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1. 三馬同槽
three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding to Sima Yi 司馬懿|司馬懿[Si1 ma3 Yi4] and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof
2. 司馬穰苴
Sīmǎ Rángjū, strategist of Qí 齊國|齊國, dates unknown (c. 800 BC), author of Sīmǎ's Art of war 司馬法|司馬法
3. 司馬談
Sima Tan (-110 BC), Han dynasty scholar and historian, and father of 司馬遷|司馬遷[Si1 ma3 Qian1]
4. 大馬
abbr. for 馬來西亞|馬來西亞, Malaysia/big horse
5. 拍馬
to urge on a horse by patting its bottom/fig. to encourage/same as 拍馬屁|拍馬屁, to flatter or toady
6. 撒馬爾幹
Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan/also written 撒馬爾罕|撒馬爾罕
7. 新馬
abbr. for Singapore 新加坡 and Malaysia 馬來西亞|馬來西亞
8. 歐巴馬
Taiwanese variant of 奧巴馬|奧巴馬[Ao4 ba1 ma3], Barack Obama (1961-), US Democrat politician, Senator for Illinois from 2005, president from 2009
9. 皇馬
Real Madrid soccer team/abbr. for 皇家馬德里|皇家馬德里
10. 紙馬兒
erhua variant of 紙馬|紙馬, paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people or animals
11. 索馬利
variant of 索馬裡|索馬里[Suo3 ma3 li3], Somalia
12. 索馬利亞
variant of 索馬裡|索馬里[Suo3 ma3 li3], Somalia
13. 索馬裡
Somalia/trad. also written 索馬裡
14. 索馬裡亞
variant of 索馬裡|索馬里, Somalia
15. 阿馬遜
Amazon/also written 亞馬遜|亞馬遜[Ya4 ma3 xun4]
1. 危地馬拉人
2. 一言既出,駟馬難追
lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it (idiom); a promise must be kept
3. 一韁四馬
a four-in-hand carriage (idiom)
4. 一馬平川
flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country
5. 一馬當先
to take the lead (idiom)
6. 上馬
to get on a horse/to mount
7. 下馬
dismount a horse
8. 下馬威
severity shown by a superior or an official
9. 並馬而行
to ride side by side (idiom)
10. 中箭落馬
to be hit by an arrow and fall from one's steed (idiom)
11. 馬國
abbr. for 馬來西亞|馬來西亞, Malaysia
12. 馬子
bandit/brigand/gambling chip/see 馬桶|馬桶
13. 馬德裡
variant of 馬德里|馬德里, Madrid
14. 馬爾穀
Mark/St Mark the evangelist/less common variant of 馬克|馬克 preferred by the Catholic church
15. 駑馬戀棧豆
see 駑馬戀棧|駑馬戀棧[nu2 ma3 lian4 zhan4]
1. 中途換馬
to swap horses in midstream (idiom)
2. 乞力馬紮羅山
Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
3. 亂穿馬路
to jaywalk
4. 五馬分屍
to tear sb.'s body limb from limb/to divide up and share (idiom)
5. 亞拉巴馬
Alabama, US state
6. 亞拉巴馬州
Alabama, US state
7. 亞馬孫
8. 亞馬孫河
Amazon river
9. 亞馬遜
10. 人仰馬翻
to suffer utter defeat (idiom)
11. 人嚷馬嘶
a busy prosperous country scene (idiom)
12. 人困馬乏
riders tired and horses weary/worn out/exhausted/spent/fatigued
13. 人強馬壯
strong, combat-effective army/strong working force (idiom)
14. 人歡馬叫
bustling village scene (idiom)
15. 人聲馬嘶
the voices of men and the neighing of horses (idiom)
1. 人馬
men and horses (e.g. on parade)/centaur
2. 人馬座
Sagittarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
3. 人馬臂
Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy)
4. 人馬齊備
All vehicles and personnel are ready. (idiom)
5. 人高馬大
tall and strong
6. 以馬內利
7. 伊馬姆
see 伊瑪目|伊瑪目[yi1 ma3 mu4]
8. 伽馬
gamma (Greek letter Γγ)
9. 伽馬射線
gamma rays
10. 伽馬射線探測器
gamma-ray detector
11. 伽馬輻射
gamma radiation
12. 作馬
trestle/carpenter's frame/calling sth a horse
13. 侯馬
Houma county level city in Línfén 臨汾[Lin2 fen2], Shānxī
14. 侯馬市
Houma county level city in Línfén 臨汾[Lin2 fen2], Shānxī
15. 俄克拉何馬
Oklahoma, US state
1. 俄克拉何馬城
Oklahoma City
2. 俄克拉何馬州
Oklahoma, US state
3. 信馬由韁
to ride with lax reins/to give free rein to (one's imagination, etc.)/to have no fixed opinion/to stroll about aimlessly/to act or do as one pleases
4. 倚馬千言
to write with great facility (idiom)
5. 倚馬可待
a writer's ability to write an article very fast (idiom)
6. 倭馬亞王朝
Umayyad empire (661-750, in Iberia -1031), successor of the Rashidun caliphate
7. 做牛做馬
lit. to work like an ox, to work like a horse; fig. to work extremely hard
8. 催馬加鞭
to whip on one's horse (idiom)
9. 僅容旋馬
narrow space (idiom)
10. 公馬
male horse/stallion/stud
11. 兵強馬壯
strong soldiers and sturdy horses/a well-trained and powerful army
12. 兵荒馬亂
soldiers munity and troops rebel (idiom); turmoil and chaos of war
13. 兵馬
troops and horses/military forces
14. 兵馬俑
figurines of warriors and horses buried with the dead/Terracotta Army (historic site)
15. 兵馬未動,糧草先行
before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first (idiom); logistics comes before military maneuvers/an army marches on its stomach
1. 出馬
to set out (on a campaign)/to stand for election/to throw one's cap in the ring
2. 利馬
Lima, capital of Peru
3. 利馬竇
Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China/erroneous spelling of 利瑪竇|利瑪竇
4. 加足馬力
at full speed/full steam ahead (idiom)
5. 勒馬
to rein in a horse
6. 勞人費馬
to waste manpower and money (idiom)
7. 北馬裡亞納
Northern Mariana Islands
8. 北馬裡亞納群島
Northern Mariana Islands
9. 匹馬單槍
with one horse and one gun/single-handed (idiom)
10. 千軍萬馬
magnificent army with thousands of men and horses (idiom); impressive display of manpower/all the King's horses and all the King's men
11. 千里馬
lit. ten thousand mile horse/fine steed
12. 午馬
Year 7, year of the Horse (e.g. 2002)
13. 半人馬
centaur (mythology)
14. 半人馬座
Centaurus (constellation)
15. 半途換馬
to change leaders in difficult times (idiom)
1. 卡拉馬佐夫兄弟
Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基
2. 卡爾・馬克思
Karl Marx (1818-1883), German socialist philosopher, political activist and founder of Marxism
3. 危地馬拉
4. 危地馬拉人
5. 原班人馬
same troupe/old cast/former staff (idiom)
6. 厲兵秣馬
to get ready for battle (idiom)
7. 古羅馬
ancient Rome
8. 司馬
official post of minister of war in pre-han Chinese states/two-character surname Sima
9. 司馬光
Sima Guang (1019-1086), politician and historian of Northern Song, author of Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government 資治通鑒|資治通鑒
10. 司馬懿
Sima Yi (179-251), warlord under Cao Cao and subsequently founder of the Jin dynasty
11. 司馬承幀
Sima Chengzheng (655-735), Daoist priest in Tang dynasty
12. 司馬昭之心路人所知
Sima Zhao's stratagem is obvious to everyone/fig. an open secret
13. 司馬法
The Sima method by Sīmǎ Rángjū of Qí/also called Sīmǎ Rángjū's Art of war
14. 司馬炎
Sima Yan (236-290), founding emperor of Jin dynasty 晉 after the Three Kingdoms period, reigned 265-290 as Emperor Wu of Jin 晉武帝
15. 司馬遷
Sima Qian (145-86 BCE), historian, author of 史記|史記[Shi3 ji4], known as the father of Chinese historiography
1. 司馬遼太郎
SHIBA Ryotarō (1923-1996), Japanese author of historical novels
2. 吹牛拍馬
to boast and flatter (idiom)
3. 呼牛作馬
to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.
4. 呼牛呼馬
to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.
5. 哈馬斯
Hamas (radical Palestinian group)
6. 哈馬爾
Hamar (town in Norway)
7. 喜馬拉雅
the Himalayas
8. 喜馬拉雅山
9. 喜馬拉雅山脈
10. 單槍匹馬
lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single handed/unaccompanied
11. 嘎七馬八
at sixes and sevens/jumbled (idiom)
12. 四輪馬車
13. 回馬再戰
to turn back and fight again (idiom)
14. 回馬槍
sudden thrust (that catches the opponent off guard)
15. 國語羅馬字
"Gwoyeu romatzyh" romanization system for Chinese devised by Zhao Yuanren in 1926
1. 土法上馬
to do sth. using native methods (politics) (idiom)
2. 土牛木馬
clay ox, wooden horse (idiom); shape without substance/worthless object
3. 塔克拉馬幹
Taklamakan (desert)
4. 塔斯馬尼亞洲
5. 塞翁失馬
The old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise/It's an ill wind that blows no-one any good.
6. 塞翁失馬安知非福
The old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise/It's an ill wind that blows no-one any good.
7. 墜馬而亡
to fall from the saddle and die on the spot (idiom)
8. 士飽馬騰
well-fed and highly-motivated (of troops) (idiom)
9. 大仲馬
Alexandre Dumas, père
10. 大隊人馬
large detachment of troops (idiom)
11. 大馬士革
Damascus, capital of Syria
12. 大馬士革李
damson (fruit)
13. 失韁落馬
Lose control of the reins and be thrown from a horse. (idiom)
14. 失馬亡羊
gains and losses (idiom)
15. 奉承拍馬
to bow and scrape; apple-polish (idiom)
1. 奔馬
runaway horses
2. 套馬
to harness a horse/to lasso a horse
3. 套馬桿
lasso on long wooden pole
4. 奧克拉荷馬州
5. 奧巴馬
Barack Obama (1961-), US Democrat politician, Senator for Illinois from 2005, president from 2009
6. 奧馬哈
Omaha (name of several US towns, in Nebraska, Illinois, Arkansas, Texas etc)
7. 奧馬爾
Omar (Arabic name)
8. 委內瑞拉馬腦炎病毒
Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus
9. 客西馬尼園
Garden of Gethsemane
10. 客西馬尼花園
Garden of Gethsemane (in the Christian passion story)
11. 害群之馬
lit. the black horse of the herd (idiom)/fig. trouble-maker/the black sheep of the family
12. 害馬
lit. the black horse of the herd/fig. trouble-maker/the black sheep of the family
13. 寶馬
BMW (car company)
14. 寶馬車
BMW car
15. 寶馬香車
precious horses and magnificent carriage (idiom); rich family with extravagant lifestyle/ostentatious display of luxury
1. 對馬島
Tsushima island, between Japan and South Korea
2. 對馬海峽
Strait of Tsushima, between Japan and South Korea
3. 小馬
4. 小馬座
Equuleus (constellation)
5. 巴哈馬
the Bahamas
6. 巴拿馬
7. 巴拿馬城
Panama City
8. 巴拿馬運河
Panama Canal
9. 巴馬瑤族自治縣
Bama Yaozu autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|賀州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi
10. 巴馬科
Bamako, capital of Mali
11. 巴馬縣
Bama Yaozu autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|賀州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi
12. 帕拉馬裡博
Paramaribo, capital of Suriname
13. 幼馬
young horse/colt/filly
14. 康馬
Kangmar county, Tibetan: Khang dmar rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
15. 康馬縣
Kangmar county, Tibetan: Khang dmar rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
1. 弊車羸馬
an incorruptible official (idiom)
2. 強弓烈馬
to draw a strong bow and ride a spirited horse (idiom)
3. 彬馬那
Pyinmana, former jungle county town in central Myanmar (Burma), redesignated the national capital and renamed Naypyidaw 內比都 in November 2005
4. 征馬
horse capable of long expedition/army horse
5. 德國馬克
German mark
6. 心猿意馬
lit. heart a monkey, mind a horse (idiom); fig. capricious (derog.)/to have ants in one's pants/hyperactive/adventurous and uncontrollable
7. 快裡馬撒
quickly and efficiently (idiom)
8. 快馬加鞭
at top speed (idiom)
9. 意馬心猿
indecisive/wavering (idiom)
10. 懸崖勒馬
lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom); fig. to act in the nick of time
11. 戎馬
military horse/by extension, military matters
12. 戎馬倉猝
to have a hectic military career (idiom)
13. 戎馬倥傯
hectic military career (idiom)
14. 戎馬生涯
army life (idiom)/the experience of war
15. 戰馬
1. 托馬斯
Thomas (male name)
2. 托馬斯・阿奎納
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian Catholic priest in the Dominican Order, philosopher and theologian in the scholastic tradition
3. 扣馬而諫
to admonish a person just before he makes a reckless move (idiom)
4. 扶鞍上馬
to mount a horse (idiom)
5. 披掛上馬
to don one's fighting gear and ride out (idiom)
6. 抽水馬桶
flush toilet
7. 拉斯帕爾馬斯
Las Palmas, Spain
8. 拉馬特甘
Ramat Gan, city in Israel, location of Bar-Ilan University
9. 拍馬奉承
to lick sb.'s boots/to flatter (idiom)
10. 拍馬屁
to flatter/to fawn on/to butter sb up/toadying/boot-licking
11. 拍馬者
12. 拍馬舞刀
to whip up one's steed and flourish one's sword (idiom)
13. 拍馬舞劍
to whip up one's steed and flourish one's sword (idiom)
14. 招兵買馬
to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to raise a large army/fig. to expand business/to recruit new staff
15. 指鹿作馬
to take a deer and call it a horse (idiom); deliberate inversion of the truth
1. 指鹿為馬
making a deer out to be a horse (idiom); deliberate misrepresentation
2. 掛馬
Trojan horse, to add malware to a website or program (computing)
3. 探馬
mounted scout (arch.)
4. 揚鞭催馬
to whip one's horse on/to urge sb. to do sth. at full speed (idiom)
5. 摔下馬來
to tumble off a horse
6. 撒馬爾罕
Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan
7. 撥馬而逃
to turn one's steed and flee (idiom)
8. 攀轅扣馬
to try to stop the departure of a popular official by stopping his carriage from leaving (traditional) (idiom)/see also 攀轅臥轍|攀轅臥轍[pan1 yuan2 wo4...
9. 放馬後炮
to fire after the horse has bolted (idiom); to act too late to be effective
10. 放馬後砲
to fire after the horse has bolted (idiom); to act too late to be effective
11. 敗軍殘馬
defeated troops with decimated steeds (idiom)
12. 斑馬
13. 斑馬線
hatching/zebra stripes
14. 斑馬魚
15. 旋轉木馬
merry-go-round/carousel/Carousel, South Korean TV soap opera
1. 易司馬儀
Ismail (name)/Shāh Ismāil I (1487-1524), founder of Persian Safavid dynasty, reigned 1501-1524
2. 普氏野馬
Przevalski horse (Equus przewalskii) wild horse of Central Asia first identified in 1881 by Nikolai Mikhailovich Przevalski...
3. 木牛流馬
Trojan horse strategy (idiom)
4. 木馬
wooden horse/rocking horse/vaulting horse (gymnastics)/trojan horse (computing)
5. 木馬病毒
Trojan horse (type of computer virus)
6. 木馬計
wooden horse stratagem (cf Trojan horse)
7. 劄馬剌丁
Jamal al-Din ibn Muhammad al-Najjari (13th century), famous Persian astronomer and scholar who served Kublai Khan 忽必烈 from c. 1260
8. 劄馬魯丁
Jamal al-Din ibn Muhammad al-Najjari (13th century), famous Persian astronomer and scholar who served Kublai Khan 忽必烈 from c. 1260
9. 杜馬
Duma, lower chamber of Russian parliament
10. 束馬懸車
to be very cautious (idiom)
11. 東方馬腦炎病毒
eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus
12. 東羅馬帝國
Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (395-1453)
13. 柏油馬路
tarred road/asphalt road
14. 棄甲上馬
to throw aside one's armor and leap on one's horse (idiom)
15. 椎牛宰馬
to slaughter cows and horses (idiom)
1. 橫刀躍馬
to gallop ahead with sword drawn (idiom)
2. 死馬當活馬醫
lit. to give medicine to a dead horse (idiom); fig. to keep trying everything in a desperate situation
3. 殺回馬槍
to wheel around and attack pursuers (idiom)
4. 母馬
5. 汗馬功勞
lit. to ride a laboring horse to great deeds/fig. a heroic contribution
6. 河馬
7. 波多馬克河
Potomac river, USA
8. 海馬
sea horse
9. 海馬迴
10. 溜鬚拍馬
to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants/to toady/boot-licking
11. 烏馬河
Wumahe district of Yichun city 伊春市|伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
12. 烏馬河區
Wumahe district of Yichun city 伊春市|伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
13. 牛溲馬勃
cow's piss, horse's ulcer (idiom); worthless nonsense/insignificant
14. 牛馬
oxen and horses/beasts of burden/CL:隻|只[zhi1]
15. 牛馬不如
to live worse than beasts of burden (idiom)
1. 牛馬生活
to live like beasts of burden (idiom)
2. 牸馬
3. 特洛伊木馬
Trojan horse
4. 牽馬到河易,強馬飲水難
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. (idiom)
5. 牽馬墜鐙
to lead sb.'s horse and hold the stirrups/to serve another (idiom)
6. 犬馬以報
to be as grateful as a dog or a horse (idiom)
7. 瓜達拉馬
Sierra de Guadarrama (mountain range across Iberia, passing north of Madrid)
8. 瓜達拉馬山
Sierra de Guadarrama (mountain range across Iberia, passing north of Madrid)
9. 當牛作馬
to toil just like beasts of burden (idiom)
10. 白馬
white horse
11. 白馬寺
the Baima or White horse temple in Luoyang, one of the earliest Buddhist temples in China
12. 白馬王子
prince charming/knight in shining armor
13. 白馬雪山
Baimaxue mountains, up to 5430 m., in Dechen or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪慶藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1],...
14. 皇家馬德里
Real Madrid (soccer team)
15. 盲人瞎馬
to rush headlong into disaster (idiom)
1. 石人石馬
stone figures and horses in front of graves (idiom)
2. 祖馬
Zuma (name)/Jacob Zuma (1942-), South African ANC politician, vice-president 1999-2005, president from 2009
3. 神聖羅馬帝國
the Holy Roman empire (history)
4. 福馬林
5. 秣馬厲兵
to be ready for combat (idiom)
6. 稀裡馬虎
careless (idiom)
7. 種馬
stallion/stud horse
8. 穿馬路
to cross (a street)
9. 立馬
at once/immediately/promptly/swiftly
10. 筋頭馬腦
low-grade/second-rate/inferior/trashy (idiom)
11. 策馬
to urge on a horse (with whip or spur)/to ride a horse and urge it on
12. 紅馬甲
lit. red waistcoat/floor trader in stock market/stockbroker
13. 紙人紙馬
paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people or animals
14. 紙馬
paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people or animals
15. 素絲良馬
to treat the virtuous with respect (idiom)
1. 素車白馬
funeral procession (traditional) (idiom)
2. 索馬裡
3. 紮馬剌丁
Jamal al-Din ibn Muhammad al-Najjari (13th century), famous Persian astronomer and scholar who served Kublai Khan 忽必烈 from c. 1260
4. 紮馬魯丁
Jamal al-Din ibn Muhammad al-Najjari (13th century), famous Persian astronomer and scholar who served Kublai Khan 忽必烈 from c. 1260
5. 縱馬挺槍
to urge one's horse forward and hold one's spear ready for action (idiom)
6. 羅馬
Rome, capital of Italy
7. 羅馬公教
the Roman Catholic Church
8. 羅馬化
9. 羅馬字
the Latin alphabet
10. 羅馬字母
Roman letters/Roman alphabet
11. 羅馬尼亞
12. 羅馬帝國
Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
13. 羅馬教廷
the Church (as Royal Court)/the Holy See/the Vatican
14. 羅馬數字
Roman numerals
15. 羅馬書
Epistle of St Paul to the Romans
1. 羅馬法
Roman law
2. 羅馬裡奧
3. 群馬縣
Gumma prefecture in northern Japan
4. 義馬
Yima county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三門峽[San1 men2 xia2], Henan
5. 義馬市
Yima county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三門峽[San1 men2 xia2], Henan
6. 老馬嘶風
old horse sniffs the wind (idiom); fig. aged person with great aspirations
7. 老馬識途
an old horse knows the way (idiom); an experience worker know what to do/an old hand knows the ropes
8. 耿馬傣族佤族自治縣
Gengma Dai and Va autonomous county in Lincang 臨滄|臨滄[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan
9. 耿馬縣
Gengma Dai and Va autonomous county in Lincang 臨滄|臨滄[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan
10. 聖馬利諾
San Marino
11. 聖馬力諾
San Marino
12. 聖馬洛
St Malo, town in Normandy
13. 肥馬輕裘
lit. stout horses and light furs/fig. to live in luxury
14. 脫韁之馬
lit. a horse that has thrown off the reins (idiom); runaway horse/out of control
15. 脫韁落馬
to lose control of the reins and be thrown down from one's horse (idiom)
1. 臨崖勒馬
to practice self-restraint at a crucial moment (idiom)
2. 舒馬赫
3. 良馬
good horse
4. 茶馬互市
old tea-horse market between Tibet, China, Southeast Asia and India, formalized as a state enterprise under the Song dynasty
5. 茶馬古道
old tea-horse road or southern Silk Road, dating back to 6th century, from Tibet and Sichuan through Yunnan and Southeast Asia, reaching to Bhutan, Sikkim,...
6. 草尼馬
grass mud horse; used as a substitute for 肏你媽|肏你媽[cao4 ni3 ma1] to mock or avoid censorship on the Internet
7. 草長馬肥
prosperous and thriving (idiom)
8. 荷馬
9. 莫塔馬灣
Gulf of Martaban, Myanmar (Burma)
10. 萬馬奔騰
to go full-steam ahead (idiom)
11. 萬馬齊喑
thousands of horses, all mute (idiom); no-one dares to speak out/an atmosphere of political oppression
12. 落馬
lit. to fall from a horse/fig. to suffer a setback/to come a cropper
13. 落馬洲
Lok Ma Chau (place in Hong Kong)
14. 蒙哥馬利
15. 薩馬蘭奇
Juan Antonio Samaranch (1920-), Spanish Olympic official, President of International Olympic Committee 1980-2001
1. 蛛絲馬跡
lit. spider's thread and horse track/tiny hints (of a secret)/traces/clue
2. 裘馬輕肥
wealthy/affluent (idiom)
3. 西方馬腦炎病毒
western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus
4. 西格馬
sigma (Greek letter Σσ)
5. 見馬克思
to die/lit. to visit Marx/to pass away
6. 識途老馬
lit. an old horse knows the way home (idiom); fig. in difficulty, trust an experience colleague
7. 費爾馬
Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), French mathematician
8. 費爾馬大定理
Fermat's last theorem
9. 賽馬
horse race/horse racing
10. 賽馬場
race course/race ground/race track
11. 賽馬會
the Jockey Club, Hong Kong philanthropic organization (and former gentleman's club)
12. 賽馬騎師
a racing jockey
13. 走馬
to ride (a horse)/to go on horseback
14. 走馬上任
to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task
15. 走馬到任
to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task
1. 走馬燈
lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern festival 元宵節|元宵節/fig. constant busy circulation of people
2. 走馬牙疳
noma/gangrenous stomatitis (medicine)
3. 走馬看花
lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation/to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information
4. 走馬章臺
to go to the brothel on horseback (idiom); to visit prostitutes
5. 走馬觀花
lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); a fleeting glance in passing/fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation/to make a quick judgment...
6. 走馬赴任
to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task
7. 趲馬向前
to urge on a horse (idiom)
8. 跑馬
horse race
9. 跑馬賣解
to make money by doing tricks with horses (idiom)
10. 跳馬
vaulting horse (gymnastics)
11. 踢馬刺
horse spur
12. 躍馬
to gallop/to spur on a horse/to let one's steed have his head
13. 躍馬飛馳
to leap on a horse and ride swiftly (idiom)
14. 車在馬前
preposterous (idiom)
15. 車殆馬乏
to be worn out from hard travel (idiom)
1. 車水馬龍
endless stream of horse and carriages (idiom)/heavy traffic
2. 車馬
vehicles and horses
3. 車馬殷闐
crowded with carriages and horses (idiom)
4. 車馬盈門
The house is honored with a host of rich and distinguished guests. (idiom)
5. 輕裘肥馬
lit. light furs and stout horses/fig. to live in luxury
6. 輿馬俱備
Carriage and horses are available. (idiom)
7. 迷離馬虎
8. 逢迎拍馬
to be unctuous (idiom)
9. 連人帶馬
including both men and their horses (idiom)
10. 運貨馬車
cargo wagon
11. 過馬路
to cross the street
12. 達馬提亞
Dalmatia (east coast of Adriatic, now mainly in Republic of Croatia)
13. 野馬
wild horse
14. 金戈鐵馬
symbol of war/warfare/weapons (traditional) (idiom)
15. 金馬獎
Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards
1. 開足馬力
to accelerate at full power (idiom); at full speed/fig. to work as hard as possible
2. 阿拉巴馬
Alabama, US state
3. 阿拉巴馬州
Alabama, US state
4. 阿斯頓・馬丁
Aston Martin
5. 阿斯馬拉
Asmara, capital of Eritrea
6. 雄馬
male horse/stallion
7. 露出馬腳
to reveal the cloven foot (idiom); to unmask one's true nature/to give the game away
8. 露馬腳
to reveal the cloven foot (idiom); to unmask one's true nature/to give the game away
9. 青梅竹馬
green plum and bamboo hobby-horse (idiom); a couple who were friends from childhood/childhood sweethearts
10. 青馬大橋
Tsing Ma bridge (to Hong Kong airport)
11. 非牛非馬
neither fish nor fowl (idiom)
12. 非驢非馬
neither fish nor fowl/resembling nothing on earth
13. 鞍馬
pommel horse (gymnastics)
14. 鞍馬勞頓
travel-worn (idiom)
15. 響馬黨羽
those associated with the bandits (idiom)
1. 飛身上馬
to vault into the saddle (idiom)
2. 飛馬來報
to report (posthaste)/to take post to report (idiom)
3. 飛馬座
Pegasus (constellation)
4. 飛鷹走馬
to ride out hawking (idiom); to hunt
5. 香燭紙馬
materials for worshiping/mourning the dead (idiom)
6. 香蠟紙馬
materials for worshiping or mourning the dead (idiom)
7. 香車寶馬
magnificent carriage and precious horses (idiom); rich family with extravagant lifestyle/ostentatious display of luxury
8. 馬丁
Martin (name)
9. 馬丁・路德
Martin Luther (1483-1546), reformation protestant minister
10. 馬三立
Ma Sanli
11. 馬上
at once, right away, immediately/lit. on horseback
12. 馬上比武
tournament (contest in western chivalry)/jousting
13. 馬不停蹄
to go non-stop (idiom)
14. 馬中錫
Ma Zhongxi, Ming writer (1446-1512), author of the fable 中山狼傳 of Mr Dongguo and the ungrateful Wolf
15. 馬仰人翻
thrown into confusion/utterly defeated in battle (idiom)
1. 馬伕
groom/stable lad/horsekeeper/pimp/procurer
2. 馬伯樂
Maspero (name)
3. 馬但
Matthan, son of Eleazar and father of Jakob in Matthew 1.15
4. 馬來
5. 馬來亞
6. 馬來人
Malay person or people
7. 馬來半島
Malayan peninsula (possibly including Indonesia until 1945)
8. 馬來文
Malaysian language
9. 馬來西亞人
Malaysian person or people
10. 馬來西亞
11. 馬來西亞語
Malaysian (language)
12. 馬來語
Malaysian language
13. 馬俊仁
Ma Junren
14. 馬克
Mark (name)
15. 馬克・吐溫
Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens 1835-1910), US writer, novelist and humorist, author of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn...
1. 馬克思
Marx (name)/Groucho Marx (the star of Duck Soup, 1933)/Karl Marx (1818-1883), German socialist philosopher, political activist and founder of Marxism
2. 馬克思・列寧主義
3. 馬克思主義
4. 馬克斯・普朗克
Max Planck (1858-1947), German physicist who first postulated quantization of energy
5. 馬克斯威爾
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)
6. 馬克沁
Sir Hiram Maxim (1840-1916), American British inventor of the Maxim machine gun
7. 馬克沁機槍
Maxim machine gun
8. 馬克筆
marker (loanword)/felt marker
9. 馬克西米連
Maximilian or Maximilien (name)
10. 馬兜鈴科
Aristolochiaceae (birthwort family of flowering plants, including ginger)
11. 馬公
(N) Makung (city in Taiwan)
12. 馬六甲
Malacca or Melaka (town and state in Malaysia), also strait between Malaysia and Sumatra)
13. 馬六甲海峽
the Strait of Malacca or Melaka
14. 馬其頓
15. 馬其頓共和國
Republic of Macedonia (former Yugoslav republic)
1. 馬具
2. 馬刀
a saber/cavalry sword
3. 馬列
Marx and Lenin
4. 馬列主義
5. 馬利亞
Maria (name)/Mary, mother of Jesus Christ
6. 馬利亞納海溝
Mariana Trench (or Marianas Trench)
7. 馬利亞納群島
Mariana Islands in Pacific
8. 馬利基
Maliki or Al-Maliki (name)/Nouri Kamel al-Maliki (c.1950-) Prime Minister Iraq from 2006
9. 馬到成功
instant success/beginner's luck
10. 馬刺
spur (on riding boots)
11. 馬前卒
lackey/errand boy/lit. runner before a carriage
12. 馬力
13. 馬勺
wooden ladle
14. 馬匹
15. 馬南邨
Ma Nancun (1912-1966), pen name of Deng Tuo 鄧拓|鄧拓
1. 馬友友
Yo-Yo Ma (1955-), French-Chinese-American cellist
2. 馬可尼
Marconi, UK electronics company
3. 馬可波羅
Marco Polo (1254-c. 1324), Venetian trader and explorer who traveled the Silk road to China, author of Il Milione (Travels of Marco Polo)
4. 馬可福音
Gospel according to St Mark
5. 馬哈拉施特拉邦
Maharashtra (state in India)
6. 馬哈迪
Mahathir bin Mohamad
7. 馬噶爾尼
Earl George Macartney (1737-1806), leader of British mission to Qing China in 1793/Paul McCartney, former Beatle
8. 馬噶爾尼使團
the Macartney mission to Qing China in 1793
9. 馬塞盧
Maseru, capital of Lesotho
10. 馬大
Martha (biblical name)
11. 馬大哈
a careless person/scatterbrain/frivolous and forgetful
12. 馬天尼
13. 馬太
Matthew (name)
14. 馬太福音
Gospel according to St Matthew
15. 馬失前蹄
lit. the horse loses its front hooves/fig. sudden failure through miscalculation or inattentiveness
1. 馬家軍
the Ma clique of warlords in Gansu and Ningxia during the 1930s and 1940s
2. 馬尼托巴
Manitoba province, Canada
3. 馬尼拉
Manila, capital of Philippines
4. 馬尼拉大學
University of Manila
5. 馬尾
Mawei district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian
6. 馬尾區
Mawei district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian
7. 馬尾松
Masson pine (Pinus massoniana, Chinese red pine, horsetail pine)
8. 馬尾水
Mawei river through Fuzhou city
9. 馬尾水師學堂
Mawei River naval college, alternative name for Fuzhou naval college 福州船政學堂|福州船政學堂, set up in 1866 by the Qing dynasty
10. 馬尾港
Mawei harbor, the harbor of Fuzhou city
11. 馬尾穿豆腐
lit. beancurd strung on horsetail/fig. frail and unreliable/a strategy that is sure to fail
12. 馬尾軍港
Mawei naval base at Fuzhou city (in Qing times)
13. 馬屁
lit. (praising) a horse's fart/flattery/boot-licking
14. 馬屁精
15. 馬山
Mashan county in Nanning 南寧|南寧[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi
1. 馬山縣
Mashan county in Nanning 南寧|南寧[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi
2. 馬年
Year of the Horse (e.g. 2002)
3. 馬庫色
Marcuse (philosopher)
4. 馬廄
5. 馬後炮
lit. firing after the horse; fig. belated action/giving advice in hindsight
6. 馬後砲
lit. firing after the horse; fig. belated action/giving advice in hindsight
7. 馬德拉斯
Madras or Chennai 欽奈|欽奈[Qin1 nai4], capital of Tamil Nadu on East coast of India
8. 馬德拉群島
Madeira/the Madeira islands
9. 馬德望
10. 馬德里
Madrid, capital of Spain
11. 馬恩島
Isle of Man, British Isles/Isle of Mann
12. 馬戛爾尼
Earl George Macartney (1737-1806), leader of British mission to Qing China in 1793/Paul McCartney, former Beatle
13. 馬戛爾尼使團
the Macartney mission to Qing China in 1793
14. 馬戲
15. 馬戲團
1. 馬房
horse stable
2. 馬紮爾
3. 馬紮爾語
Magyar (language)/Hungarian
4. 馬拉
Jean-Paul Marat
5. 馬拉加
Málaga, Spain/Malaga city in Iranian East Azerbaijan
6. 馬拉博
Malabo, capital of Equatorial Guinea
7. 馬拉喀什
Marrakech (city in Morocco)
8. 馬拉松
marathon (race)
9. 馬拉松賽
marathon race
10. 馬拉維
11. 馬拉開波
Maracaibo, Venezuela
12. 馬提尼克
Martinique (French Caribbean island)
13. 馬斯內
Jules Massenet (1842-1912), French composer
14. 馬斯喀特
Muscat, capital of Oman
15. 馬斯特裡赫特
1. 馬普托
Maputo, capital of Mozambique
2. 馬服君
Ma Fujun, famous general of Zhao 趙國|趙國
3. 馬服子
Ma Fuzi (-260 BC), hapless general of Zhao 趙國|趙國, who famously led an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|長平之戰 in 260 BC/also...
4. 馬村
Macun district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan
5. 馬村區
Macun district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan
6. 馬格德堡
Magdeburg (German city)
7. 馬桶
chamber pot/wooden pan used as toilet/toilet bowl
8. 馬桶拔
plunger for unblocking toilet
9. 馬檳榔
10. 馬歇爾
Marshall (name)/George Catlett Marshall (1880-1959), US general in WWII and Secretary of State 1947-1949, author of the postwar Marshall plan for Europe and...
11. 馬步
a particular stance
12. 馬氏珍珠貝
pearl oyster (genus Pinctada)
13. 馬洛
Marlow (name)
14. 馬爾他
15. 馬爾他人
Maltese (person)
1. 馬爾他語
Maltese (language)
2. 馬爾代夫
the Maldives
3. 馬爾克奧雷利
Marcus Aurelius (121-180)
4. 馬爾堡病毒
Marburg virus
5. 馬爾庫斯
Marcus (name)
6. 馬爾康
Barkam town (Tibetan: 'bar khams), capital of Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿壩藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1],...
7. 馬爾康縣
Barkam county (Tibetan: 'bar khams rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿壩藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1],...
8. 馬爾康鎮
Barkam town (Tibetan: 'bar khams), capital of Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿壩藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1],...
9. 馬爾斯
Mars (Roman God of War)
10. 馬爾維納斯群島
Malvinas Islands (also known as Falkland Islands)
11. 馬爾默
Malmo (Malmo city, of Sweden)
12. 馬王堆
Mawangdui in Changsha, Hunan, a recent Han dynasty archaeological site
13. 馬球
14. 馬瑙斯
Manaus (city in Brazil)
15. 馬甲
corset/sockpuppet (Internet slang)/vest (topolect)
1. 馬祖
Matsu Islands off Fujian, administered by Taiwan
2. 馬祖列島
Matsu Islands
3. 馬科
Equidae/horse family
4. 馬糊
5. 馬納馬
Manama, capital of Bahrain
6. 馬紹爾群島
Marshall Islands
7. 馬經
form (horse racing)
8. 馬緻遠
Ma Zhiyuan, Yuan dynasty dramatist in the 雜劇|雜劇 tradition of musical comedy, one of the Four Great Yuan dramatists 元曲四大家
9. 馬群
herd of horses
10. 馬翻人仰
utter defeat (idiom)
11. 馬耳他
12. 馬背
13. 馬自達
Mazda, Japanese car make (derived from name Matsuda 松田)/also known as 萬事得|萬事得
14. 馬良
Ma Liang (Three Kingdoms)
15. 馬英九
Ma Ying-jeou (1950-), Taiwanese Kuomintang politician, Mayor of Taipei from 1998, President of Republic of China from 2008
1. 馬草夼
Macaokuang village in Tengjia township 滕家鎮|滕家鎮, Rongcheng county 榮成|榮成, Weihai 威海, Shandong
2. 馬草夼村
Macaokuang village in Tengjia township 滕家鎮|滕家鎮, Rongcheng county 榮成|榮成, Weihai 威海, Shandong
3. 馬榮
Mayon (volcano in Philippines)
4. 馬薩諸塞
Massachusetts, US state
5. 馬薩諸塞州
Massachusetts, US state
6. 馬蘇德
Massoud (name)/Ahmed Shah Massoud (1953-2001), Tajik Afghan engineer, military man and anti-Taleban leader
7. 馬蘭
(N) Malan (place in Xinjiang)
8. 馬虎
9. 馬蜂
10. 馬術
11. 馬裡
Mali, West Africa
12. 馬裡亞納海溝
Mariana Trench (or Marianas Trench)
13. 馬裡蘭
Maryland, US state
14. 馬裡蘭州
Maryland, US state
15. 馬託格羅索
Mato Grosso, western province of Brazil
1. 馬賽
Marseille, city in south France/Basay, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
2. 馬賽克
3. 馬賽族
Basay, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/Maasai people of Kenya
4. 馬賽曲
La Marseillaise
5. 馬赫
Mach (name)/Ernst Mach (1838-1916), German physicist/Mach (aeronautics), unit of speed based on speed of sound = 1 Mach = 1224 km per hr
6. 馬赫數
Mach number, multiples of speed of sound used as unit in aeronautics, with 1 Mach = 1224 km per hr
7. 馬超
Ma Chao (176-222), general of Shu in Romance of the Three Kingdoms
8. 馬路
9. 馬路口
intersection (of roads)
10. 馬路沿兒
roadside/edge of the road
11. 馬蹄
a horse's hoof/horseshoe/Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis)
12. 馬蹄形
horseshoe shape
13. 馬蹄星雲
Omega or Horseshoe Nebula M17
14. 馬蹄蓮
calla/calla lily
15. 馬蹄蟹
horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus)
1. 馬蹄鐵
2. 馬蹬
3. 馬車
4. 馬連良
Ma Lianliang (1901-1966), Beijing opera star, one of the Four great beards 四大鬚生|四大鬚生
5. 馬達
6. 馬達加斯加
7. 馬邊
Mabian Yizu autonomous county in Sichuan
8. 馬邊彞族自治縣
Mabian Yizu autonomous county in Leshan 樂山|樂山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan
9. 馬邊縣
Mabian Yizu autonomous county in Leshan 樂山|樂山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan
10. 馬裡亞納群島
Mariana islands in Pacific
11. 馬裡奧
Mario (name)
12. 馬鈴薯
13. 馬鈴薯泥
mashed potato
14. 馬鐙
15. 馬關
Maguan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壯族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1],...
1. 馬關條約
Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) that concluded the first Sino-Japanese war
2. 馬關縣
Maguan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壯族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1],...
3. 馬雅
Maya (civilization of central America)
4. 馬鞍山
Ma'anshan prefecture level city in Anhui
5. 馬鞍山市
Ma'anshan prefecture level city in Anhui
6. 馬鞭
7. 馬頭
horse's head/same as 碼頭|碼頭
8. 馬頭星雲
the Horse's Head nebula
9. 馬頭琴
morin khuur
10. 馬馬虎虎
careless/casual/vague/not so bad/so-so/tolerable/fair
11. 馬鮫魚
Japanese Spanish mackerel
12. 馬鹿
red deer/fool; idiot (Japanese 'baka')
13. 馬鹿易形
to distinguish horse and deer easily/to know right from wrong
14. 馬齒已長
to be already old (idiom)
15. 馬齒莧
Portulaca oleracea (common purslane)
1. 馬龍
Malong county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan
2. 馬龍縣
Malong county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan
3. 馴馬
to break in a horse/a trained saddle horse
4. 馴馬人
horse trainer
5. 馴馬場
horse training ground
6. 駐馬店
Zhumadian prefecture level city in Henan
7. 駐馬店地區
(N) Zhumadian (district in Henan)
8. 駐馬店市
Zhumadian prefecture level city in Henan
9. 駑馬戀棧
an incompetent man clings to a good position (idiom)
10. 駕車賽馬
harness-race (idiom)
11. 駙馬
emperor's son-in-law
12. 駟馬高車
vehicles of the rich (idiom)
13. 駱馬
14. 駿馬
15. 騎馬
ride on horseback
1. 騎馬乘轎
to go on horseback or on a sedan-chair (idiom)
2. 騎馬者
horseman/rider/mounted soldier
3. 騾馬大店
carter's inn/CL:家[jia1]
4. 騾馬大車
mule and horse carts
5. 驚馬
startled horse
6. 驛馬
post horse
7. 驢年馬月
impossible date/a time that will never come. (idiom)
8. 驢脣馬觜
lit.camel's lip, horse's mouth (idiom)/fig. to chatter/nonsense/blather
9. 駑馬戀棧
an incompetent man clings to a good position (idiom)
10. 高頭大馬
a tall and big horse/tall and big (of a person) (idiom)
11. 鬥雞走馬
cock-fighting and horse-racing (idiom); to gamble
12. 鮑勃・馬利
Bob Marley (1945-1981), Jamaican Reggae 雷鬼 musician and activist
13. 鮮車怒馬
leading a luxurious life (idiom)
14. 黑馬
dark horse/fig. unexpected winner
15. 龍馬潭區
Longmatan district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|瀘州市[Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Sichuan
1. a black sheep
2. a blessing in disguise
3. a bridle path
4. a bridle trail
5. a dark horse
6. a fault on the right side
7. a gentleman of the pad
8. a knight in shining armor
9. a knight in shining armour
10. a stack of bones
11. abaca
12. acetylpromazine
乙丙; 乙普馬
13. aedile
14. after a fashion
15. 龍馬精神
old but still full of vitality (idiom)
1. 阿拉巴馬州
2. alabaman
3. alabamian
4. albopannin
白綿馬精; 綿馬根莖素
5. Alimasillillm
6. alimemazine
7. alkeran
8. all roads lead to Rome
9. All roads lead to Rome.
10. Allaabama
11. Almalec
1. Almasil
2. almatol
3. also-ran
4. alsoran
5. althiomycin
6. Altmag
7. Alumag
8. Alumagnese
9. alveus
10. amadinone
11. amafolone
12. amagat
13. Amalog
14. Amamee
15. Amazon
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