銘記流言板(220) 美國大選 VS 台灣大選
1 月 12 日前後﹐正當台灣第 7 屆立委選戰﹑選情﹑勝負揭曉﹑輸贏哀樂熾熱到頂之際﹐本人卻毫無強烈「感覺」﹐未寫隻字表達「感想」﹐然而卻從來沒有過地﹐在本市寫了兩篇內容完全不以台灣島內時事為主的文章 ( 注一 ) ﹐一前一後還雙雙被聯網納入首頁連結。
一是﹐選前﹐本人在多篇文章裡一再指出﹐ 按正常健康民主程序﹐民進黨要在 2008 年立委選舉獲勝或謝長廷要在 2008 年總統大選獲勝﹐幾乎不可能﹐除非靠賤招佈局來作弊。如果作弊竟然成功﹐那就是說﹐代表民意多數卻完全沒有智力﹑判斷力﹑戰鬥力的泛藍在野黨是「飯桶仔也」黨﹗而如果是大多數人民在陳水扁政權 8 年的貪腐無能之後﹐還心甘情願繼續選擇民進黨籍的立委或總統﹐那就是台灣人民自作孽﹐天何言哉﹗予何言哉﹗所以﹐民進黨立委選舉大輸 ( 並不一定是國民黨大贏 ) ﹐ 理應如此﹐而果然如此﹐本人何來 強烈「感覺」﹖
二是﹐觀諸美國總統選戰﹐雖然亦有不少令人詬病之事﹐又雖然陳水扁民進黨政權動輒自誇為民主陣營一員﹐然而﹐競選者在競選爭辯過程中顯露出的議題引領﹑思維邏輯﹑言辭理性﹑攻擊分寸以及一旦犯錯後能夠快速認知自省並做建設性修復的智慧等等這些方面﹐比較美﹑台政治競選者﹐相對而言﹐雙方差距實在太大。不客氣地說﹐根本上﹐雙方就不在同樣的等級上﹐大概再 50 年也無法做到齊頭並進。對於台灣社會的「技不如人」﹐本人無限感慨﹗所以﹐為文兩論美國選舉﹐以見差距。
只就「族群議題」一項來看。在美國存在的「種族問題」﹐是真正「黑﹑白」分明﹑種族不同的「種族問題」。 ( 據我個人經驗﹐坦白說﹐許多華人﹐對黑人的歧視﹐不見得會好過於那些歧視黑人的白人﹐甚至有過焉﹗ ) 而在台灣﹐本省人﹑外省人之間的差異﹐根本不是「種族問題」﹐只是同種族內的「省籍﹑地域」問題﹐卻被極端惡劣的政治流氓激化成「種族問題」。
一旦無可避免地﹐在 「種族問題」上 「撞出了火花」﹐依比例原則﹐也是可以理解的。如果了解黑人 種族 在美國歷史上曾受到過來自白人 種族 的極端不公平﹑不人道對待﹑剝削﹐ 歐巴瑪與非裔選民對喜萊莉言辭不慎所反應出的不快與怒氣﹐是可以被理解﹑應予同情的。但是﹐喜萊莉﹑歐巴瑪﹐雙方不日立即收口﹐並互相推崇對方一向在人權上所持立場與做出的貢獻。雙方絕不在 「種族問題」上 激化對立 ( 參考下附新聞報導〝 Obama Cools Race Rhetoric, Praises Hillary 〞 ) 。
之後﹐雖然有好一段時日﹐喜萊莉的不慎言辭﹐在非裔選民中仍然繼續發酵﹐而喜萊莉﹑歐巴瑪也互有言辭交鋒﹐但這也是可以理解的﹐而且﹐也並未被當做雙方諸多競選議題的主軸。最重要的是﹐儘管有言辭交鋒﹐喜萊莉﹑歐巴瑪雙方在言辭中的要旨都是防衛性地指出對方在 「族群議題」上 誤解了自己的言論﹐而絕非攻擊性地在 「族群議題」上 加碼火力「乘機追擊」。只要觀看日昨喜萊莉﹑歐巴瑪在洛杉磯做競選辯論的電視轉播﹐真是禮失求諸「野」﹐讓人見識到「 揖讓而升,下而飲,其爭也君子」的「實況」。
當初李遠哲回台任中研院院長時﹐不是美國公民也必有永久居留權﹐怎麼就沒有「忠誠」問題﹖不但沒有﹐還「他 X 的」高高在上呼籲全台灣思考「往上提昇﹐向下沉淪」呢﹗
謝長廷陣營﹐一方面大罵馬英九不懂美國綠卡「失效規定」﹐又對馬英九逼問「美國移民法有哪一條規定綠卡會『自動失效』」﹐更嘲笑馬英九連上 AIT 網站看看有關規定都不會嗎﹖另一方面﹐講到「傳聞」馬英九也許去向 AIT 查詢個清楚時﹐謝長廷又質疑馬英九不要為了「圓謊」而跟 AIT 交換利益﹑出賣台灣。馬英九不去 AIT 搞清「失效」規定被攻擊﹐馬英九去 AIT 搞清「失效」規定也被攻擊。
綠營的男女政治打手﹐若自己不曾有過「綠卡」 ( 敢承認有過嗎﹖ ) ﹐對「綠卡」的了解﹐大概就只是在 AIT 網站得到的一點皮毛。當然﹐用心收集﹑研究網站提供的訊息﹐是今日知識﹑消息的重要來源之一﹐不可忽視。但顯然的﹐綠營的男女政治打手﹐不過是為了「打馬」﹐才臨時打鍵盤上 AIT 網站去抱佛腳﹗逼問「美國移民法有哪一條規定綠卡會『自動失效』」這句話﹐不正是給「法律少對事物的『失效』做詳細規定」提供了證明嗎﹖綠營政客﹐不分男女﹐經常如此夸夸其談自己屁也不懂的東西﹐膚淺又粗暴﹐自相矛盾穿幫了都不知道﹗
( 注一 ) 銘記流言板 (216) 美國總統選舉﹑ (216B) 希拉蕊﹑歐巴馬﹐終於撞出了「火花」 https://city.udn.com/1444/2641150?tpno=0&cate_no=0
( 注二) 銘記流言板(63)為什麼李遠哲不是「北京烤鴨」﹖ https://city.udn.com/1444/198139?tpno=9&cate_no=0
Obama Cools Race Rhetoric, Praises Hillary
Posted Jan 14, 08 8:49 PM CST in Politics
Source: Associated Press
(newser) – Troubled by the "tenor of the campaign," Barack Obama cooled off the recent race row with Hillary Clinton and praised her for being "on the right side of civil rights issues," the Swamp reports. But he added that her recent comments on Martin Luther King, Jr. revealed her outlook—"that what happens in Washington is more important than what happens outside of Washington," ABC News reports. • Hillary reacted with a conciliatory statement, saying their recent war of words "does not reflect what is in our hearts. I believe we must seek common ground. Our party and our nation is bigger than this.” Obama's news conference today was so rare that a New York Times Caucus blogger called it a tactical move, giving him the "high road" leading into tomorrow night's Democratic debate in Nevada.
South Carolina Voters React to Skirmish over Race
by Audie Cornish
Morning Edition , January 15, 2008 · There are signs that an ugly spat over race between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama might be calming down.
The two camps have been embroiled in a back-and-forth after Clinton tried to clarify her remarks about the role the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. played in getting the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. The former first lady was quoted as saying King's dream of racial equality was realized only when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the landmark legislation. Obama took issue with the remark.
Both campaigns, however, seem eager to soften the rhetoric.
South Carolina's Democratic primary is nearly two weeks away, and more than half of the electorate is expected to be African American.
Mac's on Main is a popular soul food restaurant in South Carolina's capital, Columbia. It is run by chef and City Councilman Barry Walker. The walls are decorated with signed, framed photos of blues greats like B.B. King and laminated maps of his council district. Walker is undecided but said he is unhappy with the direction the Clinton campaign has taken.
"I think they are going for broke now, going for whatever they can do," he said.
Referring to an incident on the eve of the New Hampshire primary in which Clinton became teary-eyed while speaking to voters, Walker said, "crying isn't going to help here."
"She can cry all she wants, (but) black people have been crying for years. What's going to help here is addressing the issues that are affecting us," he said.
Joseph Free of Columbia, who was dining at the restaurant, agreed.
"They (are) … getting into the part I was hoping wouldn't happen … (turning) the thing into a race problem," he said.
Free's comments reflect a kind of collective disappointment in the black community, according to Todd Shaw, a political science professor at the University of South Carolina.
"I think that African-American voters are wise in the sense that they know there is more to come. That is the fear," he said.
Shaw said there is particular frustration at the Clinton camp's tactic of having other blacks, such as BET founder Bob Johnson, go after Obama. They are especially disappointed in the role former President Bill Clinton is playing.
Those sentiments were echoed across town at the historically black Benedict College where Kathryn Jones of Columbia, and Brenda Walker of Irmo, work. The women were split about what to make of Bill Clinton's critical comments of Obama.
"I don't hold it against him," Walker said.
Jones said she wasn't planning to vote for Hillary Clinton anyway, but "as a former president, I had high regards for (Bill Clinton) and he lost some points from me."
Hillary Clinton has her first chance to repair relations with the black community Tuesday, when she will join Obama, as well as John Edwards and Dennis Kucinich in a debate in Las Vegas.
Hillary Praises MLK, Gets Tepid Response
(newser) – Hillary Clinton faced a smattering of applause, scattered boos, and a few walkouts at a Martin Luther King , Jr. event in New York today, ABC reports. "Each of us, no matter who we are and where we started from, is a beneficiary of Dr. King ," she told the union crowd, mostly security workers. But the cheers for prior speakers turned to polite clapping for Clinton, whose recent remarks about King and Lyndon Johnson have sparked a heated racial debate. • Hillary recalled seeing King speak as a child, and called him “someone who could not be held back by being beaten or gassed or jailed.” She added that the first viable female and black presidential hopefuls owed their candidacies to King , but listeners gave lukewarm reports afterwards. One called her King celebration " ill - timed ," and another refused to promise a vote for Clinton. "We'll see, we'll see," he sighed.
Source: ABC News
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