風光明媚的日內瓦湖區Lac Léman http://switzerland.isyours.com/e/guide/lake_geneva/ , 基於瑞士富庶的消費水平、地理環境的觀光優勢及國際化的特點(日內瓦市擁有百千計的國際性大組織-聯合國、大使館, 世界級企業與銀行財團). 雖人口不多但卻使它有條件成為米其林評鑑世界中, 除了巴黎以外星級餐館最密集的地區. 在這些為數可觀又頂級的餐館中, 即使瑞士全境唯二的Micheline guide 3星: Philippe Rochat 的 Hôtel de Villehttp://www.philippe-rochat.ch/ (best food in whole Switzerland)與 Gérard Rabaey 的 Le Pont de Brenthttp://www.lepontdebrent.com/home.php?setLang=en 也都位於日內瓦湖區, B卻始終最鐘愛及欣賞位於日內瓦市區的Restaurant Parc des Eaux-Vives. ( Above 4 restaurants are all member of Relais & Chateaux.)
號稱Les Plaisirs du Palais - http://www.parcdeseauxvives.ch/座落於日內瓦湖邊的Eaux-Vives公園, 原是建於18世紀的Plonjon豪宅庭園(La Maison de Maître Plonjon). 它的主體建築於1900年改裝為上流社會流漣的美食殿堂, 1931年被接收為日內瓦市的市產; 之後曾經過不同人經營與長期漸次的精心整修, 才有現今比當年更富豐彩又現代的容顏. Parc des Eaux-Vives分La Brasserie (位於一樓, 屬於隨興較中等消費) 和 le Restaurant gastronomique (二樓正式高級, 三樓附有幾間精緻客房)兩層餐館, 均由Olivier Samson主廚.
Geneva Festival 2005 Dates: from 4th to 14th August 2005 Official website: www.fetesdegeneve.ch After the success of 2004 with over 2,100,000 spectators, Geneva Tourism will this year present to the Ge-neva population and the many visiting tourists a rich and varied programme living up to its reputation as the biggest popular Summer event in Switzerland.
Pré-Fêtes The idea of the run-up to the Festival will be repeated with 17 days of evening concerts and shows in the English Garden, starting on Monday 18 July 2005.
China, Guest of Honour - The highlight of the 2005 Geneva Festival will be the exceptional presence of the guest-of-honour country, China.
World Caravan The 2005 Geneva Festival will innovate with the first ever World Caravan, a festive, general-public event involving nearly 800 musicians and dancers representing 7 countries from around the equator and between the Tropics who will be performing on the lakeside promenades on Saturday 6 August.
SlowUp - Geneva Festival Another innovation will be the 1st slowUp - Geneva Festival. This event will bring to life some of the minor roads on the Left Bank, on a 25 km circuit open to cyclists, rollers, children's scooters and walkers, giving people a chance to discover some great views.
Musical Fireworks As for the Musical Fireworks, they will be doubled up, firstly at the opening of the Festival at 10.30 pm on Thurs-day 4 August, on the theme of Music of the World, and then at 10 pm on Saturday 13 August, on the theme of Animals in their habitats.