上次大選結束以後, 我們聽了太多次綠營對於藍營[輸不起]的攻擊.
今天, 我們看到巴勒斯坦表演, 真正的[輸不起]:

這個暴動, 在巴勒斯坦不是新聞. 那裡的人性強悍, 經常鬧個血流五步.
不過, 這次美國和以色列有沒有從中操縱? 很難說.
至少, 我們可以很驕傲地說: 臺灣的藍營選民, 雖然不平則鳴, 沒有這樣子[輸不起]!
去年年底, 綠營輸到脫褲, 民眾也沒有要阿扁下臺, 雖然他真的應該滾蛋!
http://www.cnn.com/Furious election losers demand party boss quit
Angry Fatah supporters took to the streets of Gaza City today, blaming Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for their party's trouncing by the militant group Hamas in this week's parliamentary elections. Clashes between Fatah and Hamas wounded four people Friday evening, Palestinian security sources said.