性別:女 年齡: 星座:水瓶座 居住地:美洲
婚姻:已婚 學歷:博士 職業:教育研究
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加入網路城邦:2008/10/18 06:29
最近更新個人資訊:2012/10/23 01:49
創作更新:2012/11/05 01:17
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第七課 Aesop's Fables 伊索寓言
第六課 365 ESL Short Stories
1. New to America2. A Haircut3. The Yardman4. Grab Your Umbrellas5. Shopping for Bargains6. Horses to Ride7. Does Garlic Mean Garlic?8. A Shower Injury9. Pete's Sharp Knife10. Provider Overbills Customer11. A Good Sandwich12. Sara’s Upset Stomach13. Please Marry Me!14. Laundry Day15. A Noisy Neighbor16. The New Realtor17. The Fire Alarm18. Eddie's Short Visit19. Carbon Monoxide20. A Visit to Asia21. School Boys22. The Loose Button23. The Pile of Paper24. Brushing and Flossing25. Raising the Kids26. A Clean Toilet Bowl 27. A Love Letter28. Spock Saves His Dad29. A Bird Attacks30. A Daytime Robbery31. The Motorcycle Rider32. The Breakup33. Famous Model Dies34. Shopping Carts Everywhere35. Four Slit Throats 36. Trick or Treat 37. A Jealous Girlfriend 38. Towns Hit by Snowstorms 39. Another Jealous Girlfriend 40. She Loves Her Son 41. The Doctor’s Exam 42. Hospitals Can Make You Sick43. English Is So Hard 44. Hollywood Stars and Tourists 45. GEICO’s TV Lizard46. Law and Order in LA?47. Destruction of Iraq48. Have You Seen This Man?49. LA Traffic Report50. LA Radio News51. Trash Truck Misses Pick-up52. Her First Driving Accident53. You’re Not a Good Principal54. I’ve Got You Covered55. Paris Goes to Jail in LA56. A Year with No TV57. Let’s Buy Some Paint58. I Need Water for My Clients59. Putting Bunny to Sleep60. Where Is That Darn Battery?61. If You Really Love Me…62. The Wedding Gift (1)63. The Wedding Gift (2)64. Does a Tiger Change Its Stripes?65. No Place Like an Open House66. “We Could Have All Died!”67. It’s the Thought that Counts68. Who Ordered the Scallops?69. You’re Not My Daddy70. Let He Who Is Without Sin…71. Shopping at the 99 Cents Store72. Betting Big in Vegas73. Priced to Sell!74. The Handyman Comes75. A Woman Has Needs76. A Hot Day and a Cool Pool77. Up, Up, and Away78. Man's Best Friend79. Six Feet Under80. An Unhappy Worker81. Why the Sky Is Brown82. It’s a Small World83. Suspicious Shoppers84. Death Is Part of Life85. Tagger Shoots Woman86. Crime on the Rise87. Too Soft on Crime88. Pluto Chases Kid89. In Harm’s Way90. “Semper Buy”91. A Little Respect, Please92. A Dream from Beyond (1)93. A Dream from Beyond (2)94. A Trip to Egypt95. No Doughnuts for Old Folks96. It’s Just Business97. A Walk in the Wild98. Elvis Is Alive and Well99. Bad Weed, Bad Call100. Shark Attack101. Love in the Hospital102. Interstate Bridge Collapses103. Stop Selling Those Bunnies104. Actor Tries to Kill Himself105. US Senator Says He’s not Gay106. E. Coli Is Everywhere107. Influenza108. The Hospital Orderly (1)109. The Hospital Orderly (2)110. Flower Power111. Dog Inherits Millions112. Man Holds Staff Hostage113. Young Boy Defends Sister114. Remember Me?115. The Way to a Man’s Heart…116. Sail Around the World117. New Dog-Barking Law118. Man Flies in Lawn Chair (1)119. Man Flies in Lawn Chair (2)120. Cleaning a Dirty Plate121. Her Driving Lesson122. Hurricane Dean123. Adventurer Disappears124. Nursing Student Disappears125. The Lovely Banana126. Smells like Chicken127. The Wedding (1)128. The Wedding (2)129. The Waiter130. Your Country Thanks You131. D.B. Cooper Lives On (1)132. D.B. Cooper Lives On (2)133. I’m No Alcoholic!134. 48 Homes Burn Down (1)135. 48 Homes Burn Down (2)136. Drought Attacks Georgia137. A Bad MRI Experience138. Body in a Barrel (1)139. Body in a Barrel (2)140. Red Meat, Gray Water141. All Bite, No Bark142. Tiger Kills Two Men (1)143. Tiger Kills Two Men (2)144. Red Flowers Make Her See Red145. The Starbucks Robbery146. The Argument (1)147. The Argument (2) 148. The Toilet Tank (1)149. The Toilet Tank (2)150. Santa Was Molested 151. Fire Kills Two Young Girls152. Police Arrest Fire-Starters153. Get out of "Jail" (1)154. Get out of "Jail" (2)155. New Year Celebrations156. $50K to Waitress (1)157. $50K to Waitress (2)158. Who Needs School?159. Black Friday160. JFK Assassination161. Don’t Top Off the Tanks162. The Clapper163. Tuberculosis Still Kills164. Old Dogs Become Young Again165. Ham and Eggplant166. A Hole in Her Ear (1)167. A Hole in Her Ear (2) 168. The Drugs Keep Coming169. Missing Husband (1)170. Missing Husband (2)171. Don’t Get Mad—Get Even172. The Christmas Gift (1)173. The Christmas Gift (2)174. The Haircut (1)175. The Haircut (2)176. The Robbery at the Mall (1)177. The Robbery at the Mall (2)178. The Driving Lesson (1)179. The Driving Lesson (2)180. The Move to Georgia (1)181. The Move to Georgia (2)182. I’ll Get a Job in a Restaurant183. A Cleaner River (1)
184. A Cleaner River (2)185. The Spitter186. Kill Those Flies (1)187. Kill Those Flies (2)188. The Oil Change (1)189. The Oil Change (2)190. Boy Starts Huge Fire191. Writers Go on Strike192. Please Don’t Hurt Me!193. It’s Just a Little White Lie194. Jury Service in California195. The Rude Golfer (1)196. The Rude Golfer (2)197. Man Invents Toilet for Cars198. Monkeys Cause Man’s Death199. The Light Eater (1)200. The Light Eater (2)201. Sara Went Shopping202. Man Injured at Fast Food Place203. A Life-Saving Cow204. Driver Loses Mabel, Finds Jail 205. Jerry Decided To Buy a Gun206. Freeway Chase207. Better To Be Unlucky208. Food Fight Erupted in Prison209. How His Pig is Doing210. Goats Being Hired211. A Missing Cat212. Book Him213. Water Under the Sink (1)214. Water Under the Sink (2)215. Theft Occurs Everywhere216. Eggs and a Bunny217. Goodbye to Clean Couple218. $100 Deposit219. Books Don’t Grow on Trees220. A Murder-Suicide221. New Store and Its Owners222. Hit-and-Run Charge223. Gasoline Prices Hit Record High224. A Festival of Books225. Crazy Housing Prices226. Happy and Unhappy Renters227. Pulling Out Nine Tons of Trash228. Cloning Pets229. Rentals at the Oceanside230. Trees Are a Threat231. Gets Booked, Writes a Book232. Popular Park Reopens233. Swim Classes Begin Soon234. Not Sitting Around235. Get Millions for Homeless236. Tenants Watch Building Burn237. Bathtub Blues238. Blood Drive at Civic Center239. City Hosts 42nd Art Fair240. City and Crime241. Bank Robbery242. Immigration Goes Online243. Jimmy Fixes His Door244. Needs a New Air-Conditioner245. Man Gets 12 Years for Fraud246. Man Shoots Up Post Office247. Murals Are Over 200 Years Old248. Pier Collapses249. Cameras in Police Cars250. A School Girl Sues Her School251. SUV Driver Sends Officer Flying252. Boy Drowns in Neighbor's Pool253. Woman Dies in House Fire254. Plane Crashes into House255. Fishing for Girls256. Shot Next to Christmas Tree257. Stabbed Outside Nightclub258. Fishing Boat Sinks259. The Mysterious Carport Stain260. Lies About Winning Lottery261. Victory Dance Leads to Death262. Eat Your Vegetables263. Honk if You're in a Hurry264. The Man Who Loved Women265. How to Get out of Jury Duty266. The Way to a Man’s Heart267. Female Seeks Mature Male268. Let’s Go Fishing269. Train Wreck “Frees” Cows270. Valuable Guitar Found271. Stepmother Kills Herself272. Beautiful Teacher Smiles273. Are Criminals Taking Over LA?274. Police Arrest Happy Van Driver275. Say Your Prayers276. The Final Phone Call277. Almost Perfect Children278. There Goes the Neighborhood!279. Let’s Go to Vegas!280. Squirrel Attacks Woman281. To Save His Baby282. English Is Confusing283. Pump Up the Tires284. Don’t Go Swimming285. The Park That Went to the Dogs286. Can You Spare a Carburetor?287. Golf Like a Girl288. Take Me Out to the Ball Game289. Take This Job and Shove It290. Where Did That Book Go?291. When You’ve Got Your Health292. That ‘New Car’ Smell293. Inviting Poor Student to Dinner294. When I'm in the Bathroom295. It Was an Old, Worthless Clock296. Five-Finger Discount on Candy297. Collecting Seashells298. At the Store Entrance299. We Will See the World300. Get Me a Caffe Latte301. The Slow Computer (1)302. The Slow Computer (2)303. The Careful Reader304. Avoid the Flu305. Magician Attracts Women306. US Border Patrol307. Car Shopping in California308. Happy Anniversary309. “Read All about It!”310. A Factory Worker311. Bad Pork312. Don’t Eat the Meat313. Copper Robbers314. Weekly Driving Lessons (1)315. Weekly Driving Lessons (2)316. Laundry Day (1)317. Laundry Day (2)318. The Bargain CD Set (1)319. The Bargain CD Set (2)320. It’s All Over321. The New Clothes (1)322. The New Clothes (2)323. Food as Punishment 324. US Passports Outsourced325. The Demanding Son326. A Practical Joke327. The Dead Pedestrian328. Bad News, Good News329. The Cluster Balloonist330. The Rude Clerk331. The Tax Charge332. The Fire in the Hills (1)333. The Fire in the Hills (2)334. The Vacuum Cleaner Filter (1)335. The Vacuum Cleaner Filter (2)336. The Rental Car (1)337. The Rental Car (2)338. The Marathon Cheater339. Honoring G.W. Bush340. School Bus Crashes 341. The Chipped Teeth342. Don’t Take My Property343. New Law for Taco Trucks344. The Horrible Face (1)345. The Horrible Face (2)346. The Refund (1)347. The Refund (2)348. Shut Your Mouth349. TSA’s New Policy (1)350. TSA’s New Policy (2)351. I’m Pregnant352. Same-Sex Marriage353. Making Peace with Russia354. Impolite to His Brother355. Protecting the Public356. Malibu to License Paparazzi357. The Cyclone in Myanmar358. I’m Moving to NY359. The Heart Attack (1)360. The Heart Attack (2)361. The 2008 Masters362. The Bloody Forehead363. Feds Threaten WWII Vet364. Let’s Speak English365. Bad Dreams
第五課 Learn English Speaking
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Cambridge Advanced Learners' Dictionary Merriam-Webster Online American Heritage and others
For quick reference
To be- all tenses
To have- all tenses
Regular verbs- all tenses
Irregular verbs
A spellingguide
To be"I'm British"
Pronouns"Is she Welsh?"
Possessives"It's her book"
Alphabet[ei], [bi:], [si:]
To be used to"I'm used to it"
To be like"What's it like?"
Questions"Cold, isn't it?"
To have"He has a car"
Articles"a" versus "the"
Possessives"It isn't yours"
There is/are"There's a fly.."
Can (hear) "I can smell it"
-ing/tolike -ing/want to
Questions"don't you?"
Location"beside her"
Quantity"two squared"
Comparing"the best man"
Countables"There's a little"
Degree"How bad is it?"
Too/enough"It's too noisy"
Presents"I don't drink"
Conditional"If I smoked.."
Movement"past the house"
Passive"It's served hot"
Procedure"You fry it"
How long?"It takes.."
Questions"do you?"
Futures"I'll miss you"
Conditional"If I move.."
Modals"It may rain"
Passive"I'll be driven.."
There"There'll be.."
Ask/tell/let"Let her go"
Questions"won't you?"
Pasts+Get"She'd left"
Conditional"If I'd met her"
Modals"It may have.."
Passive"It was boiled"
There"There was a.."
So/Neither"Neither did I"
Questions"No he hasn't"
Who, Whose
Which, Why, When
Requests, Clarification,'If' questions
Voices are of Lydia Kenyon, Maxine Ashton and Tim Bowyer, to whom we extend our grateful thanks
第五課 美国之音英语教学 美语训练班 American English Mosaic 目錄
第五課 VOA Special English Word Book
第四課 Randall的ESL數碼聽力實驗室 - 以英語為第二語言
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英文第三課 兔子動畫