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笨蛋: 問題不是經驗! 美國民主黨候選人的空頭支票.


明天, 美國民主黨第二批州初選, 要決定老黑和女人, 誰代表民主黨.

媒體在民主黨初選, 拼命打壓女候選人, 不准她用經驗, 來壓制黑人候選人.

這期的時代雜誌, 還拼命討論經驗.

麥芽糖看煩了: 笨蛋! 問題不是經驗!

黑人候選人的問題, 是他信口雌黃, 所有的空頭支票, 都無法兌現!


  • 要車子, 一加侖跑六十英里.

呵呵! 就只有他的領導, 能夠鼓勵美國汽車公司的發展?

  • 要油公司, 把利潤吐出來.


  • 要全民健保

連女候選人都說: 他的辦法, 造成一千五百萬人, 沒有保險!

這些, 都是做不到的夢.

民主黨要把國家的大車, 交給不會開車的黑人候選人, 訂定一些不實際的目標. 結果只有一個: 就是美國會選舉已經脫離現實的老人候選人!

民主黨員的天真愚蠢, 造成美國再一次的共業, 與上次選擇凱利那個白目候選人一樣!

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2009/01/19 08:24 【不平則鳴】 奧八馬的耗油銅車馬
2008/08/29 09:59 【不平則鳴】 美國媒體評論: 民主黨高調不實際, 無法兌現!
2008/03/05 00:21 【企鵝爸爸的網誌】 一加侖六十哩,美國總統有能力做得到嗎?
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實在是太厲害了! OMG, Obama is REALLY good(at lying)!


Have to take my hat off for his excellent job turning black to white! Let's see what he said about gas price:

Obama strikes back at GOP critics on gas prices

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is hitting back at Republican criticism of his energy policies and his role in controlling gasoline prices.

Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to underscore his administration's work to develop alternative energy sources and increase fuel efficiency.

"I'm going to keep doing everything I can to help you save money on gas, both right now and in the future," Obama said. "I hope politicians from both sides of the aisle join me."

He accused Republicans of a "bumper sticker" approach to solving the nation's energy problems.

It's a familiar theme —Obama stuck many of the same chords during two out-of-town trips this week and during a White House news conference on Wednesday.

"We can't just drill our way to lower gas prices — not when we consume 20 percent of the world's oil," Obama said in the address, recorded during a visit Friday to a Virginia jet engine component plant.

In the Republican weekly address, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple accused the Obama administration of blocking projects and technology that would allow greater energy production. He singled out the Keystone XL pipeline project, which Obama deferred.

"We cannot effectively market our crude oil domestically without a large north-south pipeline," Dalrymple said. "North Dakota oil producers were scheduled to feed the Keystone pipeline with 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day."

Obama said there wasn't enough time to properly study the project ahead of the deadline forced upon him by Republican congressional lawmakers. On Thursday, the Democratic-controlled Senate blocked another Republican bid to speed approval of the pipeline, which would stretch from Canada to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.

Also Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Obama is partly to blame for higher prices at the pump.

Gasoline prices paused this week in their march toward $4 per gallon.

After 39 straight days of increases, prices fell nearly a penny from Tuesday to Thursday and held steady on Friday at $3.758 per gallon for the national average. The lull won't last long, and gas is still nearly 50 cents higher than it was at the beginning of the year.

Despite Romney's assertions, economists say there's not much a president of either party could do about gasoline prices. The current increases at the pump have been driven by fears of a war with oil-rich Iran and by higher demand in the U.S. as well as in China, India and other growing nations.

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Obama's 9-9-9 Plan



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奧八馬的空頭支票: 石油漲價



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臺灣的媒體, 專愛抄錄一些狗屁!

吹牛容易! 做得到嗎? 外行領導內行!
2025前 美汽車油效每公升跑23公里

歐巴馬政府的汽車油效要求愈來愈高,最新標準是2025年以前,所有在美國出售的汽車每加侖必須跑56.2哩 (每公升23.88公里)。這個高標能大幅減少美國的石油消耗量和排碳量,但也將使每輛汽車的成本提高2375美元。

白宮過去一周和美國三大車廠及國會議員協商,開門見山提出這項高標,車廠都面露難色,心懷抗拒。知悉協商內容的人士透露,車廠自提的標準是,未來八年將油效提到每加侖42.6哩到46.7哩 (18公里/公升到20公里/公升)。

白宮上次要求汽車到2016年必須每加侖跑35.5哩 (15公里/公升)。如果到2025年要跑56.2哩,那就相當於從那年起油效每年進步5%。若依車廠自提的標準,則是每年進步2%到3%。


白宮已經舉行好幾周的秘密磋商,主題是2017到2025年出廠的汽車和卡車應該有什麼樣的溫室氣體排放標準。現行標準是每家車廠生產的客車平均油效每加侖30.2哩 (13公里/公升),卡車每加侖24.1哩(10公里/公升)。

接下來的協商將會有更多爭執,因為環保團體要求平均每加侖至少60哩 (25.5公里/公升),但車廠表示,就美國消費者願意付出的價錢而言,他們無法達到那麼高的標準。「美國汽車製造業聯盟」表示,關於美國民眾願意購買高油效汽車的程度,環保人士過度樂觀。



【2011/06/26 聯合晚報】http://udn.com/

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Truth comes out - Obama: Economic recovery is 'going to take time'


Just couple of days, all different?

Now is the truth!

Obama: Economic recovery is 'going to take time'

Barack Obama, Michelle ObamaAP – President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama leave the White House in Washington, Friday, June …

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama says people need to be patient about the economic recovery and that training workers for manufacturing jobs will help with the turnaround.

The recession didn't happen overnight and won't end that way, either, the president said Saturday in his weekly radio and online address.

"It's going to take time," Obama said.

Recent polling found broad disapproval with Obama's handling of the economy as the 2012 presidential election takes shape. It reached 59 percent in a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Job growth slowed sharply in May and unemployment inched up to 9.1 percent. Economic indicators also showed that manufacturers cut 5,000 jobs last month. Those were the first job losses in that sector in seven months.

No president since World War II has won a second term with a jobless rate above 7.2 percent, and Obama's options for achieving faster economic growth before the November 2012 election appear limited.

Obama scheduled a visit to Durham, N.C., on Monday for a session with his jobs council on how Washington can encourage private-sector hiring. Council members and administration officials also planned to hear from businesses in the region.

Last Wednesday, Obama announced an effort by the private sector, colleges and the National Association of Manufacturers to help half a million community college students become trained and certified for manufacturing jobs. They would get a credential guaranteeing that they are skilled.

"If you're a company that's hiring, you'll know that anyone who has this degree has the skills you're looking for," the president said Saturday. "If you're a student considering community college, you'll know that your diploma will give you a leg up in the job market."

Obama said other steps, such as providing students with a quality education and investing in new jobs in the clean energy sector, will aid economic growth.

In the weekly Republican message, also on jobs, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., recalled the administration's promise that unemployment would go no higher than 8 percent after Obama pumped billions of dollars into the economy soon after taking office.

Kinzinger said the "road to refueling our economy and creating jobs" includes tackling government debt, simplifying tax laws, limiting regulations, passing free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea, and boosting domestic energy production.

"These are some of the steps we need to take to get government out of the way and let our economy grow and get back to producing jobs," he said.

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胡說八道: 官大口氣大, 出來吹牛, 經濟衰退雙連敗, 就不發生?



官大口氣大, 出來吹牛, 經濟衰退雙連敗, 就不發生?


And there are TWO of them!


  • 2011-06-08
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中央社】










Obama: No fears of double-dip recession

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama insisted Tuesday that the country is not at risk of slipping into a double-dip recession, but he conceded he does not know whether a sudden slowdown in job growth is a blip or an indication of a longer, more worrisome trend. The president said the nation is on a solid but uneven path to recovery and the key is to "not panic."

"I am concerned about the fact that the recovery that we're on is not producing jobs as quickly as I want it to happen," Obama said at a joint news conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "Obviously we're experiencing some headwinds."

Obama spoke amid a wave of short-term negative economic news, including a sharp drop in the number of jobs added in America in May after employment growth had shown strong signs for three straight months. Obama said the economy is rebounding well from a disastrous blow dating to 2008 even though millions still endure hard times. He promoted continuing steps already taken, like tax breaks for business investment, and his familiar longer term agenda of debt reduction and spending on education, infrastructure and energy research.

Given the jittery times, a batch of economic data can make people wonder, "Well, are we going to go back this terrible crisis?" Obama said. "And that affects consumer confidence, and it affects business confidence, it affects the capital market. And so our task is to not panic."

The economy is the overarching issue as Obama heads into a 2012 re-election campaign, and a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday found that disapproval with how Obama is handling the economy and the deficit has reached a new high.

Obama also said he was concerned that a Greek default on its debt could cause enormous complications for the U.S. economy but he signaled that it was a problem for Europe to solve, adding that Germany and other European countries needed to act together to help Greece stabilize its economy. "We think it would be disastrous for us to see an uncontrolled spiral and default in Europe because that could trigger a whole range of other events," he said.

For her part, Merkel weighed in on the United States' own struggles in reducing its debt, saying "I think each and everyone ought to deal with his or her own problems."

"We in Europe have our hands full already with what we need to do," she said. "And I'm absolutely convinced that as we shoulder our responsibility and meet our responsibility, so will the United States of America."

Merkel's visit is her sixth trip to the United States since Obama took office. Later, Obama was to treat Merkel to a night of high pomp at the White House, awarding her the Presidential Medal of Freedom during a black-tie dinner. The gestures appear aimed at boosting a relationship that has seemed more cordial than close.

Obama sought to put to rest any suggestion his relationship with Merkel was in any way strained, praising Merkel's "pragmatic approach to complex issues" and saying that "it's just fun to work together."

Merkel, likewise, depicted a close relationship, although she acknowledged that "sometimes there may be differences of opinion."

Obama and Merkel, for example, have had differences on Libya, after Germany abstained in the U.N. vote that authorized a no-fly zone over Libya and kept its troops out of the NATO-led operation to enforce it.

Obama, without mentioning that, said Germany's deployment of resources in Afghanistan had allowed other NATO allies to increase support for the Libyans, and he stressed that both he and Merkel believe Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi has to be removed from power.

Obama said he expects the Germans to play a central role in Libya after Gadhafi is gone.

"There is going to be a lot of work to do when Gadhafi does step down, in terms of getting the Libyan people back on their feet, economic, political work that is going to have to be done," Obama said. "My expectation is going to be that there will be full and robust German support."

On Afghanistan, where Germany has 5,000 troops stationed mostly in the volatile north, Merkel said the two leaders were committed to stabilizing the country not just militarily, but also in terms of bolstering its civil society, adding that "We will not abandon them."

"We wish to go in together, out together," she said of U.S. and German troops. Both leaders face significant opposition to the war from their people at home.

The U.S. has roughly 100,000 troops in Afghanistan, and Obama renewed his pledge to begin a significant drawdown of U.S. troops this summer. Germany hopes to start a gradual troop withdrawal at the end of the year..

On another world trouble spot, Obama said that Iran's nuclear program remains a "very serious concern" for the U.S. and Germany. He threatened greater sanctions against Tehran pending the outcome of a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency this week.

Obama said that if the agency determines again that Iran is continuing to ignore its international obligations, "then we will have no choice but to consider additional steps, including potentially additional sanctions, to intensify the pressure on the Iranian regime."

Obama didn't commit to making a presidential visit to Berlin anytime soon, but recalled having had "fun" giving a speech there when he ran for president in 2008, and drew adoring throngs. Merkel had refused his request to speak in front of the Brandenburg Gate, a Cold War symbol that previous American presidents have used as a backdrop. He spoke at a nearby monument instead.

Merkel hinted it might be different next time, quipping, "I can promise that the Brandenburg Gate will be standing for some more time."

Obama is using both pomp and quiet moments to strengthen his relationship with Merkel. The two leaders met for a quiet dinner in the city's historic Georgetown neighborhood at an elegant restaurant modeled on a country inn.

Merkel comes at a time when she is suffering a loss of popularity amid problems with her coalition partner and a backlash from Germans upset about their country's large contribution to the European financial bailout of Greece. Her decision this month to halt Germany's nuclear energy production by 2022, however, has given her a small boost in a country that long has had a strong anti-nuclear movement.

Merkel also is in the midst of managing the response to an E. coli outbreak linked to raw vegetables that has killed at least 24 people and sickened more than 2,300, most in Germany.

Though Merkel's trip is not a "state visit," because she is the head of Germany's government, not its head of state, it has almost all the trappings. The only difference was that Merkel received a 19-gun salute during the White House arrival ceremony, while a head of state gets 21.

Obama awarded Merkel the Medal of Freedom last year but did not have an opportunity to present it to her. At the time, Obama spoke about her youth in communist East Germany and her dreams of freedom that were not realized until the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Obama said her story was an inspiration to people around the world.

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民為國本: 皮之不存,毛將焉附?
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2008/09/11 13:14 瀏覽2|回應0推薦3

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皮之不存,毛將焉附? 要腐化積惡或青史留名,即是政客與政治家的不同了.不可不慎啊.尤其台灣此刻仍受人蔭護,何來腐化的本錢?

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咱們檢查: 誰在胡說八道?
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  • Please keep your racist comment to yourself and dont make yourself looks like an Idiot by saying crap you have no idea about.

說英文, 沒啥了不起!

說的內容正確, 比較重要!

麥芽糖戳奧八碼的牛皮, 那來的種族歧視內容?

誰看起來比較像Idiot 呢?

麥芽糖反而覺得 whoops(whoops1122)不知所云!



美國人需要油, 奧八碼的牛皮, 是空氣!

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昨天 這兩州的選民 也用選票贊同麥芽糖的看法!

無關種族歧視 完全是選民做出的正確選擇!

丐邦是個開放 又經得起考驗的公眾論壇 不怕任何質詢


現在 就直接回答您的挑戰:

物理不是政治可以改變的科學! 找秦始皇 或是歷史上 任何君王 都無法改變科學! 相信阿巴馬的吹牛 就是白癡 跟他的種族膚色 無關!

麥芽糖很高興 希拉莉贏了兩個大州 希望她能夠停止美國被布希父子瞎搞 所帶來的沉淪!

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please dont say crap you know nothing about.


1. Toyota pirus can run about 60 mile per gallon on highway, and if you do your reading, you would know that the next toyota pirus will be using lithium iron phosphate battery which will give the next generation of pirus anpit 125 miles per gallon.

2. Bush administration gave 200 or so billion to the big oil company, those money can be used toward research for alternative fuel.

3. Obama's Health Insurance plan is to make Insurance cheaper, Hillery's Insurance plan is to force everyone instate to buy a cheap crappy Health Insurance, or State govt or fed govt will take away ur tax return as a punishment. If I m Health Insurance Cooprate I 'd luv Clinton since I can just cut the whole sales department since everyone in the America is now """REQUIRED""" to buy a health Insurance.

Please keep your racist comment to yourself and dont make yourself looks like an Idiot by saying crap you have no idea about.
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