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Student 相關詞



Student  相關詞


1.      student card  學生證

2.      student council  (大學、中學的)學生會

3.      exchange student  交換生;交流生

4.      mature student  【英】(超過21歲的)成年人大學生

5.      student loan  學生貸款

6.      student teacher  實習教師

7.      student ticket  學生票

8.      student body (一校的)全體學生

9.      student teacher  實習教師

10.   student council  (大學、中學的)學生會

11.   student loan  學生貸款

12.   student teacher  實習教師

13.      students' union  大學之學生活動大樓


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【good】的 相關詞



good】的 相關詞




good egg

【俚】好人; 好東西

He is a very good egg and you can count on him . 他是個好人, 你大可以信賴他。


good enough 夠好

David can speak good English , but his Chinese is not good enough . 大衛會說流利的英語, 但他的中國話不夠好。


good heavens


Good heavens ! What has happened to your new coat ? 天啊!你的新外衣怎麼樣了?


very good 非常好; 很好

Are Mary and Sue your very good friends , too ? 瑪麗和海倫都是你很好的朋友嗎?

He is a very good teacher . 他是一位很好的老師。


good form 【舊】有禮貌的行為


good sailor (風浪大時)不大暈船的人

He is a good sailor though he seldom travels by water . 雖然他不常乘船旅行, 但他不大暈船。


good match 【舊】被視為相稱的配偶

The young heiress was a good match . 那個繼承了大筆財產的年輕女子是理想的伴侶。


good will 善意; 親切; 親善

She bears me good will . 她對我心懷好意。


good riddance 可喜的擺脫, 清除, 擺脫

He was indeed a good riddance . 他還是不在的好。

So he ' s gone at last ; that ' s a good riddance . 他終於走了, 真是一大解脫。


good for 能被信任; 能做, 傾向; 有效

Are you good for a five - mile walk ? 五英里路你走得了嗎?

Because he is rich , he is good for 10 , 000 . 因為他很有錢, 他能出一萬英鎊。

This license is good for one year . 這張執照有效期是一年。

Milk is good for children . 牛奶對兒童健康有益。


good form 【舊】有禮貌的行為


for good measure 額外的量; 外加的項目

The pianist gave a long and varied recital , with a couple of encores for good measure . 那鋼琴家的獨奏演出會時間長、節目多, 還加奏了兩支曲子。


make good sth. 賠償(或替換、修理)損壞之物

She promised to make good the loss . 她答應賠償損失。

make good the damage 修復損壞之物

The plaster will have to be made good before you paint it . 要先重新抹好灰泥再刷漿。


good for sb. 【口】(用以祝賀某人)某人幹得好

She passed the exam ? Good for her ! 她考試及格了?真行!


make good time 高速行駛(或駕車)


We made good time this morning . 今天早上我們走得很快。

He made the best time in the auto race . 他在汽車賽中開得最快。

The train had some engine trouble , but it is making good time now . 這列火車的車頭出過故障, 不過現在正在加速行駛。


good riddance to  (用以表達擺脫不想要的或討厭的人或事物後的如釋重負感)可喜地擺脫...

He ' s gone at last , and good riddance to him ! 他終於走了, 謝天謝地!


a good many 很多

I have a good many things to do today . 今天我有很多事情要做。


get good grades 取得好成績

I have never got good grades in English before . 我以前英語從未得過好成績。


a good few 相當多(); 幾個


" How many came ? " " A good few . " “來了多少人?”“好多呢。”

There are still a good few empty seats . 還有好幾個空位子。

There were a good few copies sold on the first day . 第一天就賣了許多本。


in good voice (唱歌或說話時)聲音和平時一樣好

The bass soloist was in good voice . 這個男低音獨唱演員這次唱出了高水平。


in good repair 維修良好

The machine is in good repair . 機器維修良好。

keep a car in good repair 對汽車善為保養


good for sb. 【口】(用以祝賀某人)某人幹得好

She passed the exam ? Good for her ! 她考試及格了?真行!


make good time 高速行駛(或駕車)

We made good time this morning . 今天早上我們走得很快。

He made the best time in the auto race . 他在汽車賽中開得最快。

The train had some engine trouble , but it is making good time now . 這列火車的車頭出過故障, 不過現在正在加速行駛。


good riddance to  (用以表達擺脫不想要的或討厭的人或事物後的如釋重負感)可喜地擺脫...

He ' s gone at last , and good riddance to him ! 他終於走了, 謝天謝地!


a good many 很多

I have a good many things to do today . 今天我有很多事情要做。


get good grades 取得好成績

I have never got good grades in English before . 我以前英語從未得過好成績。


a good few 相當多(); 幾個

" How many came ? " " A good few . " “來了多少人?”“好多呢。”

There are still a good few empty seats . 還有好幾個空位子。

There were a good few copies sold on the first day . 第一天就賣了許多本。


world of good 【口】極大的好處

That holiday did him the world of good . 這次度假對他大有好處。


keep good hours 早睡早起

All the members of his family keep good hours . 他全家人都睡得早起得早。


Goods 商品;貨物

He buys and sells leather goods . 他買賣皮貨。


good-bye 再見!

" Good - bye , dear , " she said . "再見,親愛的,"她說。


good-by 再見!


good-fellowship 親密


good for 能保持……有效

The passport is good for five years . 這護照五年有效。


good morning (上午見面時用語)早安;你(們)好

Good morning , darling . Another beautiful day . 早安,親愛的。又是個大好天。


good-by 再見!


good afternoon (午後見面時用語)下午好;你(們)好

Good afternoon . Could I speak to Mr . Smith , please . 下午好。我找史密斯先生。


good-fellowship 親密


good-humouredly 心情愉快地;脾氣很好地


good humour 愉快的心情;好脾氣


hold good 有效;適用


good-humouredly 心情愉快地;脾氣很好地


for good 永久地


He left the city for good . 他永遠地離開了那個城市。


good and 非常;完全

I ' m good and ready . 我都準備好了。


rattling good 【英】【舊】響噹噹的,極好的;激動人心的


good day 日安(白天見面或分手時之招呼)


good sense 好眼光;好見地


good offices 調停;影響力


good-neighbor 與鄰國和睦相處的;睦鄰的


good-hearted 好心腸的;寬厚的;仁慈的

The old man is good - hearted , and I have seen him do many an act of kindness . 這位老人很仁慈,我看到過他做的許多善事。


good-humouredly 心情愉快地;脾氣很好地


good-hearted 好心腸的;寬厚的;仁慈的

The old man is good - hearted , and I have seen him do many an act of kindness . 這位老人很仁慈,我看到過他做的許多善事。


hold good 有效;適用

good offices 調停;影響力

good-humored 心情愉快的,脾氣好的

good-tempered 好脾氣的

very good 很好,曉得了,好的

good-will 友好的;親善的

good-looker 【俚】眉目清秀的人

good nature 脾氣好;溫厚

good-humouredly 心情愉快地;脾氣很好地

do ... good 對……有益

good feeling 好感

good at 善於

no-good 毫無用處的(人或物)

good humour 愉快的心情;好脾氣

very good 很好,曉得了,好的

good-looker 【俚】眉目清秀的人

good nature 脾氣好;溫厚

good-looker 【俚】眉目清秀的人


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