如果川普拒絕認輸, 如何?
早前美國已經有軍方大佬們發公開信提醒軍官團 - "入伍時, 我們都已經宣誓過, 要效忠和守護憲法", 但有多少軍頭們沒有個人想法呢?
明年1月21日拜登就職後, 川普會不會成為第一個被特勤局人員趕出白宮的前任總統?! 川普會不會煽動大批暴民借機奪權?! 美國軍隊會不會拒絕效忠拜登?!
我在想, 美國佬真的因為選舉結果爆發內戰, 並不是天方夜譚
With Joe Biden now looking increasingly likely to win, taking key battleground states and predicted to win enough Electoral College votes to carry victory, attention is turning to Donald Trump's plans to leave, with many asking if he can be made to vacate the White House and what would happen if he refused.
In other words, if some branches of government don't obey the will of the people the people would need to rise up and demand they do.
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