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動物視頻 編號{B1} 狒狒 Baboon


動物視頻 編號{B1}  狒狒 Baboon


Baboons kidnap and raise feral dogs as pets .






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動物視頻 編號{B2} Bactrian Camel 雙峰駝



動物視頻 編號{B2}  Bactrian Camel  雙峰駝



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動物視頻 【編號 57】 Bull Mastiff 鬥牛獒



動物視頻 【編號 57  Bull Mastiff  鬥牛獒







The Bullmastiff is courageous, loyal, calm, and loving with those it knows. It has a very strong protective instinct and will defend its owners against anything it perceives as a threat. However, it does not normally attack to protect.

Instead, it knocks the intruder over with its massive size and pins them to the ground, or, will simply stand in front of the stranger or intruder and refuse to let them pass. Bullmastiffs become intensely attached to their families and do best when they can live inside with them.


Their protective instinct combined with their great size and natural wariness of strangers means that early socialization is a must. The Bullmastiff may or may not get along well with other dogs. Occasionally, females in heat will also not get along with other females.


The Bullmastiff gets along well with children and is very loving towards them. Parental supervision must be maintained when they are with children; they may knock smaller children down accidentally because of their large size.


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動物視頻 【編號 56】 56. Buffalo 水牛城



動物視頻 【編號 56  56. Buffalo  水牛城







The buffalo is also known as the African buffalo and the cape buffalo, as the buffalo is found in large herds across Africa but the buffalo is more prominent in South Africa.

Although the buffalo and water buffalo (found in Asia) look very similar it not thought that the buffalo and the water buffalo are closely related. The African forest buffalo is a subspecies of the African buffalo but the forest buffalo is about half the size of the standard buffalo.


The African buffalo is one of the most successful grazers in Africa. The buffalo inhabits swamps and floodplains as well as the grasslands and forests of the major mountains of Africa. Buffalo can be found from the highest mountains to sea level areas, and the buffalo tends to prefer habitat with dense cover such as reeds and thickets. Herd of buffalo have also been found in open woodland and grassland.


Other than the human, the African buffalo has no real natural predators as the buffalo is able to easily defend itself using the buffalos sheer size and power. Lions, crocodiles, leopards and hyena are all amongst those animals that prey on the buffalo although they are usually only successful in catching the buffalo in large numbers.


The buffalo has a very unpredictable nature which, along with the size of the buffalo, makes the buffalo a severe threat to humans. There are numerous buffalo attacks on humans every year and the buffalo is thought to be one of the most dangerous animals in Africa behind the hippo and the crocodile. Because of this the African buffalo has not been domesticated unlike the water buffalo in Asia.


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動物視頻 【編號 55】 55. Budgerigar 虎皮鸚鵡



動物視頻 【編號 55  55. Budgerigar  虎皮鸚鵡







The budgerigar is a small colourful bird native to Australia. The budgerigar is thought to be a sub-species of parrot, making the budgerigar one of the smallest parrot species in the world.

The budgerigar is often called a parakeet or a budgie and the budgie is one of the most popular birds to keep as pets, both in outside aviaries and in cages in homes. Budgerigars are thought to be popular pets due to their small size and brightly coloured feathers.


The budgerigar is a very sociable bird and budgies can been seen gathering in large flocks in trees and scrub land in the Australian wilderness. Pet budgerigars should always be kept at least with one other budgerigar to prevent them from getting lonely. The wild budgerigar tends to feed on grass seeds and occasional insects.


Budgies are known to be very easy animals to sex. Male budgies and female budgies can be identified by the colour of their nose. The male budgerigar has a blue nose while the female budgie's nose is brown in colour.


Budgerigars are known to be very hardy little creatures and if a budgie becomes ill in the wild, the budgie will try to conceal it as long as possible so as not to appear weak and vulnerable to potential predators. The main predators of the wild budgerigar are snakes and birds of prey such as hawks. Wild budgerigars have also been known to be hunted by local natives mainly for their brightly coloured feathers which are then used in tribal costumes.


The average lifespan of a wild budgerigar is thought to be around 5 years but budgerigars have been known to live much longer in captivity, some get to nearly 20 years old! The average lifespan of a pet budgie is between 8 and 10 years.


Budgerigars are one of the few bird species that do not build nests and female budgerigars will therefore find a hole in a tree in which to lay their eggs. The female budgerigar lays around 5 or 6 eggs, that hatch in around 3 weeks. The budgie chicks are looked after by their mother and reach full adulthood when they are roughly 9 months old.


The budgerigar is a very vocal animal and the song of the budgie is also quite loud. Budgerigars use their voices to communicate with one another as they are very sociable animals.


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動物視頻 【編號 54】 54. Brown Bear 棕熊



動物視頻 【編號 54  54. Brown Bear  棕熊







Brown Bears are found in many parts of North America and Eurasia, where the bears inhabit wooded and mountainous areas. The brown bear is also the national animal for a number of states in North America, Europe and Asia.

Brown bears tend to feed on vegetation, fish and small land mammals, but the bears will only occasionally hunt bigger mammals like deer. Brown bears dont seem to be a great threat towards humans, although the mother brown bears will protect their young bear cubs.


Brown bears generally grow to about 2 - 3m tall, looking enormous when the bear stands on its hind legs. Brown bears have sadly been the target of taxidermists over the years resulting in the brown bear population declining. Today there is more in the way of Animal Rights meaning that the brown bear population can grow once again.


The brown bear is one of the largest species of bear with only the grizzly bear and the polar bear getting to bigger sizes. Both the grizzly bear and the polar bear however, are distant sub-species of the brown bear that have today adapted to living in a different environment.


The brown bear is an extremely dominant predator in its environment, with only threats from human hunters posing any real dominance over the brown bears predatory rights. The brown bear has an enormous muscle between the brown bears shoulder blades that makes the brown bear stand out above other bear species.


The enormous shoulder muscle that the brown bear has means that the brown bear has immensely strong forearms and allows the bear to break animal bones with one simple swipe. The brown bear has massive paws with claws that can grow longer than 15cm in length.


There are thought to be around 200,000 brown bear individuals left in the wild over half of which are found in Russia. Around 95% of the brown bear population found in the USA is in the northernmost state of Alaska. Most of the brown bears that inhabit regions of Canada are found in the west of the country in the Rocky Mountain range.


Brown Bear Foot Facts


The brown bear has four large paws and each of the paws of the brown bear has five toes that result in long claws.

The two front paws of the brown bear have toes that have longer claws than on the back paws, as the brown bear uses its front paws for digging.

The two back paws of the brown bear are larger than the two front paws as the brown bear often stands on its hind legs to either survey their surroundings or to get food out of higher places.

The brown bear uses its front paws with their enormous claws to rip open logs that have bugs inside so that it can eat them.

The brown bear uses its specially structured paws and legs in order to help it run fast, climb trees and swim well.

Brown Bear Teeth Facts


Brown bears do not normally bite their prey but instead grind and crunch with their enormous teeth to get their meal into them.

The brown bear has approximately 42 teeth including large predatory teeth that the brown bear uses to shred meat and skin.

The brown bear uses both its large, strong paws and its sharp teeth to catch and kill its prey and will either bite the neck of the animal or swipe it with its immense forearms.

The molar teeth of the brown bear increase in size as they go further in the mouth of the brown bear and the brown bear predominantly uses its largest molar to grind up tough food.

The size of the teeth of the brown bear are dependant on the size of the bear itself, so bigger bears will have bigger teeth than smaller bears.


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動物視頻 【編號 53】 53. Brazilian Terrier 巴西梗



動物視頻 【編號 53  53. Brazilian Terrier  巴西梗







The Brazilian Terrier, commonly called Fox Paulistinha, is a breed of dog developed in Brazil. It is one of several terriers probably descended from the combining of the Fox Terrier with other small breeds.

The appearance of the Brazilian Terrier is typical of dogs descended from fox terrier types. The short coat is tri-colour. The skull is flat and wedge-shaped, with folded ears. The tail may be docked or natural.


Brazilian Terriers are alert, intelligent and playful with stronger than average hunting instincts. They should not be left alone with small animals. They must be kept active and occupied, becoming destructive or restless if bored.


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動物視頻 【編號 52】 52. Boykin Spaniel 博伊犬



動物視頻 【編號 52  52. Boykin Spaniel  博伊犬







The personality is ever-bright, it easily substitutes ball retrieving for bird retrieving, and will swim with agility in any aquatic environment. It is excellent with children (better, some say, than its cousin Cocker Spaniel) and is an instinctive swimmer. They do require daily exercise and weekly grooming to keep the coat matting under control.

The breed is a definite working dog with ideal retriever instincts, enthusiasm, and endurance. They say that the Boykin is the dog that doesn't rock the boat. Ideally, at around 35 pounds, the Boykin will not upset a canoe or smaller boat while hunting marsh and flooded timber.


This is a southern-bred dog,so big water in colder climes like the Chesapeake Bay and north are not appropriate for this breed when used as a duck hunting dog unless the dog's coat is weather conditioned and has a neoprene jacket available. They make excellent upland hunters that naturally quarter and flush game within gun range.


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動物視頻 【編號 51】 51. Boxer Dog 拳師犬



動物視頻 【編號 51 51. Boxer Dog  拳師犬







Boxers are a bright, energetic and playful breed and tend to be very good with children. They are active dogs and require adequate exercise to prevent boredom-associated behaviors such as chewing or digging.

Boxers have earned a slight reputation of being headstrong, which can be related to inappropriate obedience training. Owing to their intelligence and working breed characteristics, training based on corrections often has limited usefulness.


Boxers, like other animals, respond much better to positive reinforcement techniques such as clicker training, which affords the dog an opportunity to think independently and to problem-solve.


Boxers were originally a docked and cropped breed, and this tradition is still maintained in some countries. However, due to pressure from veterinary associations, animal rights groups and the general public, both cropping of the ears and docking of the tail have been prohibited in many countries around the world.


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動物視頻 【編號 50】 50. Bottle Nosed Dolphin 瓶鼻海豚



動物視頻 【編號 50 50. Bottle Nosed Dolphin  瓶鼻海豚








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