一個大法 - Carrying a Concealed Weapon ( CCW)
( weapon 可以係槍﹐又可以係胡椒噴霧之類 )
要隨身帶槍就申領一個 Concealed Handgun License
我去睇過其中 Ohio 州申請隨身帶槍好似冇乜特別要求︰
佢地仲理直氣壯話隨身孭炮係 " 愛護家人" 同愛護自己....
So there you have it. As I’ve mentioned on the air many times…I don’t want to get shot with ANY caliber and logic dictates that any caliber in your pocket is better than NO caliber in your pocket.
Rule number one to carrying a gun for self-defense is to carry a gun. Whatever method of carry you choose, for whatever lifestyle you lead, you have a responsibility to your community, your loved ones and yourself to be armed and capable of defending yourself and your family.
Whatever you choose to carry, remember to carry on, carry often and carry everywhere!