Bernie Sanders美國民主黨總統候選人和參議員
Sanders: China has done more to address extreme poverty 'than any country in the history of civilization'
Robert Reich是美國前勞工部部長,加州伯克利的教授。
Forget China – it's America's own economic system that's broken
(Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor, is professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley and the author of Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few and The Common Good)
Jeffrey Sachs是哥倫比亞大學教授,也曾是前蘇聯經濟休克療法的提出者
China is not the source of our economic problems -- corporate greed is
TIME Interview: Assange on Secrecy, China and WikiLeaks' Growth
And where does the U.S. fall between the two categories? He said, "It's becoming more closed" as a society, and its "relative degree of openness ... probably peaked in about 1978, and has been on the way down, unfortunately, since."
That, he said, was a result of, among other things, America's enormous economy, which calibrates power in the U.S. in economic, or as he said, "fiscal," terms. He pointed out that, today, China may be easier to reform than the U.S. "
Aspects of the Chinese government, [the] Chinese public-security service, appear to be terrified of free speech, and while one might say that means something awful is happening in the country, I actually think that is a very optimistic sign, because it means that speech can still cause reform and that the power structure is still inherently political as opposed to fiscal.
So journalism and writing are capable of achieving change, and that is why Chinese authorities are so scared of it." On the other hand, in the U.S. and much of the West, he said, "the basic elements of society have been so heavily fiscalized through contractual obligations that political change doesn't seem to result in economic change, which in other words means that political change doesn't result in change."
出處: 為什麼一定要聽中共的話? - 天下縱橫談 - udn城市 https://city.udn.com/3011/6131261#ixzz60aE5IhO7
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