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安慰劑效應(英語:placebo effect,來自拉丁文「placebo」解「我將安慰」),又名偽藥效應、假藥效應、代設劑效應指病人雖然獲得無效的治療,但卻「預料」或「相信」治療有效,而讓病患症狀得到舒緩的現象。


安慰劑效應於1955年由畢闕博士 Henry K. Beecher)提出[1],亦理解為「非特定效應」 non-specific effects)或受試者期望效應 subject-expectancy effect)。


一個性質完全相反的效應亦同時存在——反安慰劑效應 Nocebo effect):病人不相信治療有效,可能會令病情惡化。反安慰劑效應(拉丁文「nocebo」解「我將傷害」)可以使用檢測安慰劑效應相同的方法檢測出來。例如一組服用無效藥物的對照群組(control group),會出現病情惡化的現象。這個現象相信是由於接受藥物的人士對於藥物的效力抱有負面的態度,因而抵銷了安慰劑效應,出現了反安慰劑效應。這個效應並不是由所服用的藥物引起,而是基於病人心理上對康復的期望。



.Placebo- Twenty Years .


Twenty Years lyrics:

(lyrics mat be wrong)


There are twenty years to go,

And twenty ways to know,

Who will wear,

Who will wear the hat.


There are twenty years to go,

The best of all I hope,

Enjoy the ride,

The medicine show.


And them's the breaks,

For we designer fakes,

We need to concentrate,

On more than meets the eye.


There are twenty years ago

The faithful and the low,

The best of starts,

The broken heart, the stone.


There are twenty years to go,

The punchdrunk and the blow,

The worst of starts,

The mercy part, the phone.


And them's the breaks,

For we designer fakes,

We need to concentrate,

On more than meets the eye.


And them's the breaks,

For we designer fakes,

But it's you I take,

Because you're the truth not I.


There are twenty years to go,

A golden age I know,

But all will pass,

And end too fast you know.


There are twenty years to go,

And many friends I hope,

Though some may hold the rose,

Some hold the rope.


That's the end,

And that's the start of it.

That's the whole,

And that's the part of it.

That's the high,

And that's the heart of it.

That's the long,

And that's the short of it.

That's the best,

And that's the test in it.

That's the doubt,

The doubt, the trust in it.

That's the sight,

And that's the sound of it.

That's the gift,

And that's the trick in it.


You're the truth Not I.

You're the truth not I.

You're the truth not I.

You're the truth not I.

You're the truth not I.

You're the truth not I.

You're the truth not I.

You're the truth not I.


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