Sorry! I made huge mistake... It is pretty embarrassing. I should have pay more attention to what I wrote..
The Poem "Casual" is a translation from the Poem wrote by Shu,Tz-Mo in Chinese. I mistook it as wrote by Chu,Tz-Ching. It is interpreted and translated by myself. I have never heard or read anybody else had done and published the same job. It is came from my own feeling and it should be unique.. I had also revise a little bit to "reflect" a recent feedback of a Firend gave.
By Shu,Tz-Mo
I'am a cloud, high above in the sky
Cast my reflection casually upon your heart
You shall not amaze nor rejoice
Fade away abruptly without a trace
We met in the darkness of the sea
You have your direction, I have mine
Remember me fine, forget better,
the gleaming lights of our encounter
Just tired of Taiwan's politic chaos and at the same time, traveling away from my Chinese Character producing PC. I have no other option but to translate it in English. Hope I could found an "One Word Master" to learn from....
By Chu, Tze-Ching
I’m a cloud high above in the sky
Shadows casually over your heart
You shall not amaze nor rejoice
Fade abruptly without a trace
We met in the darkness of the sea
You have your direction yet I have mine
Would remember me or better forget
This gleaming lights of our encounter