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下面這篇文字是朋友轉寄的﹐由一位外科醫生所寫對台灣 319 槍擊事件的看法。

我的朋友是美籍華僑,同時之前也是執業 10 年的急診室醫生。他根據他的經驗對陳水扁中槍案寫了一篇他的觀感與看法,希望大家用理性的眼光去看這篇文章 .

From me, Emergency Medicine Doctor with 10 years of experience:

我本人是一位具有 10 年以上經驗的急診醫療醫師 :
All GSW's ( Gun Shot Wound's ) are high energy wounds. It means that GSW will cause extensive bruising along the edges of the wound almost immediately. In the picture, where is the bruising on both of them?

所有的槍擊傷口都是屬於高度灼傷的傷口 . 這表示傷口會在瞬間將傷口的邊緣燒焦 . 在這幾張照片裡,完全看不到這現象 .
GSW's are almost never symmetrical nor linear. They are round and small, Even if they are shot directly from the side, it is impossible to create a linear wound because the bullet often tumbles while traveling towards the target. The exit wound is usually bigger than the entrance. Why does his wound look like someone just took a knife and cut it open? Did they get the idea from Japanese cartoons? Think of using a tooth-pick to poke an orange at high speed. See if you can make a symmetrical linear cut. You can not!!

槍傷的傷口通常是不對稱而且非直線 . 通常是圓而小 . 做算是差身而過 . 因為子彈在飛行過程是翻滾的所以不可能會造成直線形傷口 . 子彈穿出的地方的傷口會比進去的地方來的大 . 為何阿扁的傷口看起來就像是被刀子割到的?難道他們日本的切腹片子看多了嗎?想像妳用一根牙籤以高速度 ; 去戳一個橘子 . 你可以將那橘子造成對稱而且線形的切痕?跟你說,不可能!
How can Lu still be standing after been shot in the knee? The knees are major weight wearing joint in our body. NO ONE I have ever seen got shot in the knee could still be standing!!

呂秀蓮居然能夠膝蓋中彈而站立如常!要知道膝蓋是全身重量最主要的支撐點,我生平沒有看到過一個人膝蓋中彈還能站立的 ...
All GSW's by bullets are small. Unless they are shot gun wounds. No one would ever use a shot gun for assassination because the range is short and its blasts would spray too wide to be effective. The ideal weapon of choice is rifle. Rifle bullet creates a small hole but the damage is done INTERNALLY because of its high velocity. So it generates significant local bruising. Though the wound maybe small, but the local tissue/organ damage is extensive. So why is the wound so BIG and where is the BRUISING?

所有槍傷的傷口都是小的 . 除非是散彈槍 . 但是沒有人會在近距離使用散彈鎗 . 因為距離太短而且波及範圍太大會造成效果減弱 .. 因此最理想的鎗是來福槍 . 來福槍是最佳的致命武器,因為它能夠造成傷口小但是對於傷口內的傷害最大 . 也因為它的高能 . 所以一定會造成很明顯的瘀青 . 整個傷口會呈現傷口小 . 內部大傷而且廣泛 . 但是我沒有看到這樣的傷口 ..
Where is the swelling? Being shot is like getting hit by a hammer, but at twice the speed of sound. Have you ever hit yourself on the finger with a hammer? Or walked into a coffee table? Don't u get a big bruise and it swells? Where is the swelling that I see all the time when I am in the ER treating GSW patients?

也沒有看到腫脹 . 因為槍傷的傷口會像被一個 2 倍音速的榔頭敲打過一樣 .. 你有沒有被鐵槌不小心敲過?或者腳指頭被桌腳壓過?那傷口不就是瘀青而且腫脹嗎?我看過許多的槍傷患者,但是就只有阿扁的傷口沒有上述情形,真是天佑台灣。
Why is he standing up in the picture and still dressed? Am I too cautious in the ER when I am working or the doctor who was treating him is a moron! If you were shot, would you still have enough nerves left to be standing?
Even if you could be so calm and stand, any competent doctor would insist that you lay down since all GSW's are potentially assumed deadly, if not critical/serious by any experienced doctor. They have to be evaluated expeditiously, carefully with the patient fully UNDRESSED.

照片中的阿扁是站立照相而且還穿著衣服?他們當所有急診室的醫生都是白痴嗎?我不相信有人被子彈打到還能冷靜到站著照相!就算是你能,一位有經驗的醫生也會馬上要你躺下,因為槍傷往往有潛在的致命危機 . 而且一位醫師絕不會讓有需要開刀的患者還穿著衣服的 ...
Why is the wound on side? Any shooter would shoot from the front or the back because you have more chance of killing your target. Why would the shooter wait to shoot him from the side, in a moving vehicle, standing in a huge crowd? Is he another moron like the treating doctor or maybe there was NEVER a shooter!!!

傷口為何是從側面而過?開槍者難道不知道從正面或後面開槍的勝算最大嗎?而且是在人群中並且瞄準移動的標靶的側面 . 難道他跟奇美的醫生一樣白痴嗎?
How did the shooter not hit anyone else? He must be an Olympic shooting champion! Or he does not exist!
Why not shoot the head? If the shooter was so good to hit him from the side. Why not shoot the head? I can see that the shooter thinking that target might be wearing a bullet-proof vest and hit him low. But why hit him low when he is standing in a car which makes it very difficult to aim because of too many obstructions. Then take the HEAD shot!!

而且居然沒有射到其他的人,這位仁兄一定是奧運選手或者根本就沒有這個人 .. 如果槍手的技術好到能從側面射傷 . 那他幹麻不直接射頭部?我能夠意會槍手一定是設想阿扁有穿防彈衣所以就射的低一點,但是為何他要選擇障礙多而且不易瞄準的下部而不直射頭部?
Why is the shooter shooting at her knees? Is he blind? OR THERE IS NO SHOOTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can they not know they were shot? They both said they didn't know they were shot?. Well? All my patients, in the ER, when they were attacked, all of them knew at the very moment they were shot by a bullet without needing any previous experience of GSW. Being shot is like getting hit by a professional boxer. The speed generated by a bullet traveling at least twice the speed of sound can knock any one back a step. Think of JFK's assassination. In the film, when he got shot in the head, remember how violently his head wobbled! Didn't it look like he was being punched by a boxer except you can not see the boxer? How can both of them just say “oh…I felt something burning… and saw blood…. What a stupid lie… Who was their acting coach??

陳﹑呂說他們不知到中槍!所有我的患者在中彈的當場就知道他中彈了而且也不用以前有過中彈的經驗,因為被槍射擊就好像是被一位職業拳擊手打到一樣 . 被一個 2 倍音速的物體擊到 . 任何人都會倒退!你可以回想拳擊賽的畫面 . 那些 頭被打到的拳擊手的頭部震動的慢動作 . 但是你只聽到 陳 ﹑ 呂說 〝好像有東西在燒 . 然後看到血 .. 〞真是鬼扯,叫他們的導演好好進修一番 ....
Why didn't they go to a closer hospital but drove further to another hospital? Were the body guards so dumb they didn

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