adult相關詞 【人物 名詞篇】
adult bookstore
adult business district
adult movie
adult population
adult education
adult ticket
consenting adult
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34 youth 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
Youth Olympic Games
youth club
youth cottage
youth culture
youth hostel
youth hostelling
youth park
youth worker
33 woman 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
woman of the world
woman suffrage
stunt woman
fancy woman
kept woman
new woman
The New Woman must become truly self-sufficient, spiritually, emotionally. 新女性在精神上、情感上都必須真正有自信。
old woman
other woman
scarlet woman
shopaholic woman
career woman
cleaning woman
women's career wear
women's group
women's lib
women's libber
Women's Liberation
women's liberation movement
women's movement
women's refuge
women's room
women's studies
Women's Lib
comfort women
32 visitor 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
visitor center
health visitor
prison visitor
visitors' book
30 stranger 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
make a stranger of
He made a stranger of Tom. 他冷淡地對待湯姆。
make no stranger of
They made no stranger of the new comer. 他們親熱地對待那新來的人。
be a stranger to
He is a stranger to our language. 他對我們的語言一竅不通。
strange particle
strange quark
feel strange
I felt strange this morning. 今天上午我不舒服。
You are quite a stranger.
29 queen 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
queen bee
queen consort
queen it
When her husband became director of his own company, she lost many of her friends because she started to queen it over them. 當她丈夫成為自己公司的總裁時, 她變得妄自尊大, 因而失去了許多朋友。
queen mother
queen regnant
Queen's Bench
Queen's Counsel
Queen's English
Queen's evidence
closet queen
consort queen
drag queen
drama queen
beauty queen
28 princess 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
princess royal
crown princess
27 prince 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
Prince Albert
Prince Charming
prince consort
Prince of Wales
prince regent
crown prince
consort prince
26 person 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
Person of the Year
third person
utility person
first person
in person
He will be present at the meeting in person. 他將親自參加會議。
missing person
second person
displaced person
in the person of
He's now speaking in the person of Daily News. 他現在是在代表《每日新聞》講話。
two-and-a-half meal person
detail-oriented person
no less a person than
He is no less a person than a minister. 他的身分不亞於部長。
on one's person
The old man always has a small radio on his person. 那位老人總是隨身帶著一架小收音機。
about one's person
The old man always has a small radio about his person. 那位老人總是隨身帶著一架小收音機。
business persons
Eminent Persons Group
25 people 的 相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
BMW people
Supreme People's Court
T-shaped people
Intermediate People's Court
people journalism
people mover
people sniffer
yacht people
flower people
jesus people
little people
Peace People
street people
boat people
business people
bag people
the beautiful people
of all people
They chose her of all people. 他們在許多人中恰恰就選中了她。
competition for talented people
24 partner 的相關詞【這是國中基礎單字 可 聞一而知十 觸類旁通】
partner assistance
partner up
silent partner
sleeping partner
sparring partner