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12 06 (主耶穌再來The Second Coming)


中 英 荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert


12 06 (主耶穌再來The Second Coming)




經文: 「我必快來,你要持守你所有的,免得人奪去你的冠冕。」(啟三11


        這是莫勒(George Mueller)先生所作的見證:「一八二九年七月上帝啟示我主耶穌再來的真理。並叫我看見我以前等候全世界的人得救,是一個極大的錯誤;這樣的啟示在我身上所產生的效果乃是:從我靈裡激起了一種憐憫滅亡的罪人和酣睡的世界的心情;於是我就想道:『當主耶穌遲延的時候,我豈不應該替祂喚醒沉睡的人們呢?』」

        完美世界的來臨,或許還要經過許多艱苦的歲月和艱苦的工作,但它的迹象是樂觀的,如果我看見日落時所啓示的天使,展開它勝利的翅翼,或者明天早晨海外傳來消息,耶穌基督又在橄欖山出現,重掌世界統馭權,我決不會不相信。主耶穌再來的預兆,一天一天增多了。沉睡的教會阿,醒來罷!基督徒阿,你有沒有預備戴冠冕、執王權、登王位呢?──泰爾美其(Rev. T. Dewitt Talmage 

The Second Coming


Scripture: "Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown" (Rev. 3:11).


        George Mueller bears this testimony, "When it pleased God in July, 1829, to reveal to my heart the truth of the personal return of the Lord Jesus, and to show me that I had made a great mistake in looking for the conversion of the world, the effect that it produced upon me was this: From my inmost soul I was stirred up to feel compassion for perishing sinners, and for the slumbering world around me lying in the wicked one, and considered, 'Ought I not to do what I can for the Lord Jesus while He tarries, and to rouse a slumbering church?"'


        There may be many hard years of hard work before the consummation, but the signs are to me so encouraging that I would not be unbelieving if I saw the wing of the apocalyptic angel spread for its last triumphal flight in this day's sunset; or if tomorrow morning the ocean cables should thrill us with the news that Christ the Lord had alighted on Mount Olivet or Mount Calvary to proclaim universal dominion. O you dead churches wake up! O Christ, descend! Scarred temple, take the crown! Bruised hand, take the sceptre! Wounded foot, step the throne! Thine is the kingdom. --Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, D. D.


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