425 徐志摩真正高攀的女人(電郵轉載) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/129128573
13樓. Bifröst Kærlighed
2019/09/12 21:02
happy b-day and thank you for great sharing
great sharing and happy b-day!
中秋將至,送您一個小禮。『月亮代表我的心』被紐西蘭的鋼琴家和樂團演奏成「古典輕音樂 」!
Boston Kindergarten wish to be the wind beneath your wings
A teacher
Takes a hand
Opens a mind
Touches a heart
Shapes the future
馮紀游陸游:第三程 於 2019/09/13 14:00回覆
THX for the b-day message and wish you a happy Moon-festival too. Let you know a secret that my official b-day was incorrect. My only aunt who is illiterate but very smart registered personal info for the whole family in 1948, all correct but mine, then I have to stick with it all my life. HaHaHa…… Re: 眷村懷舊:姑姑的小腳 http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/94376647
238 學佛在學智慧 http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/102295959
239 白雲小語之5(8則) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/102297035
240 淋雨的老和尚 http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/102354033
241 飛越無明(拾年老人緣) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/102427376
243 詠鯊 http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/103273556