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生活美語會集 98 句


生活美語會集 98 句

前言;此網頁 有翻譯 聲音不能 啟動 以下 【分類】


1. How do you do? ( 你好嗎? )
2. I've heard a lot about you. ( 我曾聽說過你 )
3. I haven't seen you for ages. ( 好久不見 )
4. See you around. ( 回頭見 )
5. Our paths seem to cross lately, don't they? ( 我們似乎經常在此見面 )
6. Fancy meeting you here! ( 在這裡遇見你可真意外! )
7. Who do you work for? ( 你在哪裡高就? )
8. What do you mean? ( 你是什麼意思? )
9. I beg your pardon? ( 請你再說一次好嗎? )
10. What's your name again, please? ( 請你再說一次你的名字 )
11. Did I make myself clear? ( 你能了解我的說明嗎? )
12. I just can't place him. ( 我想不起來曾在哪兒見過他 )
13. Muggy, isn't it? ( 真悶熱啊! )
14. Thank you for the compliment. ( 謝謝你的讚美 )
15. Please leave me alone. ( 請讓我獨處 )
16. You must be kidding! ( 你一定是在開玩笑! )
17. I agree. ( 我同意! )

18. We'd like to invite you to dinner. ( 我們想請你共進晚餐 )
19. Would you like to go out for dinner with me? ( 可願與我共進晚餐? )
20. I'll buy you lunch. ( 我請你吃午餐! )
21. Let me treat you to dinner. ( 我想請你吃晚餐 )
22. What are your plans for tomorrow? ( 明天有什麼計劃? )
23. What time can I come? ( 我什麼時候可以去? )
24. When can you make it? ( 你何時方便? )
25. May I join you? ( 我可以加入嗎? )
26. I'm afraid I won't be able to come. ( 我恐怕不能去 )
27. Let's make it some other time. ( 我們留待下次吧! )
28. I have a previous engagement. ( 我跟別人有約在先 )
29. Thank you. I'd like to. ( 謝謝,我願意 )

30. Cheers! ( 乾杯! )
31. I hope you'll get well soon. ( 希望你早日康復! )
32. Would you like something to drink? ( 要喝什麼飲料嗎? )
33. Would you like a cup of coffee? ( 要不要喝杯咖啡? )
34. Make yourself at home. ( 請不要拘束 )
35. Would you like to sit down? ( 要不要坐下? )
36. Help yourself, please. ( 請用! )
37. How about one for the road? ( 在回家之前再吃一個好嗎? )
38. May I take your coat? ( 暫寄衣物 )
39. Let me show you around our house. ( 我帶你參觀我家 )
40. Here's a little something for you. ( 小小禮物,不成敬意 )
41. How would you like your coffee? ( 你咖啡想加什麼? )
42. Who is it, please? ( 請問你是哪一位? )
43. I've had enough, thank you. ( 我已經很飽了,謝謝! )
44. With sugar and cream, please. ( 請加糖和牛奶! )
45. I'm coming. ( 我來了! )
46. We'er supposed to take off our shoes here. ( 這裡必須脫鞋子 )
47. Please don't bother. ( 不用麻煩了! )
48. May I use the bathroom? ( 可以借用一下洗手間嗎? )
49. Please pass the salt. ( 請把鹽遞給我。 )
50. Yes, please. ( 我要,謝謝! )
51. If you insist. ( 就照你的意思吧! )

52. That was a wonderful dinner. ( 這真是頓豐盛的晚餐。 )
53. Well, I'm afraid I must go now. ( 我必須告辭了 )
54. I hope you have a nice trip. ( 旅途愉快 )
55. We enjoyed your company. ( 感謝光臨 )
56. Come and see me. ( 有空來玩 )
57. It's on the company. ( 公司付帳 )
58. Let's go Dutch. ( 我們各付各的吧! )
59. I'll come and get you at six. ( 六點去接你 )
60. Let me drive you home. ( 我送你回家! )
61. I had a good time. ( 我很愉快 )
62. Thank you very much for everything. ( 謝謝你的費心 )
63. May I ask a favor of you? ( 我有個請求…… )
64. Certainly. I'd be happy to. ( 當然!我很樂意。 )
65. Here you are. ( 這就是 )

66. Can I come and see you now? ( 現在可以過去看你嗎? )
67. Hello. This is Paul Chen speaking. ( 喂!我是陳保羅 )
68. Speaking. ( 我就是 )
69. Who's calling, please? ( 請問你是哪一位? )
70. Can you hold the line, please? ( 請先別掛斷,稍等一下 )
71. You have the wrong number. ( 你打錯了 )
72. Shall I take a message? ( 要不要留言? )
73. He's not in at the moment. ( 他現在不在! )
74. Let me call you back later. ( 我等一下再回電話給你 )
75. He is on another phone. ( 他正在講電話。 )
76. He's tied up at the moment. ( 他現在抽不出空來。 )
77. I'll have him call you when he gets back. ( 回來我請他回電 )
78. You can reach me at this number. ( 這個電話號碼可找到我 )
79. May I speak to Mr. Huang, please? ( 請接黃先生。 )
80. I called him, but there was no answer. ( 我打了,但沒人接 )
81. I'm returning your call. ( 我現在正回你的電話。 )
82. The line is busy. ( 電話佔線中 )
83. He is not in, I'm afraid. May I ask who's calling? ( 他不在,請問你是哪一位 )
84. Let me transfer your call to him. ( 讓我將電話轉給他 )
85. I'd like to make a long distance call. ( 我想打長途電話 )

86. May I help you? ( 需要幫忙嗎? )
87. Would you like a ride? ( 要不要搭個便車? )
88. Why don't you get under my umbrella? ( 共用這把傘? )
89. I know my way around here. ( 這一帶我很熟! )
90. I'm sorry, but I'm a stranger here. ( 抱歉,附近我不熟 )
91. Luck is coming my way. ( 我正在走運! )
92. It's at the end of this hallway. ( 這是路的盡頭。 )
93. It's across the street from the bank. ( 就在銀行對面 )
94. Take any train on this track. ( 這條車軌的車都可以搭 )
95. This way, please. ( 請往這邊走 )
96. Watch your step, please. ( 請小心走! )
97. May I smoke? ( 我可以抽根煙嗎? )
98. Is there a pay phone near here? ( 附近有沒有公用電話 )

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