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嚴重影響美國總統川普致命中國Death by China: Confronting the Dragon

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PN 目前以學者身份加入川普執政黨團隊,以經濟社會為主,替狂人川普出謀策劃,他的著作深深影響川普,對於中國的政策,就是刻意壓制中國強勢的發展,本文所附8大原則,就是令美國當局頭痛,而無法有效的列出政策與中國對抗.

納瓦羅擁有哈佛大學經濟學博士學位,現任教於加州大學爾灣分校(UCI),是特朗普的顧問中唯一一名學者。不過,他最為人知的身份卻是《致命中國:美國是如何失去其製造業基礎的》(Death by China: How America Lost its Manufacturing Base)一書的作者。特朗普選擇納瓦羅,也與納瓦羅反對全球化的立場和論述有關;特朗普在聲明中形容納瓦羅是「一個有遠見的經濟學家」,「早已預言全球化對美國工人的損害,並為復興中產階級指明道路」。



DEATH BY CHINA is right on. This important documentary depicts our problem with China with facts, figures and insight. I urge you to see it.” – Donald Trump

Death by China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action is a 2011 non-fiction book by economics professor Peter Navarro and Greg Autry[] that chronicles "from currency manipulation and abusive trade policies, to deadly consumer products," the alleged threats to America's economic dominance in the 21st century posed by China's Communist Party.

From best-selling author and filmmaker, Peter Navarro, comes DEATH BY CHINA, a documentary feature that pointedly confronts the most urgent problem facing America today – its increasingly destructive economic trade relationship with a rapidly rising China. Since China began flooding U.S. markets with illegally subsidized products in 2001, over 50,000 American factories have disappeared, more than 25 million Americans can’t find a decent job, and America now owes more than 3 trillion dollars to the world’s largest totalitarian nation. Through compelling interviews with voices across the political spectrum, DEATH BY CHINA exposes that the U.S.-China relationship is broken and must be fixed if the world is going to be a place of peace and prosperity..

致命中國》(英語:Death by China: Confronting the Dragon A Global Call to Action),在台灣被譯為《致命中國:中共赤龍對人類社會的危害》,於2011年出版,是知名經濟學家彼得·納瓦羅與葛瑞格·奧特瑞(安一鳴,Greg Autry)共同編著的政經書籍。書中強調中國如何利用貿易優惠為美國帶來威脅。此書出版後於2012年改編為紀錄片,由馬丁·辛主持,納瓦羅擔任導演[4]2012年拍成同名紀錄片。





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