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每週生活美語 20 課 目錄


每週生活美語 20 課 目錄 及 文本


Week 01
Good morning, teacher. 老師,早安。
Good afternoon, teacher. 老師,午安。
Good bye, teacher. 老師,再見。
please 請
thank you 謝謝
sorry , excuse me 對不起

Week 02
Come here, please.
Go back, please.
No running.

Week 03
Take out your book.
Raise your hand.
Put your chair back.

Week 04
I'm thirsty.
May I have some water?
Let's take a break.
May I go the the bathroom?

Week 05

Close the curtains.
Open the door.
Close the window.
Nap time.

Week 06
Hand in your homework.
Pass it, please.
Sit well.
Clap your hands.
Be quiet.

Week 07
Line up, please.
Make two lines.
Don't cut in line.

Week 08
Move over.
Move forward.
Move back.

Week 09
Time for assembly.
Whose turn? My turn.
You are right.

Week 10 How's the weather today?
It's Sunny / It's Rainy / It's Cloudy.
晴天 / 雨天 / 陰天。
What time is it?
It's three o'clock.
What day is today?
It's Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
星期一 /星期二 / 星期三 / 星期四 /星期五 / 星期六 / 星期日

Week 11
Please, finish your food.
Don't make a mess.
Don't eat too much.
Are you full?
Yes, I am full.

Week 12
Go upstairs.
Go downstairs.
This way up.
This way down.

Week 13
Pick up the trash.
Throw the trash in the trash can.
Clean it up.

Week 14
Don't be shy.
Don't pick your nose.
Blow your nose.

Week 15
Turn on the light.
Turn off the light.
Go to the stage.

Week 16
Lunch time.
Don't be picky about the food.
Wipe your bowl.
Don't talk with your mouth full.

Week 17
Watch out.
Turn off the tap.
Don't play with the water.

Week 18
Button your shirt.
Tuck in your shirt.

Week 19
Button your shirt.
Tuck in your shirt.

Week 20 Wake up.
Pack up your things.
Take this home.

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