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作文 My Best Friend


My Best Friend


    My best friend is Wendy, who was my neighbor in my childhood. We had a lot of fun together during our elementary school days. But her family moved to another city when we were in the fifth grade. We have been in touch each other since then by writing and making phone calls. We were so excited when we knew that we should

Enter the same senior high school. On the first day when we meet again, we want to celebrate our reunion and we talked a lot about our plans for senior high school.

    Wendy is a nice looking girl with big bright eyes. She is very patient and considerate. Besides, she is also generous and ready to help others. When we are together, I often talk a lot about what I like or dislike and share with her all my joys and sorrows and happiness. She always listens to me with a smile on her face. From time to time, she would give me advice right to the point. Because both of us like rock music, we usually spend much of our leisure time listening to our favorite songs and we sing loudly together.

    Not only does Wendy do well in her studies she but also has a good character. In fact, she has set a good example to me in many aspects. Whenever I feel tired of the heavy schoolwork, she will encourage me to study hard. We are now studying together to prepare for the coming JCEE. We hope to enter the same ideal college in a few months. I think I am lucky to have Wendy as my best friend. In conclusion, she means a lot to me and I’ll cherish her friendship forever.

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My Idol



My Idol


Talking of my idol, my idol is Buddhist Master Cheng Yen. Why is she my idol? My reasons as follows:

First, Master Cheng Yen’s merciful heart moves me. One day at 29, when she saw a pool of blood from a woman who had miscarried after being turned away by a hospital for lack of money, she determined to set up a charity foundation to help the poor. And she made it. Second, her unconditional love for all human beings commands my respect. Since she established the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, more than one million people around the island and the whole world have been helped, including the poor, the sick, the victims of earthquakes and floods. No wonder that she is refereed to as Taiwan’s Mother Teresa. Third, besides her disaster relief work, she also devotes herself to building hospitals, educating the mass and uplifting our culture. Her efforts and contributions are matchless.

For these reasons, Master Cheng Yen is my idol. I will become a member of Tzu Chi Foundation and work as a volunteer to serve our society in future, too.


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