Jody 是前可口可樂的副總裁, 現在是EURECA國際公司的總裁.太極能量醫學在美國的
11/3, 我們在義大利Torino相遇. 晚餐前他談到參加減重計劃, 一年後體重減少20 磅.
當他聽到太極能量醫學幫我減重11公斤, 一臉驚訝, 覺得不可思議. 因為
Jody : 一臉疲憊, 臉部肌肉缺乏活力
本人: 精神抖擻, 氣色很好
為滿足大家的好奇, 我讓Jody 双腳湧泉穴踏在能量反射片上, 做脊椎平衡試驗.
驚奇過後, 我請他把能量片放在襪子裡湧泉穴的位置, 睡覺前他就知道好處在那裡.
11/4早上, Jody 迫不急待告訴我, 他知道自己脊椎有問題, 睡覺前右半身還有些僵硬,早
11/6~11/8, 很明顯可已看出 Jody 臉上的肌肉比較放鬆,
Jody 表示有興趣代理太極能量醫學在北美的業務. 我告訴他" 讓我把你的身體治好再
說, 當你恢復壯年的神彩, 就是你經銷太極能量醫學的開始". 順便, 我給 Jody 一小包能
11/19, 我收到Jody 的樣品訂單
Jeff: My brother has Parkinson’s Disease, so I was thinking to get him an energy cap and the insoles
John: My other brother has poor posture, overweight, and low energy, so I was thinking to get him the insoles
Linda: My bother’s wife has a problem with loss of cartilage in her knee (bad joint pain) and overweight, so I was thinking to get her the insoles and whatever you suggest for placement around the knee
Paul: A work associate has muscle aches and joint pain from competitive bicycle riding, so I was thinking to get him the insoles
Jan: Paul’s wife has chronic stomach issues, so I was thinking to get her the insoles and the energy belt
Jody: I have poor posture, facial muscle weakness, and fatigue, so I was thinking to get the insoles and the energy belt for me
Staci: My girlfriend has stomach problems and muscle pains, so I was thinking to get her the insoles and the energy belt
Meghan: A friend has scoliosis, so was thinking to get inso
11/23: 樣品寄出
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