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10/2, 新加坡展覽時,Naturo Health International 總裁 告訴我

"本來我不想來, 貿協的人很熱心, 一再催促; 沒想到發現寶藏. 能量有關的產品我都試過, 大部份都誇大不實, 又有副作用. 健康是良心事業, 客戶相信我們, 我們更不應該耽誤人家; "我找能量共振的產品..., 有效又沒有副作用的產品, 已經十年.....''


當晚, 我們談了五個小時, Joseph 買了一些樣品.

10/3 晚上, Joseph 帶來他想要的式樣.

11/5: Joseph 給我使用心得, 要求準備更多樣品做擴大試驗

The waist belt and insole for the back pains:  After using for 2 weeks, wearing insole every morning and waist belt every night, the pain has reduced by 30%, but after using for one month, the pain is still there.
The pad for the left chest pain in between the ribs, fixed position:    Before using the pad, the pain occurs on and off, some days no pain.  After using daily every night for 3 weeks, the pain is still around although it has reduced by about 30% to 40%
Hat for the headache:  Headache has reduced with minimal recurrence.  the hat needs to improve to hold on to the head during sleep.
Belt for Prostate, frequent night urination:  An old lady age 76 urinates 4 to 5 times a night.  After using for 3 weeks day and night, the frequent night urination is still the same.  I have asked the lady to continue using and position at the lower abdomen, which she has been position.  She is also wearing the sole during day time in the house.  But it works for an elderly man age 58 who urinate once a night.  After using for 2 weeks, night urination has reduced to none or once a night.
David, I would like to try more to ensure that it works.  I believe in the theory and your explanation and I am very interested in such product.  I think, pain is very difficult to measure objectively, especially many years of old pains. 
Please send me some of the newly stitched pads, belts, eye pad, sole and hat I will be pleased to continue trying and think of how they can be marketed.
Please let me know the cost also.  

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