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11 21(交託主Leave It To God)


中 英 荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert


11 21(交託主Leave It To God)




經文: 「當將你的事交託耶和華。」(詩卅七5


        壓迫你的無論是甚麼,你只要把它們完完全全交在父上帝的手裡;這樣,你就不會有甚麼掛慮了。甚麼時候,你預備做一件事,你就先去告訴祂,把重擔加在祂身上;然後你就安安靜靜、快快樂樂、勤勤勉勉地去盡你前面的本分,專心仰賴上帝替你成就。信徒阿,把你一切掛慮,和你自己,捆成一捆,輥到上帝身上去罷!──雷登(R. Leighton


Leave It To God


Scripture: "Roll on Jehovah thy way" (Ps. 37:5, margin).


        Whatever it is that presses thee, go tell the Father; put the whole matter over into His hand, and so shalt thou be freed from that dividing, perplexing care that the world is full of. When thou art either to do or suffer anything, when thou art about any purpose or business, go tell God of it, and acquaint Him with it; yes, burden Him with it, and thou hast done for matter of caring; no more care, but quiet, sweet, diligence in thy duty, and dependence on Him for the carriage of thy matters. Roll thy cares, and thyself with them, as one burden, all on thy God. --R. Leighton


        We shall find it impossible to commit our way unto the Lord, unless it be a way that He approves. It is only by faith that a man can commit his way unto the Lord; if there be the slightest doubt in the heart that "our way" is not a good one, faith will refuse to have anything to do with it. This committing of our way must be a continuous, not a single act. However extraordinary and unexpected may seem to be His guidance, however near the precipice He may take you, you are not to snatch the guiding reins out of His hands. Are we willing to have all our ways submitted to God, for Him to pronounce judgment on them? There is nothing a Christian needs to be more scrutinizing about than about his confirmed habits and views. He is too apt to take for granted the Divine approbation of them. Why are some Christians so anxious, so fearful? Evidently because they have not left their way with the Lord. They took it to Him, but brought it away with them again. --Selected


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