●國中常用英文單詞2000 每次五個 各附一例句 171-175
國中常用字詞 2000(2092)依字母排序【有記事-編號】
171. besides [副詞] 並且; [介系詞] 除...之外
· Besides diets, he devised punishing exercise routines.
172. between [介系詞] 在…和…之間
· The ideological divisions between the parties aren't always obvious.
173. beyond [副詞] 在更遠處; [介系詞] 越出;晚於;在...那一邊
· Now look yonder, just beyond the wooden post there.
174. bicycle [名詞] 腳踏車
· I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle.
175. big [形容詞] 大的
· The wind was bouncing the branches of the big oak trees.