to monitor market movements and create share watchlists and portfolios.

Share Trading Services

Etrade www.etrade.co.uk
The free account gives you access to delayed share price information and charts. There are a range of priced account options that give you access to more detailed information and up to five years of historical share price data.

TD Waterhouse www.tdwaterhouse.co.uk
TD Waterhouse offers two types of trading accounts. The standard 'Trading Account' gives you online trading in UK equities and the 'Trading Plus Account' includes International Equities on 16 exchanges (11 online) and Covered Warrants Trading facilities.


Wiener Borse www.wienerborse.at
Available in German and English.

Yahoo! Finance UK uk.finance.yahoo.com
Also covers the Vienna stock exchange. Select Vienna from the pull down menu (default is London).


BXS - Brussels Exchanges www.euronext.com
Dutch, English, French and Portuguese.

Yahoo! Finance UK uk.finance.yahoo.com
Also covers the Brussels stock exchange. Select Brussels from the pull down menu (default is London).


Bulgarian Stock Exchange www.bse-sofia.bg
Available in Bulgarian and English.

Channel Islands

Channel Islands Stock Exchange www.cisx.com


Zagreb Stock Exchange www.zse.hr
Available in Croatian and English.


Cyprus Stock Exchange www.cse.com.cy
Available in Greek and English.

Czech Republic

Prague Stock Exchange www.pse.cz
Available in Czech and English..

The Prague stock exchange - share prices, charts, market summary www.akcie-2000.cz/?lv=2
Information from the Prague stock exchange, RM System Prague and the Prague Securities Centre.


Copenhagen Stock Exchange www.cse.dk
Available in Danish and English.


Tallinn Stock Exchange www.omxgroup.com/tallinn/
Available in Estonian and English.


Helsinki Stock Exchange www.hex.fi
Available in Finnish and English.


Paris Bourse www.euronext.com
Available in Dutch, English, French and Portuguese.

Yahoo! Finance - France fr.finance.yahoo.com
In French but Yahoo Finance UK & Ireland also covers the Paris stock exchange. Select Paris from the drop down menu (default is London). Historical prices going back five years are provided in tabular format in addition to charts. Data can be downloaded in spreadsheet format.

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Georgian Stock Exchange www.gse.ge
Available in Georgian and English.


Gruppe Deutsche Borse deutsche-boerse.com
Available in German and English.

Yahoo! Finance - Germany de.finance.yahoo.com
In German but the German stock markets are also covered by Yahoo Finance UK & Ireland. Historical prices going back five years are provided in tabular format in addition to charts. Data can be downloaded in spreadsheet format.

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Athens Stock Exchange www.ase.gr
Available in Greek and English.


Budapest Stock Exchange www.bse.hu
Available in English and Hungarian.


Iceland Stock Exchange www.icex.is
Available in Icelandic and English.


Finfacts www.finfacts.ie
Comprehensive listings of Irish financial and business information resources with links to share price services world-wide.

Irish Stock Exchange Online www.ise.ie


Borsa Italiana www.borsaitalia.it
Available in Italian and English.

Yahoo! Finance - Italy it.finance.yahoo.com
In Italian but the Milan stock exchange is also covered by Yahoo Finance UK & Ireland.

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Riga Stock Exchange www.lv.omxgroup.com
Available in Latvian and English.


National Stock Exchange of Lithuania www.lt.omxgroup.com
Available in Lithuanian and English.


Luxembourg Stock exchange www.bourse.lu
Available in French and English.


Macedonia Stock Exchange www.mse.org.mk
Available in Macedonian and English.


Malta Stock Exchange www.borzamalta.com.mt
In English.


Euronext Amsterdam www.euronext.com
Available in Dutch, English, French and Portuguese.

Yahoo! Finance UK uk.finance.yahoo.com
Also covers the Amsterdam stock exchange. Select Amsterdam from the pull down menu (default is London).

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Oslo Stock Exchange www.oslobors.no/ob/
Available in Norwegian and English.

Yahoo! Finance UK uk.finance.yahoo.com
Also covers the Oslo stock exchange. Select Oslo from the pull down menu (default is London).

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Warsaw Stock Exchange www.wse.com.pl
Available in Polish and English.


Euronext Lisbon www.euronext.pt
Available in Portuguese and English.

Yahoo! Finance UK uk.finance.yahoo.com
Also covers the Lisbon stock exchange. Select Lisbon from the pull down menu (default is London).


Bucharest Stock Exchange www.bvb.ro
Available in Romanian and English

Rasdaq - Romanian Securities Market www.rasd.ro
Available in Romanian and English


RTS Stock Exchange www.rts.ru
Available in Russian and English.

Rustocks www.rustocks.com
Financial and economic information on companies and industry sectors. Overviews and summaries are free of charge but detailed information is available on subscription only.


Belgrade Stock Exchange www.belex.co.yu


Bratislava Stock Exchange www.bsse.sk
Available in Slovak and English.


Ljublijana Stock Exchange www.ljse.si
Available in Slovenian and English.


Spanish Exchanges www.bolsasymercados.es

Bolsas y Mercados Espanoles (BME) integrates the companies that direct and manage the securities markets and financial systems in Spain. Available in Spanish and English.
Madrid Stock Exchange www.bolsamadrid.es
Available in Spanish and English
Bolsa de Valencia www.bolsavalencia.es
In Spanish.
Bolsa de Valores de Bilbao www.bolsabilbao.es
Available in Spanish, English and French.
Barcelona Stock Exchange www.borsabcn.es
In Catalan, Spanish and English.

Yahoo! Finance - Spain es.finance.yahoo.com
In Spanish but the Spanish stock exchanges are also covered by Yahoo Finance UK & Ireland.

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Stockholm Stock Exchange www.omxgroup.com/stockholmsborsen
Available in Swedish and English.
Big Charts bigcharts.com/
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


SWX Swiss Exchange www.swx.com
Available in English, German and French.

Swiss Quote www.swissquote.com
Available in English, French and German.

Yahoo! Finance UK uk.finance.yahoo.com
Also covers the Zurich stock market. Select Zurich from the pull down menu (default is London).

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Istanbul Stock Exchange www.ise.org
Available in English and Turkish.


Ukrainian Stock Exchange www.ukrse.kiev.ua/eng/



Bahrain Stock Exchange http://www.bahrainstock.com/

Chittagong Stock Exchange www.csebd.com
Dhaka Stock Exchange www.dsebd.org


Shanghai Stock Exchange www.sse.com.cn
Available in Chinese and English.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange www.szse.cn
Available in Chinese and English.

Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE) www.czce.com.cn

Yahoo! Finance - China cn.finance.yahoo.com
In Chinese but Yahoo! Finance - Singapore covers the Shanghai markets in English.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Exchanges www.hkex.com.hk
Available in English.

Yahoo! Finance - Hong Kong hk.finance.yahoo.com
In Chinese but the Hong Kong exchange is covered in English by Yahoo Australia and New Zealand Finance and by Yahoo Singapore Finance.

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Stock Exchange, Mumbai www.bseindia.com
National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) www.nse-india.com
OTC Exchange of India www.otcei.net
Pune Stock Exchange www.punestockexchange.com

Khoj Directory for Stock Markets www.khoj.com/Business_and_Economy/Stock_Markets/
Links to several sources of Indian stock market information.

India Infoline www.indiainfoline.com
Information on Indian stocks, equity, business, finance, money, debt, law, management, shares, IT, elections.

Yahoo! Finance - India - in.finance.yahoo.com
Covers the stock markets of Mumbai, National Stock Exchange of India, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan.


Jakarta Stock Exchange www.jsx.co.id
In English.

Surabaya Stock Exchange www.bes.co.id
In English.

Yahoo! Finance - Singapore sg.finance.yahoo.com
Also covers the Jakarta stock market. In English


Tehran Stock Exchange http://www.tse.ir/


Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange www.tase.co.il
Available in Hebrew and English.


Tokyo Stock Stock Exchange www.tse.or.jp
Available in Japanese and English.
Osaka Securities Exchange www.ose.or.jp
Available in Japanese and English
Nagoya Stock Exchange www.nse.or.jp
Available in Japanese and English.

Yahoo! Finance - Japan quote.yahoo.co.jp
In Japanese.

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Amman Stock Exchange www.ase.com.jo
Available in English and Arabic.


Kazakhstan Stock Exchange www.kase.kz
Available in Russian and English.


Korea Stock Exchange www.krx.co.kr
Available in Korean and English

Yahoo! Finance - Korea kr.finance.yahoo.com
In Korean but Yahoo! Finance - Singapore covers the Korean stock market in English.


Kuwait Stock Exchange www.kuwaitse.com
Available in Arabic and English.


Kyrgyz Stock Exchange www.kse.kg
Available in Kyrgyz, Russian and English.


Beirut Stock Exchange www.bse.com.lb


Bursa Malaysia www.bursamalaysia.com
Available in English.


Mongolian Stock Exchange www.mse.mn
Available in Mongolian and English.


Nepal Stock Exchange www.nepalstock.com


Karachi Stock Exchange www.kse.com.pk
Lahore Stock Exchange www.lahorestock.com


Palestine Securities Exchange www.p-s-e.com


Philippines Stock Exchange www.pse.org.ph


Singapore Exchange www.sgx.com
Available in English.

Yahoo! Finance - Singapore sg.finance.yahoo.com
Covers the stock markets of Australia, Mumbai, Jakarta, Hong Kong, National Stock Exchange of India, Korea, Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), New Zealand, Shanghai, Taiwan, Thailand. In English.

Sri Lanka

Colombo Stock Exchange www.cse.lk
Available in English


Stock Exchange of Thailand www.set.or.th
Available in Thai and English.


Taiwan Stock Exchange www.tse.com.tw
Available in Chinese and English.

Taiwan Futures Exchange www.taifex.com.tw
Available in Chinese and English.

Yahoo! Finance - Taiwan tw.finance.yahoo.com
In Chinese but Yahoo! Finance - Singapore covers the Taiwan stock exchange in English.

United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi Securities Market www.adsm.co.ae
Available in Arabic and English.


Yahoo! Finance Australia & New Zealand au.finance.yahoo.com
Historical prices going back five years are provided in tabular format in addition to charts. Data can be downloaded in spreadsheet format.


Australian Stock Exchange www.asx.com.au

SFE - Sydney Futures Exchange www.sfe.com.au

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.

New Zealand

New Zealand Stock Exchange www.nzx.com

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.

The Americas


American Stock Exchange www.amex.com
New York Stock Exchange www.nyse.com
NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange www.nymex.com
The NASDAQ stock market www.nasdaq.com
Detailed information including a range of charting options on NASDAQ quoted companies and access to information for companies listed on the other US stock exchanges.
CBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange www.cboe.com
CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange: Futures Exchange: Futures & Options on Futures www.cme.com
Chicago Stock Exchange www.chx.com

Big Charts bigcharts.com
As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes going back to 1985 are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.

Yahoo! Finance US finance.yahoo.com
Free historical quotes for US companies are available going back to 1985. Data is displayed 200 lines per page. There is an option for downloading the data in spreadsheet format (csv).


Montreal Exchange: Canadian Derivatives Exchange Listing Stock Options and Financial Futures http://www.m-x.ca/
Available in French and English.

TSX Group - Toronto Stock Exchange www.tsx.com

Yahoo! Finance Canada (English) ca.finance.yahoo.com
Yahoo! Finance Canada (French) qc.finance.yahoo.com

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires www.bcba.sba.com.ar
In Spanish and English.

B O L S A R . C O M www.bolsar.com

Yahoo! Finance Argentina ar.finance.yahoo.com
Yahoo! Finance Argentina covers the stock markets of Buenos Aries, San Pablo, Mexico, Caracas and Santiago. In Spanish.


Bermuda Stock Exchange www.bsx.com


Bolsa de Valores do Rio de Janeiro www.bvrj.com.br
In Portuguese.
Bolsa de Valores do Sao Paulo www.bovespa.com.br
In Portuguese and English.
Yahoo! Finance Brazil br.finance.yahoo.com
In Portuguese

Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands Stock Exchange www.csx.com.ky


Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago www.bolsadesantiago.com
Available in Spanish and English.


Bolsa de Valores de Colombia www.bvc.com.co
Available in Spanish and English.
Costa Rica

Bolsa Nacional de Valores www.bnv.co.cr
Available in Spanish and English.


Bolsa Mexicana de Valores www.bmv.com.mx
Available in Spanish and English.

Yahoo! Finance - Mexico mx.finance.yahoo.com
In Spanish


Bolsa de Valores de Panama SA www.panabolsa.com
Available in Spanish and English


Bolsa de Valores de Lima www.bvl.com.pe
Available in Spanish and English.

Trinidad & Tobago

Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange stockex.co.tt


Bolsa de Valores de Caracas www.caracasstock.com
Available in Spanish and English.



Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchange www.egyptse.com
Available in Arabic and English.


Ghana Stock Exchange www.gse.com.gh


Nairobi Stock Exchange www.nse.co.ke


Stock Exchange of Mauritius www.semdex.com


Bourse de Casablanca www.casablanca-bourse.com
Available in French and English.


Namibian Stock Exchange www.nsx.com.na


The Nigerian Stock Exchange www.nigerianstockexchange.com

South Africa

JSE Securities Exchange www.jse.co.za

Big Charts bigcharts.com
Click on the Global link underneath the Enter Symbol/Keywords option near the top of the page. As well as delayed current share price information, single daily historical quotes are available. If you use the Java chart option, you can display the share price for a stock on one or more dates by moving your mouse cursor along the share price line.


Swaziland Stock Exchange www.ssx.org.sz


Lusaka Stock Exchange - Mulibwanji! www.luse.co.zm


To my Greek Youth:

I am on your side. Do it with my suggestion of the "Universitary Government" and thou shalt win your demand in political reforms. Tell this to all European Students about this:

1. Concentrate your Rights to Vote within the district area where your campus locates. And make a joint effort with the rest of the colleges in the due area of campain to make your candidates win in every elections.

2. Strengen the organization of the Students' Paliament within the campus and form a superstructure, a syndicate of the due area with the one of the other colleges.

3. A united European youth & student movement is to be structured with the European Paliament of Students along with its administration (secretarial).

4. Level down the age to vote to 16-year-old. So the students in high schools can back up your influences in politics.

----- Original Message -----
From: 曾大川
To: info@vsop.isas.ac.jp ; my@netian.com ; info@stps.gob.mx ; info@roc-taiwan.org.pa ; info@mc.gov.br ; info@bcu.gub.uy ; webmaster@nordnet.fr ; info@ournet.md ; info@ibe.unesco.org ; info@fsmgov.org ; info@econ.uni.torun.pl ; info@agric.gouv.sn ; info@unist.hr ; eawc@evansville.edu ; info@trakya.edu.tr ; info@mpt.net.mm ; info@landtours.com ; info@cameroonconsul.com ; webmaster@loc.gov ; info@online.ee ; info@humanas.ufpr.br ; info@frcu.eun.eg ; info@eef.org.bh ; info@affa.gov.au ; info@umt.edu ; bensguide@gpo.gov ; info@txwesleyan.edu ; info@securities.com.pl ; info@kmutt.ac.th ; info@cedc.org.uk ; webmaster@okstate.edu ; info@politicalresources.net ; info@indiawatch.org.in ; info@governor.state.al.us ; info@deu.cz ; info@ambitalia.org.au ; info@ulh.ac.uk ; asean@kplnet.net ; info@ubaguio.edu ; info@rodekruis.nl ; info@kimhaenews.co.kr ; info@cesnet.cz ; webmaster@tamu.edu ; info@iberianews.com ; info@econ.ucl.ac.be ; info@agricultura.gov.do ; info@ul.ie ; info@u-bordeaux2.fr ; info@mpt.gov.lb ; 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Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 8:30 PM
Subject: Fw: JUST IGNORE THIS IF YOU and your friends or your rivals do not invest any. 17

----- Original Message -----
From: 曾大川
To: info@oldgames.nu ; webmaster@deejaybooking.si ; howard.korman@trw.com ; sujatha@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; chsuja@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; frankgani8@tsamail.co.za ; info@ ; kevinswali@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; krshna5@gto.net.om ; navint@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; jopesh@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; info@dialup.net ; jube@step.polymtl.ca ; mayuribhopatkar@yahoo.com ; mayu_@yahoo.com ; davewillard02@safe-mail.net ; aleimmussaa1@fastermail.com ; omer@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; dj_omar@yahoo.com ; info@thebluebook.com ; artcraft_export_company@hotmail.com ; info@flamenco-hamburg.de ; chicopeeeurope@pginw.com ; webmaster@rndayoi.com ; webmaster@gensource.com ; webmaster@onfocus.com ; webmaster@bireme.br ; webmaster@msfacts.org ; info@seri.ph ; info@berserk.ws ; info@unclejack.tk ; sales@risp.ru ; melisakwasi01@yahoo.com ; info@ ; info@freenet.carleton.ca ; tmcdel@aol.com ; mothman@cisnet.com ; info@inova.com ; tomjamesday@netscape.net ; mukundana@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; mukua@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; hassaantanvir@bom3.vsnl.net.in ; alpha_bravo@myself.com ; 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