3.注册美国公司:「The Company Corporation」提供美国公司注册服务,缴纳1100美元,就可获得包括有限公司注册、税务标识号(TIN)和多达12个月的邮件转送服务。因为注册Amazon Payments时要用到税务标识号,所以这一步不可或缺。另外,邮件转送服务也将帮你申请到美国银行的信用卡。
Your project title and blurb should be simple, specific, and memorable. Our search tools run through these sections of your project, so be sure to incorporate any key words here!
These words will help people find your project, so choose them wisely! Your name will be searchable too.
項目简短説明Short blurb
If you had to describe what you're creating in one tweet, how would you do it?
We recommend setting a funding duration of 30 days or less. Shorter durations tend to have higher success rates. Once your project has launched, it won’t be possible to change your funding duration. For more tips, check out theCreator Handbook.
預期募资总額Funding goal
Your funding goal should be the minimum amount needed to complete the project and fulfill (and ship!) all rewards. Because funding is all-or-nothing, you can always raise more than your goal but never less. Once your project has launched, it will not be possible to change your funding goal.
If your project is successfully funded, the following fees will be collected from your funding total: Kickstarter's 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%). If funding isn't successful, there are no fees.